Выполненное задание выслать в течение недели. 

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Выполненное задание выслать в течение недели.



Задание по английскому языку на 22.04. и 23.04.2020

1.  Прочитать текст.

2. Выписать и выучить новые слова.

3. Выполнить задание к тексту.

4. Выполненное задание выслать в течение недели.

Exercise 1,2

Syktyvkar overview

Syktyvkar is a city in Russia, the capital and the largest city of Komi Republic, standing on the left bank of the Sysola River, 1,302 km north-east of Moscow. The population of Syktyvkar is about 244 797 чел. (2019 г.), the area - 152 sq. km.

Syktyvkar history

Syktyvkar history began in the 16th century, when this area was settled by Komi. In 1780, by decree of Catherine II, Vologda viceroyalty consisting of nineteen counties was formed, among which was Ust-Sysolskiy county; thereby the village of Ust-Sysola was transformed into a county town of Ust-Sysolsk.

In the 19th century, Ust-Sysolsk turned into a large trade center in the North. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was a small provincial town with a population of about 6.5 thousand people, 95% of them were Komi.

In 1921, Ust-Sysolsk became the administrative center of the newly formed Komi Autonomous Region. In 1930, in honor of the 150th anniversary of Ust-Sysolsky, the city was given the name in the language of the Komi - Syktyvkar. In 1936, it became the capital of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

In 1959, about 64,000 people lived in Syktyvkar. In 1974, the first in the republic widescreen movie theater with 800 seats was opened in the city. In 1989, the population was 242 thousand people. In 1992, Syktyvkar became the capital of Komi Republic.

Syktyvkar features

Syktyvkar means “the town on the Sysola River” in the Komi language.

The climate is temperate continental, with short, but quite warm summers and pretty cold long winters. The average temperature in January is minus 14.2 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 17.5 degrees Celsius.

Syktyvkar is an industrial center of the region. There are about 40 large plants in the city, one third of them are of national importance. Woodworking, pulp and paper industries are the leading industries of the local economy. Also it is one of the largest research centers of the European North of Russia. There are about 30 research institutions in the city.

Buses and taxis are the main types of urban transport. Syktyvkar is the final destination of the highway R176 “Vyatka”. Syktyvkar airport offers flights to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Samara, Naryan-Mar.


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