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  1. Группа 1прпи-18. Дата: 19. 10. 2021г. Тема: тематический опрос по теме «угольная промышленность в России». Срок выполнения работы: 24. 10. 2021г. Работу выполняем
  2. Translate the word combinations into Russian (Напишите данные слова и через тире их перевод)

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Группа 1прпи-18. Дата: 19. 10. 2021г. Тема: тематический опрос по теме «угольная промышленность в России». Срок выполнения работы: 24. 10. 2021г. Работу выполняем

Группа 1ПРПИ-18. Дата: 19.10.2021г. Тема: Тематический опрос по теме «Угольная промышленность в России». Срок выполнения работы: 24.10.2021г. Работу выполняем

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Lesson 8


1. Translate the text into Russian in written. (Письменно переведите текст)

Among the key sectors of the national economy special attention is paid to fuel and energy resources. Russia is rich in large and often unique deposits of mineral resources such as coal, oil, gas, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. In fact, the country depends on its own fuel and energy resources to develop its national economy.

The objective of new economic development plans is to ensure the growth of the country's energy potential mainly on the basis of nuclear power and coal. Coal continues to play an important part in supplying the country with fuel and electric power, especially in the eastern areas where there are large fuel and energy complexes.

New economic development plans provide for the extensive development of the extractive industries in the eastern regions of the country. Large mining enterprises are constructed in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. At the same time the retooling and modernization of the collieries in the old coal-mining areas and firstly in Kuznetsk basins continue.

2. Answer the questions (Ответьте на вопросы письменно)

1. What are the key sectors of the national economy?

2. What is Russia rich in?

3. Does the country develop old coal mining areas?

4. What plays an important part in supplying the country with fuel and electric power?

5. What do new economic development plans provide?


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