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*абстинентті, галоперидол *параноидты, аминазин *делириозды, аминазин * +амнестикалық, алзепил * сандырақтық, трифтазин #63 *! A 27 year old man went to a narcologist. While drinking alcohol in the family circle, his mood suddenly deteriorated, began to say that he was to blame for many of the family's problems, wanted to "go to the noose." What kind of disorder does the man have? ПАТОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ДЕПРЕССИВНОЕ ОПЬЯНЕНЕИ өзгерген қарапайым алкогольді масаюдың истериялық варианты * өзгерген қарапайым алкогольді масаюдың параноидты варианты * өзгерген қарапайым алкогольді масаюдың эпилептоидты варианты * + өзгерген қарапайым алкогольді масаюдың депрессиялық варианты * патологиялық масаю
#64 *! Patient A., 19 years old, was delivered by ambulance to the emergency room of the poison control center with obvious signs of intoxication. Objectively: glistening eyes and reddening conjunctivae, dilated pupils, unnatural pallor of the skin, skin cold to the touch, drops of sweat on the forehead. Body temperature decreased, pulse 105 min-1, respiratory rate 30 min-1, speech becomes slurred as in alcohol intoxication. Coordination of movements was impaired - the intoxicated young man staggered, fingers trembling. A specific sweetish smell of tar from clothes and hair is felt. What drug did the patient take: ГАШИШ *+гашиш *героин *табак *амфетаминдер *алкоголь
#65 *! M., 15 years old, was brought to the narcological dispensary by his parents with complaints of pain, muscle cramps, anxiety, heart palpitations, sweating. These symptoms appeared four hours after the last dose of heroin. What is your medical tactic? ДЕЗИНТОКСИКАЦИЯ-ТРАНКВИЛИЗАТОР-АНАЛЬГЕТИКИ. *дезинтоксикациялық, жалпыбекітуші, симптоматикалық терапия, *+ дезинтоксикациялық, транквилизаторлар, ауру сезімін басушы * дезинтоксикациялық, антидепрессанттар, антипсихотиктер * дезинтоксикациялық,ноотропты, антидепрессанттар * дезинтоксикациялық, ноотропты, нейролептиктер
#66 *! A teenager L., 17 years old, was brought to a narcological dispensary by his parents with complaints of pain, muscle cramps, anxiety, heart palpitations, and sweating. These symptoms appeared four hours after the last dose of heroin. What is your medical tactic? ДЕЗИНТОКСИКАЦИЯ-ТРАНКВИЛИЗАТОР-АНАЛЬГЕТИКИ * дезинтоксикациялық, жалпыбекітуші, симптоматикалық терапия, *+ дезинтоксикациялық, транквилизаторлар, ауру сезімін басушы * дезинтоксикациялық, антидепрессанттар, антипсихотиктер * дезинтоксикациялық,ноотропты, антидепрессанттар * дезинтоксикациялық, ноотропты, нейролептиктер
#67 *! Patient Szcz. 23 years old. Referred to a psychiatric hospital with suspected drug addiction. Lost his parents early and was brought up in an orphanage from the age of 5. Frequently ran away. Reported that he had only once received an injection of morphine during an appendectomy. Allegedly he never used drugs again. Physical condition: Thin, pale. His skin had a dry, earthy tint. In the area of both forearms, especially the left one, there were traces of suppuration, stellate scars, infiltrates. Pulse 64 beats per minute, satisfactory filling, rhythmic. BP 100/60. The abdomen was soft. The abdomen was soft. Neurologically, there was no pathology. After 14 hours, yawning, tearfulness, hand tremors, gooseflesh, chills, dilated pupils appeared. No sleep, noted nausea, complained of pressure and joint and muscle aches. In the morning, irritable, rude, demanded help. Claims to have caught a cold (chills, body aches, fever). Stubbornly denies drug use. Lying and insincere. Detoxification therapy and diazepam quickly improved his condition. What antidotal does this patient need?
НАЛОКСОН *+налоксон *алкосон *аминазин *кетамин *амитриптиллин
#68 *! A 44-year-old man with about 20 years of alcoholism. The duration of binge drinking is about one week. During binge drinking, heart palpitations, heart pains, sweating, peristalsis disorders, blood pressure fluctuations, restlessness, decreased appetite occur in the morning. Which of the following syndromes is the most likely?АБСТИНЕНТНЫЙ СИНДРОМ * Делириозды *+ Абстинетті * Галлюцинаторлық * Паранойяльдық * Психопат тәрізді
#69 *! Male, 49 years old, has been abusing alcohol since he was 20 years old. Last years consumes alcohol surrogates, drinks repeatedly in small doses throughout the day. Marked decrease in pain sensitivity in the feet, impaired gait. Taken to the hospital by relatives, as lately he has become forgetful. Doesn't know current date and can't remember what happened a few hours ago. Which of the following syndromes is the most likely?КОРСАКОВ * Абстинентті * Параноидты * Кататониялық * +Корсаков * Сандырақтық
#70 *! The patient was found near the emergency station, narrow pinpoint pupils, blueness of the nasolabial triangle, not available for contact, no odor of alcohol. On examination, traces of fresh and old intravenous injections on the skin of the upper extremities. Which drug is indicated for this patient in the first place? НАЛОКСОН
#71 *! Teenage girl, 14 years old, raised by one mother since early childhood, no father. In kindergarten bullied by peers, at school she constantly experiences bullying - verbal bullying: "They humiliate me, they laugh, make jokes about how I'm not fashionable, that I do not study well, that my mom is 50 years old, and their moms are young... At school they say that I am "Down", "Loser", "Freak", etc. Because of this I started to be afraid of people, I feel lonely all the time, I never had any friends or girlfriends either. And I think I have a huge problem with my appearance. It seems that I am the ugliest person in the world. For the past two years, a constant feeling of apathy, hopelessness. I can't study at all, I don't understand many subjects. I do not know what to do next. I don't want to live. What is the most likely preliminary syndrome diagnosis? ПСИХОГЕННАЯ ДЕПРЕССИЯ * Ипохондриялық синдром * Эндогенді депрессия * Дисморфофобиялық синдром * +Психогенді депрессия * Үрейлі-фобиялық синдром
#72 *! Teenage girl, 15 years old. At the pediatrician's appointment crying, said that she "... lost the meaning of life... my mom and dad are getting a divorce... even though everything was fine before... I had complexes... I started being afraid of people... I started locking myself in my room, don't want to talk to anyone... relations with teachers became awful... and I stopped talking to my classmates, I stopped doing my homework, have poor understanding of my subjects... At home, I am constantly cursing, my father goes away, and my mother cries at night... I feel very sorry for her, and I try to help her... this has been going on for about a year now... I am also crying, it seems to me that the only thing I can do is to kill myself.....".
