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Lexical Exercises:
Ears eyes face feet fingers Hands head
Ear protectors Hard hat Face guard
Boots Goggles Gloves
Safety harness respirator
1. A hard hat protects your________ 2 A face guard protects your__________ 3 Boots protect your _______________ 4__________protect your ears from noise 5__________ protect your hands 6__________protect your eyes
Safety signs are very important because the oil and gas industry has many hazards. Hazards are possible dangers like electricity, chemicals, hot things, gas, machines, noise, falling objects, and slippery surfaces. There are four main kinds of safety signs:
These signs warn us about hazards.
These signs tell us “You must wear or do the thing in the picture”
These signs usually have a red band across them. They tell us we must not do things.
These signs give information about safety.
- Wear goggles - Don’t smoke here - This way to the emergency exit - Wear ear protectors - Don’t eat here - Danger! High voltage! - Fire exit - Wear boots - Wear respirator - Do not enter - Danger!Radiation - Danger! Overhead crane! - This way to the pharmacy - Do not touch! - Drinking water is here
H - health and safety officer P1 - pipe-fitter1 P2 - pipe-fitter2 P3 - pipe-fitter3
H There are six main hazards for welders. Can you name them? P1 Electric shock H Right. So what do we do? P2 Weld dry. Don’t stand in water. P3 And wear leather shoes and always wear gloves. H Right. we also check our equipment often. We switch off equipment when we are not using it. Another hazard? P3 Gas cylinders. Gas cylinders can explode. H Correct. So how do we stay safe? P1 Don’t drop them! H Right. How? P2 Always secure the cylinders. And always move them safely. H. Ok. And three steps before moving? P2 Close the valve, remove the regulator, and replace the valve cap. Then use a cart to move a cylinder. H Right. And always close the valve when you go on break or at the end of the day. Also, you should always wear your safety glasses when you’re working. OK, that’s two hazards. What else? P3 Arc rays They burn eyes and skin H Precautions? P1 Cover skin and eyes. Never look at the spark. Always use a welder’s helmet and gloves. H. Those things also protect us from arc sparks. Hot sparks can burn clothes and start fires. So wear your protective clothes. Cotton trousers are good. And no pockets! Pockets catch sparks. Another hazard? P2 Smoke. Smoke from welding can be dangerous. P1 So we use respirators. And we always know the material we’re welding. H That’s right. And indoors, we always use the ventilation system. OK, there’s one more hazard on my list. Trips and falls You work in confined spaces, sometimes underground, sometimes high u. So what do you do? P3 Always think about where you are. Wear a safety harness. P2 Keep the work area clean and tidy. H Right
6. Number the welding hazards in the order you hear them
7. Match each hazard (a-f) in 6 above with a precaution
8. Read again. Tick the pieces of safety equipment you hear.
9. What safety precautions do you take when you drive a car, or ride a motorcycle or bicycle? 10. Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.
11. The pictures are from a safety manual for drilling crews. Which person is 1 wearing loose clothes? 2 standing under a load? 3. running up or down steps? 4. eating near chemicals? 5 handling chemicals without PPE? 6 walking below people working? 7 standing between a wall and a moving load?
12. Say what might happen in each situation? Example: Machines might catch his loose clothes and injure him. 13.Work in pairs. You work in a drilling crew. You are looking after a new person in the crew. Take turns advising him. Example You shouldn’t wear loose clothes because machines might catch them.
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