Содержание книги

  1. Выполненные задания отправить в течение недели.
  2. film, musical, boring, actor, prefer, horror films, fantastic.

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film, musical, boring, actor, prefer, horror films, fantastic.

Task 3

1) Answer the questions:


1. What does the word television mean?
2. What kind of stations are there in the US?
3. Why do commercial stations broadcast mostly entertainment programs?
4. What programs are broadcasted on commercial TV?
5. What programs does public TV broadcast?
6. Which kind of TV — commercial or public — attracts more viewers?

7. What can you say about television in Russian?


2) Guess and name the type of a program:

weather forecast




advertisement (advert)


sports news


music program





1. A short informative film describing and praising some product. _____

2. A TV programme where people discuss a problem. _____

3. New information about sports presented in a short TV programme. ______

4. A programme about weather (a weather forecast)

5. An intellectual programme with a lot of questions on different topics. ______

3) Here are the programs of Channel BBC1. There are only names of the programs. What kind of programme is it? Use the table.

7.00 – The Police News. _____

8.30 – Only you. _____

9.45 - The weakest link. _____

10.25 - “Tom & Jerry”. _____

11. 45 – New wave. _____

12.00 – News stories. _____

12.35 – Wildlife of Australia. _____

4) Use the right words:


  1. What___is on at “Cinema-park”?
  1. Who’s your favourite___?- Jonny Depp. His acting is____.
  1. Did you like the TV programme yesterday? – No, it was very___.
  1. “My Fair lady” is a famous___.
  1. What kind of films do you___?- I like___ ____________

5) Test: «On TV» Choose the correct answer :

  1. How often do you watch TV?

a. For two hours.

    1. Almost every day.
    2. With Helen.
  1. Where do you usually watch films?

a. At 12:00.

    1. At the cinema.
    2. Without parents
  1. What kind of films do you like?

a. Yes, I do.

    1. I like science-fiction.
    2. No, I don’t like they.
  1. How many hours a day do you watch TV?

a. In my living-room.

    1. About two hours.
    2. I watch the news.
    3. On Tuesday.
  1. Will you go to the cinema next week?

a. Yes, I’ ll.

    1. I prefer dramas.
    2. For an hour.
  1. What are you doing ?

a. I have watched TV.

    1. I will watch TV.
    2. c. I’m watching TV now.



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