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Analyse the situations, clarify the meaning to be expressed, indicate the words that can produce an unwanted effect and should be excluded and name the word that fits the situation best.

Teaching Vocabulary

Warming up discussion 1.1

Mark the following statements as “true” T “false” F or “debatable” D. You will get input reading on these and other issues later in this module.

Statements T F D
1. Vocabulary is more important in communication than grammar  
2. Vocabulary is stored in our memory as separate units  
3. Vocabulary is stored in our memory as collocations  
4. Vocabulary is stored in our memory as networks  
5. Recalling a word always means activating many words in memory  
6. One word of the same language means the same for different people  
7. Any meaning can be expressed by a word in any language  

Exploratory task 1.1

Explore your own mental lexicon associated with the word “money”. Share the results in the group.








SAQ 1.1

Match the following vocabulary units with the types of “vocabulary sets”

Vocabulary units Vocabulary sets
1. Custom-built car

A. Situation set

B. Semantic set

C. Collocation set

2. Rust-proof paint
3. Far-reaching consequences
4. Drought-affected regions
5. The worst-flood ever
6. Wintry showers
7. Beggarly pay


Exploratory task 1.2

Retrieve the following words from your memory (all the words are quite common) by meaning and by form. Reflect on the procedure. What helps you retrieve words, meaning or form associations?

Retrieval by meaning Retrieval by form Give a word!
Hand tool for striking …m…er  
For nourishment …oo…  
In the entranceway …or  
Inferior income …oo…  
Liquid food …ou…  
To eat on …bl…  
Expensive with wheels …ar…  

Exploratory task 1.3

Interpret the meaning of the following vocabulary items and comment on the clues that helped you do the task

Vocabulary items Interpretation of meaning
1. Lobby at the entrance to Parliament  
2. Parliamentary lobby  
3. Full board  
4. On board  
5. Take-off time  
6. Take-off weight  
7. Take-off price  

Exploratory task 1.4

Express the following messages in the given situations using any strategy of communicating the meaning (words, phrases, exclamations, gestures etc)

Situation Expression
1. You are astounded by what you have heard!  
2. You feel deeply insulted and have never been treated like that, never!  
3. You’ve just heard the funniest joke but a little improper…  
4. You’ve met a person whom you really do not want to see at all …  
5. You’ve got a very expensive present that looks more like a bribe …  

Exploratory task 1.5

Analyse the situations, clarify the meaning to be expressed, indicate the words that can produce an unwanted effect and should be excluded and name the word that fits the situation best.




The word!  

A person has taken offence for no reason
















(Harley, T. 1997. The Psychology of Language. Psychology Press. P. 344-345). Exploratory task 1.6

Exploratory task 1.7

Complete the following sentences and comment on the polysemy of the word “bank”



Fisherman The fisherman put his catch in the …
Businessman  The businessman put his money in the …
Rivalry  I will not … on it

Exploratory task 1.8

With many adjectives you can use the word “very”. There are lots of other words with a similar meaning, which are more precise as parts of collocations. E.g. highly qualified, bitterly disappointed. Add a word, which means “very” to each of the following words

Very, highly, severely Adjective
1. Severely 2. Highly 3. Very a) Exhausted b) Handicapped c) Unexpected d) Recommended e) Greedy f) Sceptical g) Grateful

Exploratory task 1.9

Combine the words in the left column with the words in the right column

Handsome, pretty, charming, lovely Woman, man, child, dog, bird, flower, weather, bed, picture, dress, present, voice, landscape, view, house, furniture

(After Jordan, R. 1997. English for Academic Purposes. CUP. P. 156)

Exploratory task 1.10

Exploratory task 1.11

Word combinations with the meaning of "part of something" can be tricky in use because each substance can require a certain word indicating a “piece” of this substance. Combine the substances and the words meaning “a piece of this substance”

Substance Piece of the substance
1. Concrete  
2. Pizza  
3. Truth  
4. Dirt  
5. Cotton  
6. Pottery  
7. Fabric  


Exploratory task 1.12

Exploratory task 1.13

Complete the following sentences and say what made you change the word each time.

Choice of words Explanation
1. “Get you hair cut”, he …  
2. “Get out of my house!”, he …  
3. “Ooh, that’s funny”, she …  
4. “A ghost?! In my house???!!! Eeeek” he …  
5. “Hmmph! The country’s going to the dogs”, she …  
6. “Look! They are winning!!!”, he …  
7. “B-b-b-u-t I d-d-d-on’t w-w-ant to”, he …  
8. “Oh, a lovely present!”, she …  
9. ”You are always like that and there’s nothing to teach you!”, she …  

Exploratory task 1.14

Combine elements of idiomatic phrases in the left and the right columns producing English idioms. What transfer of meaning can you find in the metaphorical use of the English words?

1. His manners were to the boss 2. The plans worked 3. He always drinks 4. The man eats 5. He sleeps 6. My head is 7. The guy is thin A. like a sieve B. like a log C. like a horse D. like a fish E. like a dream F. like a red rag to a bull G. as a rake

Word observation sheet

Words Ordinary meaning Idiomatic meaning


Teaching Vocabulary

Warming up discussion 1.1

Mark the following statements as “true” T “false” F or “debatable” D. You will get input reading on these and other issues later in this module.

Statements T F D
1. Vocabulary is more important in communication than grammar  
2. Vocabulary is stored in our memory as separate units  
3. Vocabulary is stored in our memory as collocations  
4. Vocabulary is stored in our memory as networks  
5. Recalling a word always means activating many words in memory  
6. One word of the same language means the same for different people  
7. Any meaning can be expressed by a word in any language  

Exploratory task 1.1

Explore your own mental lexicon associated with the word “money”. Share the results in the group.








SAQ 1.1

Match the following vocabulary units with the types of “vocabulary sets”

Vocabulary units Vocabulary sets
1. Custom-built car

A. Situation set

B. Semantic set

C. Collocation set

2. Rust-proof paint 3. Far-reaching consequences 4. Drought-affected regions 5. The worst-flood ever 6. Wintry showers 7. Beggarly pay


Exploratory task 1.2

Retrieve the following words from your memory (all the words are quite common) by meaning and by form. Reflect on the procedure. What helps you retrieve words, meaning or form associations?

Retrieval by meaning Retrieval by form Give a word!
Hand tool for striking …m…er  
For nourishment …oo…  
In the entranceway …or  
Inferior income …oo…  
Liquid food …ou…  
To eat on …bl…  
Expensive with wheels …ar…  

Exploratory task 1.3

Interpret the meaning of the following vocabulary items and comment on the clues that helped you do the task

Vocabulary items Interpretation of meaning
1. Lobby at the entrance to Parliament  
2. Parliamentary lobby  
3. Full board  
4. On board  
5. Take-off time  
6. Take-off weight  
7. Take-off price  

Exploratory task 1.4

Express the following messages in the given situations using any strategy of communicating the meaning (words, phrases, exclamations, gestures etc)

Situation Expression
1. You are astounded by what you have heard!  
2. You feel deeply insulted and have never been treated like that, never!  
3. You’ve just heard the funniest joke but a little improper…  
4. You’ve met a person whom you really do not want to see at all …  
5. You’ve got a very expensive present that looks more like a bribe …  

Exploratory task 1.5

Analyse the situations, clarify the meaning to be expressed, indicate the words that can produce an unwanted effect and should be excluded and name the word that fits the situation best.




The word!  


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