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Normalisation of the English LanguageСодержание книги
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Normalisation is the fixing of the norms and standards of a language to protect it from corruption and change.
The normalisation of the English language started in the 17th – 18th c. In 1710 Jonathan Swift published in his journal “The Tatler” an article titled “A Proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue”. J. Swift was a purist (struggled for the purity of the language) and suggested that a body of scholars should gather to fix the rules of the language usage. The Normalisation of the English language consisted in publishing: 1. Grammar’s of English: · John Wallis, “Grammatica Lingæ Anglicanæ” (prescriptive/normative grammar); · Robert Lowth, “A Short Introduction to English Grammar” (Lowth distinguished 9 parts of speech; made consistent description of letters, syllables, words and sentences; rules of no-double negation (I don’t want no dinner – incorrect!) and no-double comparison (more better – incorrect!) appeared, etc.). 2. Dictionaries (18th c.): · E. Coles, “Dictionary of Hard Words” (gave explanations of hard words and phrases); · Samuel Johnson – one of the best-known English lexicographers. As well as J. Swift, he was a purist and believed that the English language should be purified and corrected. He was the first to compile a dictionary that resembles the present-day dictionaries. His “Dictionary of the English Language” is the finest example of his hard and productive work. The dictionary is organised as follows: - entry; - pronunciation; - definition; - illustrations (not self-invented examples but quotations from recognised authors that contain the word in question); - notes on usage of the word; - etymology of the word; - stylistic comments. The dictionary also contained a grammatical section describing the grammatical structure of the language. First Consonant Shift (Grimm’s Law) – in the 19th Jacob Grimm, a German scholar, discovered the existence of regular correspondence between Indo-European (IE) and German consonants and subdivided them into 3 groups:
Verner’s Law – Carl Verner, a Danish scholar (19th c.), explained the consonant correspondences as a gradual historical process (a change takes place in the course of time):
P.S.: these processes usually happened on condition that the consonants were situated between vowels and if preceded by an unstressed vowel. Modern Examples: see th e – so dd en, dea th – dea d, wa s – we r e. Second Consonant Shift – happened in the 9th c. in Old High German and today we can observe it comparing English and German:
Old English phonology.Morphology and Syntax. Phonetic Features of Old English OE sound system developed from PG sound system. OE Word Stress/Accent: 1. fixed (can’t move either in form- or word-building and is usually placed on root or prefix); 2. dynamic (force, breath stress); 3. in Noun and Adjective stress was mainly on the prefix if there was one: E.g. ‘misdæd (misdeed), ‘uðζenζ (escape), ‘oreald (very old) in Verb stress was mainly on the root even if there was a prefix: E.g. a’risan (arise), mis’faran (go astray) 4. stress served to distinguish Noun from Verb (and still does): E.g. ‘andswaru (N answer) – and’swarian (V answer) ‘ onζin (N beginning) – on’ζinnan (V begin) E.g. (modern English) – ‘present – pre’sent; ‘ally – al’ly. OE Vowels Unstressed vowels were weakened and dropped. Stressed vowels underwent some changes: o splitting – 1 phoneme split into several allophones which later become separate phonemes · e.g. à a · a à ã · æ o merging – separate phonemes become allophones of one phoneme and then disappear and are not distinguished any more as separate phonemes e.g. a à ã à a æ à Rise of Diphthongs In PG there were no diphthongs. There was just a sequence of two separate vowels. Diphthongs appeared in OE: some (usually long diphthongs) – as a result of merging of two vowels:
others (usually short diphthongs) – as a result of the influence of the succeeding and preceding consonants (breaking of [æ, e]):
Palatal Mutation/i-Umlaut Mutation – a change of one vowel to another one under the influence of a vowel in the following syllable. Palatal mutation(or i-Umlaut) happened in the 6th -7th c. and was shared by all Old Germanic Languages, except Gothic (that’s why later it will be used for comparison). Palatal mutation – fronting and raising of vowels under the influence of [i] and [j] in the following syllable (to approach the articulation of these two sounds). As a result of palatal mutation: · [i] and [j] disappeared in the following syllable sometimes leading to the doubling of a consonant in this syllable;
· new vowels appeared in OE ([ie, y]) as a result of merging and splitting:
Traces of i-Umlaut in Modern English: 1. irregular Plural of nouns (man – men; tooth – teeth); 2. irregular verbs and adjectives (told ←tell; sold ←sell; old – elder); 3. word-formation with sound interchange (long – length; blood – bleed). OE Vowel System (symmetrical, i.e each short vowel had its long variant)
The length of vowels was phonologically relevant (i.e. served to distinguish words): e.g. (OE) is (is) – īs (ice); col (coal) –cōl (cool); god (god) – gōd (good), etc. OE Consonants OE consonants underwent the following changes: 1. Hardening (the process when a soft consonant becomes harder)– usually initially and after nasals ([m, n])
2. Voicing (the process when a voiceless consonant becomes voiced in certain positions) – intervocally and between a vowel and a voiced consonant or sonorant [f, q, h, s] à [v, ð, g, z] e.g. wul f os (Gothic) – wul f [v] as (OE) (wolves) 3. Rhotacism (a process when [z] turns into [r]) e.g. mai z a (Gothic) – mā r a (OE) (more) 4. Gemination (a process of doubling a consonant) – after a short vowel, usually happened as a result of palatal mutation (e.g. fu ll an (OE) (fill), se tt an (OE) (set), etc.). 5. Palatalisation of Consonants (a process when hard vowels become soft) – before a front vowel and sometimes also after a front vowel [g, γ, k, h] à [g’, γ’, k’, h’] e.g. c [k’] ild (OE) (child); ecζ [gg’] (OE) (edge), etc. 6. Loss of Consonants: · sonorants before fricatives (e.g. fi m f (Gothic) – fīf (OE) (five)); · fricatives between vowels and some plosives (e.g. s æ ζ de (early OE) – s æ de (late OE) (said)); · loss of [j] – as a result of palatal mutation (see examples above); · loss of [w] (e.g. case-forms of nouns: s æ (Nominative) – s æ w e (Dative) (OE) (sea). OE Consonant System See table 9 on p. 90 in “История английского языка” by Т.А. Расторгуева (copies). Old English Morphology Old English was a synthetic language, i.e. there were a lot of inflections. Parts of Speech In OE 9 parts of speech had already been distinguished:
Below all notional parts of speech will be discussed, their categories described and the meanings of these categories stated as related to the Old English Period Noun Number – Singular (Sg) and Plural (Pl). Gender – Masculine (M), Feminine (F), Neuter (N). Case – Nominative (Nom) (agent), Genitive (Gen) (attribute), Dative (Dat) (instrument, indirect/prepositional object), Accusative (Acc) (recipient, direct/prepositionless object). System of Declensions Prior to reading this point, see PG word-structure, Lecture 4. In OE there were 25 declensions of nouns. All nouns were grouped into declensions according to: · stem-suffix; · Gender. We will mention only the most numerous declensions/stems here:
These stems will be discussed more precisely in Lecture 15. Adjectives Number – Singular (Sg) and Plural (Pl). Gender – Masculine (M), Feminine (F), Neuter (N). Case – Nominative (Nom), Genitive (Gen), Dative (Dat), Accusative (Acc) + Instrumental (Instr). Instrumental Case was used to express instrumental meaning but only in the adjective while the noun stood in Dative Case: by/with + Adjective (Instr) + Noun (Dat) Degrees of Comparison – positive, comparative, superlative. Determination (Definiteness/Indefiniteness) – today this category has to do with the Article but in OE there were no articles and definiteness/indefiniteness was expressed with the help of inflections of the Adjective, i.e. the inflections of the Adjective helped to determine whether a noun was definite or indefinite. In OE there existed the weak and strong declensions of the Adjective. They will be discussed more precisely in Lecture 16. Pronoun Classification: 1. Personal (Noun-Pronouns (had some categories of the Noun and resembled the Noun in syntactic function)).
They had the following categories: · Person – 1st, 2nd, 3rd; · Number – Singular (Sg), Plural (Pl) + Dual (1st, 2nd pers. (we both, you both) when only two persons were meant); · Gender – Masculine (M), Feminine (F), Neuter (N) – only in 3rd person!; · Case – Nominative (Nom), Genitive (Gen), Dative (Dat), Accusative (Acc). 2. Demonstrative (Adjective-Pronouns (had some categories of the Adjective and resembled the Adjective in syntactic function)). They had the following categories: · Number – Singular (Sg) and Plural (Pl); · Gender – Masculine (M), Feminine (F), Neuter (N); · Case – Nominative (Nom), Genitive (Gen), Dative (Dat), Accusative (Acc) + Instrumental (Instr). 3. Interrogative – unchangeable. 4. Indefinite – unchangeable. Personal and Demonstrative Pronouns will be discussed more precisely in Lecture 17. Numeral Classification: 1. Cardinal – ān (one), twēζen (two), þrēō (three) – had the categories of Gender and Case. All the other cardinal numerals were unchangeable. 2. Ordinal – were unchangeable. Verbs Classification: Finite They had the following categories: · Tense – Present and Past (NB no Future! – future actions were expressed by the Present Tense forms); · Mood – Indicative, Imperative, Superlative; · Person – 1st, 2nd, 3rd; · Number – Singular (Sg) and Plural (Pl); · Conjugation – strong and weak. 2. Non-finite: v Infinitive resembled the Noun and had the category of: · Case – Nominative (Nom) and Dative (Dat) e.g. Nom beran (uninflected) – Dat to beren ne (inflected, indicated direction or purpose); v Participles 1, 2 resembledthe Verb, the Noun and the Adjective and had the following categories: · Tense – Present (Participle 1) and Past (Participle 2); · Number – Singular (Sg) and Plural (Pl); · Gender – Masculine (M), Feminine (F), Neuter (N); · Case – Nominative (Nom), Genitive (Gen), Dative (Dat), Accusative (Acc); · Voice – Active (Part. 1, 2) and Passive (Part 2). Finite and Non-finite Verbs will be discussed more precisely in Lecture 18. Preterite-Present Verbs There were 12 of these verbs and most of them later turned into Modal Verbs. They will be discussed more precisely in Lecture 18. Anomalous Verbs They were irregular verbs that combined the features of the weak and strong verbs. There were 4 of them – willan (will), bēon (to be), ζān (to go), dōn (to do). They will be discussed more precisely in Lecture 18.
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