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Substitute the underlined words with the synonyms from the text.
1. The theory of fire extinguishment relies on withdrawal of one or more components from the fire tetrahedron.
2. Before trying to put out a fire the firefighter must choose which of three elements he will take away.
3. It is often possible to employ more than one method simultaneously. 4. Sometimes it is useless to remove the combustible.
5. Starvation may be very useful for reducing possible damage. 6. Water is not the only substance used to take in great amounts of heat. 7. Inert gases are used to replace the air around the fire.
8. When the burning substance has in its chemical composition enough oxygen smothering is useless.
9. A “blanket” of inert gases is not a permanent one as the gases are blown away by the convection streams.
10. Dry chemical and halogenated gases are thought to bond with “free radicals” and thus keep them from going on chain reaction.
32 A) Match the words with similar meanings.
1) withdrawal A) possible 2) to keep from B) fireman 3) firefighter C) to try 4) because D) to continue
5) potential E) removal 6) to suspend F) to prevent 7) to go on G) blanketing 8) to take in H) to bond with 9) smothering I) as 10) to attempt J) to absorb
B) Match the words with opposite meanings.
1) to interrupt A) less 2) possible B to rise 3) to remove C) useless 4) sufficient D) temporary 5) permanent E) to prevent 6) to reduce F) impossible
7) to sustain G) negative 8) useful H) to supply 9) more I) not enough 10) positive j) to continue
Match the words to the definitions.
1) a means A) a sheet of fire retardant material which is placed over a fire in order to smother it 2) starvation B) lasting only a while 3) smothering C) a gas that is made of carbon and one more halogens, used especially to put out fires 4) fire blanket D) a fire extinguishment method, depriving the fire of fuel 5) halon E) the way by which something is done or obtained
6) free radical F) physical harm caused to something 7) heat G) a fire extinguishment method, depriving the fire of exchanger oxygen
8) damage H) a fire extinguishment method, depriving the fire of heat 9) cooling I) a piece of equipment built for efficient heat transfer from one medium to another 10) temporary J) a molecule with an unpaired electron that seeks another electron to pair and thus initiates a chain reaction
33 Complete the table using a dictionary.
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