Трансформируйте следующие предложения, используя The C omplex Object . 

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Трансформируйте следующие предложения, используя The C omplex Object .

Например: Не believes   that they are experts in the field.

                 Не believes   them to be experts in the field.

                 I think that she studies English.

                 I think her to study English.

                 We know that Dr Hill worked in this hospital last year.

                 We know Dr Hill to have worked in this hospital last year.


1. The therapeutist did not think that chills would recur after this course treatment.

2. At the follow-up examination the surgeon noticed that the patient had become better nourished.

3. Everybody believed that the initial diagnosis would be confirmed by X-ray and laboratory examinations.

4. The X-ray examination confirmed that the patient had organic change in the mitral, aortic and tricuspid valves.

5. The physician determined that the primary focus of infection had been eliminated due to antibiotic therapy.

6. Physicians consider that the loss of weight is one of the typical signs of pulmonary tuberculosis.

7. At the Institute of Cardiology in Moscow the researchers have found that mental overstrain is the factor causing the infarction in 35% of patients.

8. They have observed that the direct association between infarctions and the nerves occurs only in the age-group of patients over 40.

9. At the Institute of Experimental Medicine in St. Petersburg the scientists have found that cholesterol is produced in the body itself in the amounts sufficient to cause atherosclerosis.

10. Cardiologists have observed that children with congenital heart defects have no clinical manifestations of the disease until years after birth, when it may be too late to operate.

109. *Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните сложное дополнение.

1. I have not seen surgeons close wounds in layers.

2. The doctors didn't expect the patient to recover his consciousness so soon.

3. We know this surgeon to treat perforated ulcers skillfully.

4. They did not notice me entering the scrub-up room.

5. The surgeons expect the patient to get ready for the operation in time.

6. The doctor considers my eyesight to be good.

7. The professor thinks the post-operative course of this pa­tient to be uneventful.

8. Everybody knows rupture of the spleen to be dangerous to life.

9. The surgeon believes the patient to survive the operation well.

10.We did not expect the patient to become alert so soon.

11.The doctor wanted the nurse to give injections immediately.

12.We expected the patient to be discharged from the hospital in a week.

13.The doctor heard this patient coughing badly at night.

14.We watched typical signs of intoxication appearing gradually.

15.The X-ray examination confirmed the patient to have organic changes in the mitral valve.

16.Physicians consider loss of weight to be one of the typical signs of pulmonary tuberculosis.



Ге­рундий занимает промежуточное место между существи­тельным и инфинитивом глагола и показывает опредмеченное действие, например: хождение, чте­ние и т. д. На русский язык герундий переводится существи­тельным или инфинитивом (иногда деепричастием).   Reading is useful.         Чтение (читать) полезно.     Примечание: Перед герундием, в отличие от причастия, может стоять предлог: in r eading при чтении; on (upon) r eading после чтения; by r eading путем, при помощи чтения; through r eading   благодаря чтению; without r eading    не читая Синтаксические функции герундия: а) п о д л е ж а щ е е: Reading is useful.                                    Чтение полезно. (Читать полезно.) б) дополнение: I like reading.                                 Я люблю читать (чтение). в) именная часть  сказуемого: His favourite occupation is reading.  Его любимое занятие — чтение.                                 г) определение (несогласованное): I like your idea of reading             Мне нравится ваше намерение this book.                                        прочесть эту книгу.                                         д) обстоятельство времени: After reading I began to                 После чтения я начал писать write a letter.                                   письмо. е) обстоятельство образа действия: We cannot live without read ing.        Мы не можем жить без чте ния (не                                                       читая). Формы герундия
Gerund Indefinite Perfect
Active writing having written
Passive being written having been written


NB! Сложные формы герундия Indefinite Passive, Per­fect Active и Perfect Passive переводятся на русский язык личной формой глагола придаточного предложения с сою­зом что (чтобы); то, что; о том, что; в том, что; после того, как и т. д.


On having examined the patient the doctor made the diagnosis оf bronchitis.


После того, как врач обследовал больного, он поставил диагноз – бронхит.


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