Topic “driver’s cabin. The chassis and the body. “ 

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Topic “driver’s cabin. The chassis and the body. “


1. Vocabulary.

(Запишите и запомните новую лексику)

burn button – кнопка сигнала

throttle lever – рычаг дроссельной заслонки

lighting switch – выключатель освещения

gear shift lever – рычаг перемены скоростей

head brake lever – рукоятка ручного тормоза

to Jet in motion — приводить в движение

drive shaft — карданный вал

accordingto — согласно

capacity (зд.) — величина, емкость, вместимость

steering wheel – руль

steering column – рулевая колонка

chassis — ходовая часть

frame – рама

spring — пружина

gear box – набор шестерён

propeller shaft – вал винта

2. Read and translate the text.

(Прочитайте и переведите текст)


There are many control levers in the driver’s cabin. In front of the driver’s seat there are the steering column and the steering wheel. In the middle of the steering wheel there is the horn button. There is also a lighting switch on the steering wheel. What pedal is this? It is the brake pedal. What pedal is to the left of it? It is the clutch pedal. Where is the accelerator pedal? It is to the right of the brake pedal. What pedal is at the foot of the steering column? It is the starter pedal. There is a gear shift lever to the right of the driver. The hand brake lever is beside it.


We divide the car into two capital parts: the chassis and the body. The chassis is the lower part of the car. It consists of a frame with axles, wheels and springs, and an engine which transmits the motion through, the transmission, to the wheels. The engine consists of a, cylinder block, crankcase, crankshaft and many other parts. The crankshaft sets in motion the flywheel.

Transmission consists of. the clutch the gear box, drive shafts and propeller shafts. The body is the upper part of the car. It is designed according to the capacity of the frame.


3. Answer the questions:

(Ответьте на вопросы)

1. What levers are there in the driver’s cabin?

2. Where is the hand brake lever?

3. Where is the steering wheel?

4. Where is the lighting switch?

5. Where is the gear shift lever?

6. Into what two capital parts we divide the car?

7. What can you say about transmission?


4. Fill in missing words:

(Введите пропущенные слова:)


The                is the lower part of the car.

The engine consists of a,               , crankcase,          and many other parts.

It is designed according to the           of the frame.

It is to the             of the brake pedal.

Transmission         the clutch the gear box, drive shafts and (вал винта).

5. Translate into Russian:

(Переведите на русский язык)

clutch pedal

steering column

brake pedal

control levers

driver’s cabin

chassis and the body

wheels and springs


in motion the flywheel.


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