E) Hip rotation flow ( VIDEO ) 

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E) Hip rotation flow ( VIDEO )

F) Parasympathetic Breath Work
1-0-2-0 ratio for 5-minutes

Notes (F). During this work, we emphasise the out breath, and/or the breath hold to more effectively upregulate our parasympathetic (recovery) state. For this drill, you breathe out for twice as long as you breathe in, with no holds (1-0-2-0). Eg. 2-seconds in, 4-seconds out. If that feels comfortable, try 3-0-6-0. But this should not be difficult for you. The aim is to calm you, and bring your heart rate down. Sit in a comfortable position or lie down as preferred.


A. Squat Flow (5-minute VIDEO)
B. Hip – Extension (VIDEO)
C. Ankle – Wall (VIDEO)



A) Use 5-time CF Games athlete Frederik Aegidius’ warm-up for weightlifting sessions (BARBELL WARM-UP VIDEO) or do our classic snatch warm-up (VIDEO):
A1. 3 Romanian deadlifts
A2. 3 snatch high pulls
A3. 3 muscle snatches
A4. 3 tempo overhead squats (OHS), tempo 23X1
A5. 3 snatch balances
A6. 3 power snatches to OHS (receive each rep a little deeper, pause 2 seconds in receiving position)
A7. 3 snatch pull unders
A8. 3 hang (squat) snatches

– You can break it into sets as needed. Complete the whole thing 1 to 3 times, starting with an empty barbell and adding load on each round if moving well
– Tempo 23X1 = 2 seconds down, 3 second hold at bottom, explode up, 1 second hold at top

Main set

A) Snatch – Build to a 1RM for the day

B) Clean and jerk – Build to a 1RM for the day

Note. Film all of your heavier attempts for your own analysis and problem-solving.

Rest as much as needed between lifts and movements

Cool Down

A) Elbow/Shoulder flow (2-minute VIDEO)


Snatch / Clean and jerk 1RM
Today brings you an opportunity to test your 1RM Snatch + Clean and jerk. As we haven’t done specific peaking for this test and just finished the Open/Quarterfinals recently, it is useful to think about it as testing for your “training max” or a number you can hit outside of competitions.

Use your warm-up wisely to build up the best possible mechanics for your heavier lifts. Take your time with the warm-up drills (focus on polishing any specific technical issues before you build up the load).

The best way to prepare for the heavier lifts depends on how you are as an athlete. Some will benefit from more warm-up sets (lighter athletes in general) and some will burn out before the heavy lifts if doing too much volume (heavier athletes in general). Find the best way for yourself to prepare for your lifts and take note of it for future use.

If you’re unsure about how to build the weights up on either movement, start simply by doing an EMOM and building weight like you would in training. Increase the rest periods as you start to get closer to 85-90%1RM.


A. Lunge Flow (2-minute VIDEO)
B. Thoracic Flow (4-minute VIDEO)
C. Hip – Capsule (VIDEO)


Jog – 5 to 10-minute @ easy pace
Lunge Flow (VIDEO)
Work through the sequence for 5-minutes
3 rounds of (VIDEO)
10m A-march + jog back
10m B-march + jog back
Run – 3-minutes @ easy pace
Run – 2 x 200m @ increasing speed (up to the pace you think you can hold for the 3k)

Recover for 1-minute between the 200-meter repeats

Main set

A) 3km Run TT (Time Trial)

– 3000m is 7.5 rounds around a normal 400m track
– If you don’t have the opportunity to run on a track you can also do this on a treadmill, air runner (note that this is harder) or just outside. If you decide to test outside you should find a set starting point and an endpoint that is close to 3000m, and as flat as possible.

DATA (Collect this).
Total time.
For the 3000m
400m laps/splits (1 round). If you have someone to help you write it down (if running on a track), or you can use a lap function on your watch if you have one (especially useful if not running on a track).

HR data (optional – if you have a heart rate (HR) monitor).
1) Average HR
2) Max HR
3) HR at the end of the test
4) HR @ 1-minute after the end of the test (HRR – Heart Rate Recovery)
5) HRRD (Heart Rate Recovery Differential), calculated as “your end HR – HRR @ 1-minutes”

Cool Down

A) Jog @ easy pace for 5-minutes

B) Lunge Flow (2-minute VIDEO)


Intent. Test your current aerobic capacity for running

Goal. Get a starting point for the next period of training. Get an idea of your current level to better estimate paces in the next training period.

Focus. 1. Have a goal pace in mind but be ready to adjust as you go. 2. This is also a great mental test, and will challenge you and your ability to tolerate discomfort.

Strategy/pacing. Start @ a pace you think you might be able to keep for the whole 3k. Remember that we are looking for consistent effort, too hard and you’ll die out, too easy and you are not testing your actual limits. You can pace your effort by looking at your 400m-times. If you have a specific goal in mind you should calculate what your average 400m times should be to reach that goal.

Example: Your goal is 15-minutes.
15-minutes is 900 seconds (15×60)
That means you have 120 seconds per 400m round (900 seconds / 7.5 rounds)
Running 2:00 rounds will make you reach your goal.

If you have someone to help you, write down your goal split times for every 400m and have the person tell you each round if you are on pace, in front or behind for your target time. For example: If you pass the 1200m mark at 5:55 you will be 5-seconds in front of your 15-minute goal.

@ 0 – 800m
– Avoid the temptation to go too hard to start, your 1st lap is likely faster than others but don’t deviate too much from your target.
@ 800m – Focus on running as relaxed as possible while still holding a good pace to hit your target lap times
@ 1600m – You should feel like you might just be able to keep the pace until the end but it’s going to suck. If it’s feeling a bit easy, pick up your pace.
@ 2000m – You should be digging deep to maintain, if you can pick up the pace at this point, you started too slow, time to make up for it.
@ 2400m – You should be barely holding on to your pace, time to FIGHT for it
@ 2600m – Only 400m left. Increase your cadence and give it all you got. HOLD ON!


A. Lunge Flow (2-minute VIDEO)
B. Thoracic Flow (4-minute VIDEO)
C. Hip – Capsule (VIDEO)

This is an easy session of continuous work. The goal is to have your heart working and blood flowing to prepare you for the rest of the day and tomorrow.


This is a lower-intensity session where you start directly with the main set.

Main set

A) For 30-minutes @ easy pace
Bike outside, Bike-erg, Assault bike or Jog
* Keep a conversational pace


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