Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями, используя ту или иную речевую модель. 

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Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями, используя ту или иную речевую модель.


Model: a) I fully agree with the statement.

b) I am afraid, I can’t agree with it.

  1. Not everything we do is governed by some set of rules.
  2. We need rules that everyone must obey.
  3. Laws against criminal conduct don’t help to safeguard our personal property and our lives.
  4. In well-ordered society conflicts never arise.
  5. It is impossible to resolve disputes peacefully.
  6. If individual’s rights are respected it means that we live in a safe and peaceful society.
  7. Totalitarian governments have cruel and arbitrary laws.
  8. Strong-arm tactics may provide a great deal of order ensuring the society operates in an orderly manner.
  9. Laws should be applied to every person in the society.
  10. The only goal of the law is fairness.



11. Замените русские слова в скобках английскими эквивалентами из текста.

The aim of (права) is to regulate the conduct of human beings in society. The aim of (правовой) theory is (рассмотреть) the nature, origin and classification of law. The theory of natural law is based on the belief that there is a set of perfect (юридических норм) for human conduct and (законы) devised by men must be induced by these rules. (Закон) is a term which is used in many different senses. To (юриста) law has far narrower meaning – the principle recognized and applied by the state in (суде). The English (правовая система) has still been copied by many nations. (Судебный процесс) becomes the center of a contest between both parties in which one emerges the winner. By the time of (судебного разбирательства) each (сторона дела) should gain as much information as possible.


12. Работа в парах. Соотнесите английские предложения в правой колонке с соответствующими русскими предложениями из левой колонки. Закрывая попеременно колонки, проверьте друг у друга перевод предложений.


1. Не каждый может работать для общего блага. 2. Юрист – это лицо, чья профессия заключается в том, чтобы подавать судебные иски или консультировать клиентов и действовать от их имени по различным юридическим вопросам. 3. Право – это нормы поведения, установленные государством и применяемые в обществе в форме закона или обычая. 4. Закон – это любая норма или предписание, которым надо следовать. 5. Мы следуем определённым нормам поведения, если принадлежим определённым социальным институтам. 6. Я посоветуюсь с юристом. 7. Она обратилась в суд. 8. Судья отправляет правосудие. 9. Какие факторы повлияли на Ваше решение? 1. The law is the rule of conduct established by a government and applicable to people, whether in the form of legislation or custom. 2. Law is any rule or injunction that must be obeyed. 3. Not everybody can work for the goods of society. 4. A lawyer is a person whose profession is to conduct lawsuit for clients or to advise or act for them in other legal matters. 5. We accept some rules if we belong to particular social institutions. 6. I’ll take legal advice. 7. She brought a case to court. 8. What factors influenced your decision? 9. A judge administers justice.  



13. Замените русские слова в скобках английскими эквивалентами из рамки. Переведите текст на русский язык письменно.


Governments have many ways of making sure that citizens (подчиняются закону). They make the public aware of what the law is and try to encourage social support for (правопорядку). They use police forces (расследовать преступления) and catch criminals. They authorize courts to complete the investigation of criminal and (гражданских правонарушений) and to pass sentences to (наказать виновного) and deter others. And they make efforts to re-educate and reform people who have broken the law.

The laws of all countries are to be found in written records – (правовые кодексы) of countries with continental systems, the statutes and case-judgments of common law countries, warning on official forms, and notice in public buildings. Many people do not know where to find these records and do not find it easy to read them. But (незнание законов не освобождает от ответственности). Governments usually expect citizens to be aware of the laws which affect their lives. Sometimes this seems very harsh, for example, when the law is very technical. Shopkeepers in England (преследовались по закону в уголовном порядке) for selling books on Sunday, although they were allowed to sell magazines. However, there are many laws, such as those prohibiting theft, assault and dangerous driving which simply reflect social and moral attitudes to everyday behavior. In such cases a person knows he (нарушает закон), even if he doesn’t know exactly which law it is.



14. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. What kind of society do we live in?
  2. What is the society governed by?
  3. What is the difference between laws and rules of morality?
  4. Why do rules of morality and custom play an important role in our life?
  5. Why are laws designed to control our behavior?
  6. What are the goals of law?
  7. When do people turn to law?
  8. Why do we need the law?



Прочитайте текст.



When the world was at a very primitive stage of development there were no laws to regulate life of people. If a man chose to kill his wife or if a woman succeeded in killing her husband that was their own business and no one interfered officially.

But things never stay the same. The life has changed. We live in a complicated world. Scientific and social developments increase the tempo of our daily living activities, make them more involved. Now we need rules and regulations which govern our every social move and action. We have made laws of community living.

Though laws are based on the reasonable needs at the community we often don’t notice them. If our neighbor plays loud music late at night, we probably try to discuss the matter with him rather than consulting the police, the lawyer or the courts. When we buy a TV set, or a train ticket or loan money to somebody a lawyer may tell us it represents a contract with legal obligations. But to most of us it is just a ticket that gets us on a train or a TV set to watch.

Only when a neighbor refuses to behave reasonably or when we are injured in a train accident, the money wasn’t repaid, the TV set fails to work and the owner of the shop didn’t return money or replace it, we do start thinking about the legal implications of everyday activities.

You may wish to take legal action to recover your loss. You may sue against Bert who didn’t pay his debt. