Заключительный этап 2020-2021 уч. год. Социально-гуманитарное направление 

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Заключительный этап 2020-2021 уч. год. Социально-гуманитарное направление

Социально-гуманитарное направление



Задание 1


Письменно проанализируйте основные направления политики Просвещённого абсолютизма в Российской империи.

Задание 2


Письменно охарактеризуйте реформы М. М. Сперанского и их значение.

Задание 3


Напишите краткое историческое сочинение на тему «Дискуссии славянофилов и западников об историческом развитии России».



Задание 1


Выбери верные суждения о социальном конфликте?

А. Социальный конфликт всегда приводит к негативным последствиям.
Б. Социальные конфликты различаются по форме и характеру развития.

1. верно только А

2. верно только Б

3. верны оба суждения

4. оба суждения неверны

Задание 2


Выбери верные суждения.

Игра, в отличие от других видов деятельности, предполагает

1. практическое преображение окружающего мира

2. создание чего-либо принципиально нового

3. наличие воображаемой обстановки

4. продуктивный характер

Задание 3


Выбери верные суждения.

Начало формы

Нормативно-правовой акт

1. всегда отражает сложившиеся традиции общественного поведения

2. обеспечивается силой общественного мнения

3. принимается компетентным государственным органом

4. всегда соответствует религиозным догмам

Задание 4


Выбери верные суждения о социальном конфликте?

А. Социальный конфликт имеет место только в случае осознанного противоречия между намерениями, целями и устремлениями участников.

Б. Социальные конфликты в современном обществе всегда разрешаются путём достижения компромисса.

1. верно только А

2. верно только Б

3. верны оба суждения

4. оба суждения неверны

Задание 5


Выбери верные суждения.

Биологической сущностью человека обусловлена его потребность в

1. самореализации

2. карьерном росте

3. самосохранении

4. самообразовании


Иностранный язык

Задание 1


Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Write the correct letter A, B or C on your answer sheet.

1   Sarah is asking whether Jane   A is bringing any friends to the party with her. B knows how big the party is going to be. C thinks anyone from outside school can attend the party.
A Swimmers may only practise jumping into the pool if they are with a teacher.
B Swimmers who break the rules may not continue the class with their teacher.
C Swimmers and their teachers must only use this side of the pool for classes.


A It’s as cheap for two people to eat here as one.
B Two people can choose whatever they want to eat and still pay less.
C Special meals are twice the normal size.


A See the noticeboard nearby for details about the art classes.
B Students should only go into this room if they wish to do some painting.
C Classes will not be held in here until the painting is finished.


A Jack’s football boots are probably not in a good condition.
B Jack may be prepared to accept less than 25 euros for his boots.
C Jack is keen to obtain some new football boots in size 42.


Задание 2


The teenagers below all want to visit a sea life centre. In the right column there are descriptions of eight sea life centres. Decide which sea life centre would be the most suitable for the following people. For questions 6 – 10, mark the correct letter (A – H) on your answer sheet.


Maria is studying sea creatures that are disappearing due to environmental changes, and wants to attend a talk about them. She’s also interested in learning about what’s living on the beaches nearby.

A Goldenwave Come and see the variety of warm sea environments at this centre – and creatures so small you might not have noticed them living on the beach, or the most beautiful fish living in our oceans. Bring your camera and learn to take the best photos ever!

Cameron’s art project is on colourful fish so he wants to draw some, and take home some photos of unusual sea creatures. He and his family also want to swim at the centre afterwards.

B Rockwater We have sea creatures from both warm and cooler waters in our huge glass tanks. You can even go into the water in one, accompanied by staff – ask at the desk! We’ve also got fish that are rarely seen, as they’re normally found in the very deepest water on our planet. No photography is allowed.  

Josh is interested in tiny sea animals, and wants to actually handle them and learn what conditions they need to live in. He’d also enjoy seeing a feeding session for the larger creatures.

C Splashdown Perfect for family fun – our tropical swimming pool that’s only divided from the penguins next door by a wall of glass! See them swimming in their pool while you’re in yours! And don’t miss their mealtimes – watchas they dive for their food.  

Harry is interested in creatures living in cold climates, and how they find food. He’d like to create something for his art homework too, and learn about photographing underwater wildlife.

D Waterlife We’ve got some of the rarest fish in the world, and the most beautiful. See the clown fish with its bright yellow and white stripes! Cameras aren’t allowed, but amazing professional pictures are available in our shop. Then once you’ve seen everything, relax in our fantastic warm pool – strictly for humans!  

Samantha would love to swim with fish at the centre. She’d also like to learn about a range of sea environments, and about unusual creatures living at the bottom of our oceans.

E Brightworld Many creatures here are normally found in environments with low temperatures, such as our big group of penguins. Come and see our amazing displays of photos showing these birds diving for their supper! There are also short talks on using your camera for great shots of fish, and painting sessions, too.  
      F Marine Life Keen to protect our oceans? Come and see the work we’re doing – there are presentations about it every hour. For example, we try to help shark numbers worldwide remain at healthy levels. And visit our amazing rock pool displays full of tiny creatures, typical of ones that make their homes near the sea just metres away!  
      G Oceanwatch The focus is on science here – there are films throughout the day about oceans around the world and the environmental problems facing marine wildlife. There’s plenty to learn, and lots of souvenirs to buy! Free brochures full of information.  
      H Waterlife See some of the smallest sea life such as shrimps and starfish at our rock pool display – andeven pick them up! Find out how clean sea water is essential to these creatures, and the effects of pollution. And don’t miss watching the penguins and seals have their lunch – that’s really popular!

Задание 3


Read the text and questions below.For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.


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