The Quiz “ How Green Are You?” 5 min 

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The Quiz “ How Green Are You?” 5 min



Тема: Ecology. Developing awareness of environmental issues

Цель: Развитие лексических навыков и устной речи



1) активизировать употребление в речи ранее изученных лексических единиц по теме экология

2) совершенствовать навыки аудирования с пониманием содержания прослушанного, поиском заданной информации;

3) развивать умения монологической речи за счет расширения лексических средств речевого взаимодействия;


1) развивать речевую и коммуникативную компетенцию;


1) воспитывать культуру поведения и бережное отношение к природе;

2) формировать способность к общению на иностранном языке на межкультурном уровне.


1.Организационный момент:

    Good morning, students! How are you?


2.Основная часть:


Let s start our lesson!

Откройте учебник Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В., Оби Б., Эванс В. Английский язык 10 класс: Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. 10 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017.

1. Erupting volcano has discharged massive quantities of dust, steam and gases into the atmosphere.

2. The ozone ____________ prevents harmful ultraviolet light from the sun from reaching the Earth.

3. If you wear a fur coat in public you risk coming under attack from ___________ right activists.

4. Rain which contains large amounts of harmful chemicals as a result of burning substances such as coal and oil is known as ___________ rain.

5. A long period when there is little or no rain is called ___________.

6. ___________ is a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry.

7. An increase in the amount of waste gases in the atmosphere which is believed to be the cause of a gradual warming of the surface of the Earth is called the _____________ effect.

8. The general weather conditions usually found in a particular place is called ___________.

9. The scientific study of the relationships between the air, land, water, animals and plants is known as ___________.

10. If you don’t do more to protect pandas or any other endangered species they’ll soon be ____________.

11. Damage caused to water, air, soil and biosphere by harmful substances or waste is called ___________.


















































































































































The solutions

We should:

- remove the harmful industrial enterprises over the city limits;

- fight all kinds of pollution;

- introduce and install pollution control systems;

- use public transport and bicycles instead of cars.

We can:

· open more national parks nature reserves

· build fewer new roads;

· encourage industries to use cleaner methods of production;

· ban the freight traffic in the historical centre of the city.

We must:

- treat environmental protection as a matter of vital importance;

- expand and create green zones;

- plant more new forests;

- protect animals in danger by law;

- control the use of pesticides and fertilizers.

We must not:

- release oil into the sea;

- drop litter in public places;

- kill the animals and birds;

We needn’t:

- throw rubbish in the streets;

- use aerosol sprays;

The Quiz “ How Green Are You?” 5 min

Unless you’ve been living in a cave – or on the dark side of the Moon – for the last few years, you know what you ought to be doing when it comes to saving energy, helping wildlife and supporting ethical projects. So, do you do all you can, all the time, or is being eco-friendly just a part of your life – but not the be-all and end-all of it?

Have you ever wondered if you’re really as green as you think you are? If so, then here’s just the quiz for you. It’s only a bit of fun, of course, but it should help you start thinking about how much you do already – and whether you’re happy with that, or if you feel there’s anything more that you ought to be doing.

Work your way through these quick 12 questions and see just how green you really are. The answers are at the bottom – so enjoy finding out!

Do you switch off your TV/computer/sound system when you don’t use them?

    • a) Always.
    • b) Mostly.
    • c) Sometimes.

When you clean your teeth, do you let the water run?

    • a) Yes.
    • b) No!
    • c) Sometimes.

How do you get to school?

    • a) Walk or cycle.
    • b) School bus.
    • c) Car.

Shower or bath?

    • a) Bath.
    • b) Shower.
    • c) Don’t care.

How do you think of wasps?

    • a) If they avoid me, I’ll avoid them.
    • b) A nuisance.
    • c) An important part of the natural world.

Counting results.

How Did You Do?

    • 29 to 36 – Deep Green!
    • 19 to 28 – Emerald Green!
    • 12 to 18 – Light Green!

Whatever shade of green you are, have fun being eco-friendly!


Lesson is over! Good bye! Thank you!


Домашнее задание:

1) Написать эссе на тему «Как мы можем защитить природу»

2) Просмотреть презентацию

3) Фото проделанной работы прислать на электронную почту до 25.11.2021



Обратная связь:





Тема: Ecology. Developing awareness of environmental issues

Цель: Развитие лексических навыков и устной речи



1) активизировать употребление в речи ранее изученных лексических единиц по теме экология

2) совершенствовать навыки аудирования с пониманием содержания прослушанного, поиском заданной информации;

3) развивать умения монологической речи за счет расширения лексических средств речевого взаимодействия;


1) развивать речевую и коммуникативную компетенцию;


1) воспитывать культуру поведения и бережное отношение к природе;

2) формировать способность к общению на иностранном языке на межкультурном уровне.


1.Организационный момент:

    Good morning, students! How are you?


2.Основная часть:


Let s start our lesson!

Откройте учебник Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В., Оби Б., Эванс В. Английский язык 10 класс: Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. 10 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017.

1. Erupting volcano has discharged massive quantities of dust, steam and gases into the atmosphere.

2. The ozone ____________ prevents harmful ultraviolet light from the sun from reaching the Earth.

3. If you wear a fur coat in public you risk coming under attack from ___________ right activists.

4. Rain which contains large amounts of harmful chemicals as a result of burning substances such as coal and oil is known as ___________ rain.

5. A long period when there is little or no rain is called ___________.

6. ___________ is a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry.

7. An increase in the amount of waste gases in the atmosphere which is believed to be the cause of a gradual warming of the surface of the Earth is called the _____________ effect.

8. The general weather conditions usually found in a particular place is called ___________.

9. The scientific study of the relationships between the air, land, water, animals and plants is known as ___________.

10. If you don’t do more to protect pandas or any other endangered species they’ll soon be ____________.

11. Damage caused to water, air, soil and biosphere by harmful substances or waste is called ___________.


















































































































































The solutions

We should:

- remove the harmful industrial enterprises over the city limits;

- fight all kinds of pollution;

- introduce and install pollution control systems;

- use public transport and bicycles instead of cars.

We can:

· open more national parks nature reserves

· build fewer new roads;

· encourage industries to use cleaner methods of production;

· ban the freight traffic in the historical centre of the city.

We must:

- treat environmental protection as a matter of vital importance;

- expand and create green zones;

- plant more new forests;

- protect animals in danger by law;

- control the use of pesticides and fertilizers.

We must not:

- release oil into the sea;

- drop litter in public places;

- kill the animals and birds;

We needn’t:

- throw rubbish in the streets;

- use aerosol sprays;

The Quiz “ How Green Are You?” 5 min

Unless you’ve been living in a cave – or on the dark side of the Moon – for the last few years, you know what you ought to be doing when it comes to saving energy, helping wildlife and supporting ethical projects. So, do you do all you can, all the time, or is being eco-friendly just a part of your life – but not the be-all and end-all of it?

Have you ever wondered if you’re really as green as you think you are? If so, then here’s just the quiz for you. It’s only a bit of fun, of course, but it should help you start thinking about how much you do already – and whether you’re happy with that, or if you feel there’s anything more that you ought to be doing.

Work your way through these quick 12 questions and see just how green you really are. The answers are at the bottom – so enjoy finding out!


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