Determine WHAT is the first thing this patient should be treated for? ПСИХОТЕРАПИЯ,СИОЗС * Ипохондриялық синдром * Эндогенді депрессия * Дисморфофобиялық синдром * +Адаптацияның депрессивті реакциясы * Үрейлі-фобиялық синдром
#73 *! Citizen of Uzbekistan, 23 years old. Currently in Kazakhstan, tried to commit a suicide attempt by throwing himself from the 4th floor, was taken to the trauma department with a fractured femur. He told the doctor in the emergency room that he had been living in St. Petersburg for several years without Russian citizenship. After leaving the territory of the Russian Federation he was banned from entering until 2021. With tears in his eyes he said that his beloved girlfriend, with whom he had been living in a common-law marriage for three years, was staying there: "...I love her very much, it is hard for her without me... she is alone at the moment... I cannot take it anymore... I do not want to live... I want to die...". What is your doctor's tactic after diagnosing her mental condition? СИОЗС(МИЗОЛ) И ПСИХОТЕРАПИЯ *+СИОЗС (мисол) және психотерапевтикалық емдеу. *СИОЗС (мисол) *Нейролептик (квентиакс) және психотерапевтикалық емдеу *Транквилизатор (феназепам) *Нормотимик (Литий карбонаты) және психотерапевтикалық емдеу
#74 *! Woman, 28 years old. Accompanied by her husband. Past medical history: married, two children, recently bought an apartment, good family relationships. Spouse's condition changed within a month, no apparent reason. Patient looks downcast, sad expression, sits in a bent posture. Speaks in muffled voice, speech and motor skills are slow. She said that she "... feels bad at heart, is not happy about anything... has lost 3 kg in a month, no appetite... feels unnecessary, guilty, cannot do anything at home... does not want to live, constantly thinks about suicide - children are holding her...". What is your medical tactics as GP in accordance with the Standards of psychiatric care in the RK? ЖЕНЫЛ ДЕПЕРССИЛЫК ЭПИЗОД И ОТПРАВИТЬ К ПСИХОЛОГУ * + Диагноз: «Умеренный депрессиялық эпизод» және психиатрға жолдау; * Диагноз: «Жеңіл дәрежелі депрессиялық эпизод» және диагноз бен емдеу хаттамаларына сәйкес ем тағайындау. * Диагноз: «Депрессивті бейімделу реакциясы, ұзаққа созылған» және психотерапевтке жолдау; * Диагноз: «неврастения»диагнозы және емдеу хаттамаларына сәйкес емдеуді тағайындау
#75 *!Man, 37 years old, unemployed, has casual earnings, moonlighting as a longshoreman. After his mother's death, he had been living alone for a year, no family, no contact with anyone. He told his district therapist that "there is no desire to do anything, there is a feeling of uselessness, that all efforts are in vain and useless... there is no way out of hopeless misery... I do not understand what I live for, I do not want to live, the feeling of uselessness and hopelessness never leaves me...". What is your therapeutic tactic after a mental health diagnosis? ? СИОЗС(МИЗОЛ) И ПСИХОТЕРАПИЯ *+ СИОЗС (мисол); психотерапия *СИОЗС (мисол); нормотимик (Литий карбонаты); психотерапия *Нейролептик (квентиакс); психотерапия *Транквилизатор (феназепам); психотерапия *Нормотимик (Литий карбонаты); психотерапия
#76 *!Woman, 63 years old. Registered with a diagnosis of discirculatory encephalopathy. Suffered a spouse's death from cancer four years ago, has two children, grandchildren, who live abroad. During her visit at the doctor's, she said that "longing for her husband does not subside, it grows with every year... I can't live without him... I can't sleep without him... I have no appetite... I don't know what to do.... I want to die...". What is your therapeutic tactic after the diagnosis of the mental condition? ? СИОЗС(МИЗОЛ) И ПСИХОТЕРАПИЯ,НООТРОПЫ,ПСИХОТЕРАПИЯ
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