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Read the text and mark the following statements as true or false:
Text # 1 “Cloud Computing - Using Software on the Internet”
Cloud computing means using software that is installed on the Internet. You can also save your work on another computer instead of the hard drive of your own PC or laptop. Music, letters, presentations and other projects can be stored on clouds, data storage areas on giant servers on the Internet. There are many so-called web applications that can do the same as normal desktop software. Google Documents, for example, gives you a text editor, a slide show application and a program for creating tables and diagrams. You can use these programs for free – from any computer all over the world. Up to now web browsers were only used to search for information on the Internet and show it. But now they have become something like operating systems which can give you almost everything that you have on your own PC desktop. Cloud computing can also be a cheaper than buying expensive software. Many basic applications on the net are free, but you may have to pay to use some of the more complex programs. Companies do not have to buy expensive software licenses for all their workers and computers do not have to be better and more powerful all the time because all you need is a simple web browser, like the Internet Explorer and Firefox. Mark the following statements as true or false (T/F): 1. With cloud computing you can save your work on another computer instead of the hard drive of your own PC. T / F 2. Music, letters, presentations and other projects can be stored on “heavens”, data storage areas on pretty large servers. T / F 3. There are many web applications, which can do a better job than normal desktop software. T / F 4. You can use these online web applications for an extra price – from any computer all over the world. T / F 5. Cloud computing can also be more expensive than buying some computer software. T / F 6. Up to now web browsers were only used to search for information on the Internet but now they have become something like operating systems. T / F Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using vocabulary of the text:
Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using vocabulary of the text: 1. Согласно исследованиям ученых, виртуальная реальность, является для современных детей мощной и привлекательной альтернативой такому пассивному время препровождению, например, как просмотру телевизора. 2. Исследование было проведено среди детей в возрасте 6-12 лет, активно использующих компьютерную игру «Виртуальный мир BBC Adventure Rock. 3. Онлайн-мир - это тематический остров, созданный для детского канала BBC бельгийским производителем игр Ларианом. 4. Дети исследуют мир «острова» в одиночку, используя при этом доски объявлений, чтобы поделиться тем, что они находят, и тем, что они делают в различных творческих студиях виртуального острова. 5. В ходе игры дети обучились многим полезным социальным навыкам, включая развитие своей индивидуальности, что в реальной жизни это было бы намного сложнее. Read the text and mark the following statements as true or false:
Text # 1 “Cloud Computing - Using Software on the Internet”
Cloud computing means using software that is installed on the Internet. You can also save your work on another computer instead of the hard drive of your own PC or laptop. Music, letters, presentations and other projects can be stored on clouds, data storage areas on giant servers on the Internet. There are many so-called web applications that can do the same as normal desktop software. Google Documents, for example, gives you a text editor, a slide show application and a program for creating tables and diagrams. You can use these programs for free – from any computer all over the world. Up to now web browsers were only used to search for information on the Internet and show it. But now they have become something like operating systems which can give you almost everything that you have on your own PC desktop. Cloud computing can also be a cheaper than buying expensive software. Many basic applications on the net are free, but you may have to pay to use some of the more complex programs. Companies do not have to buy expensive software licenses for all their workers and computers do not have to be better and more powerful all the time because all you need is a simple web browser, like the Internet Explorer and Firefox. Mark the following statements as true or false (T/F): 1. With cloud computing you can save your work on another computer instead of the hard drive of your own PC. T / F 2. Music, letters, presentations and other projects can be stored on “heavens”, data storage areas on pretty large servers. T / F 3. There are many web applications, which can do a better job than normal desktop software. T / F 4. You can use these online web applications for an extra price – from any computer all over the world. T / F 5. Cloud computing can also be more expensive than buying some computer software. T / F 6. Up to now web browsers were only used to search for information on the Internet but now they have become something like operating systems. T / F
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