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класс. Контрольный тест на Present Perfect or Past Simple. 1. Используйте в предложениях  Present Perfect.

6 класс. Контрольный тест на Present Perfect or Past Simple. 1. Используйте в предложениях  Present Perfect.

1) Anna __________________________________ his tea. (already, drink)

2) This is a film I ___________________________________. (never, see)

3) She _______________________________ the dishes. (already, wash)

4) You ________________________ the book by S.King. ( already, read)

5)  They _________________________________their shoes. (just, clean)

6) My friend_____________________ a letter to my friend. (already, write)

7) Our school ____________________________ the Kremlin. (lately, visit)

8) I can’t find cookies! Who ____________________all the cookies? (eat)

9) We __________________________ 3 lessons of Russian! ( just, have)

10) My sister ____________________________ his book. (not find).

11) Lucy _________________ a tasty cake for her birthday. (make)

12) Richard ___________________________ his homework and now is playing in the yard. (already, do)

13) We _______________________ a lot of English words. (already, learn)

14) The children _____________ that computer game. (already, play)

15) My brother _________________________ to London. (never, be)
2. Расставь слова в предложении в правильном порядке.

1) Has, cooked, a very tasty dinner, his mother, just.
2) Just, has, she, her, done, homework.
3) Never, an elephant, my little brother, seen, has.

4) Never, I, have, books, about, read, Alice.
5) You, to Madrid, have, been, ever?
6) Its, just, the dog, has, eaten, food.
7) Had, have, breakfast, we, already.
8) Has, a lot, recently, Kate, travelled.

 9) Have, a hamster, we, lately, bought.
10) We, have, this, seen, film, already.

3. Задай вопросы к предложению.

1) The little girls have already seen three tigers in the Zoo.
- Who……………………………………………………………………….?
- What ……………………………………………………………………..?
- When……………………………………………………………………..?
- Where…………………………………………………………………….?
- How many………………………………………………………………..?

2) My mother has already written a letter.
- Who……………………………………………………………………….?
- What ………………………………………………………………………?
- When………………………………………………………………………?
3) They have already been to New York.
- Who………………………………………………………………………..?
- Where ……………………………………………………………………..?
- When………………………………………………………………………?

4. Выбери правильную форму глагола: Past Simple или Present Perfect.

1) Julia and Mett _______________________ a nice dog recently. (buy)

2) We ___________________________________ to Sochi yet.(not be)
3) My class ________________________ to the cinema yesterday. (go)
4) Last month we ______________________________ a report. (write)

5) She just _______________________________ from Poland. (return)

6) He ____________________________________ there last year. (go)
7) Last year my friend _____________________ to the Black Sea. (go)
8) We already _______________________ the Tower of London. (visit)

9) Yesterday they ______________________________ a party. (have)



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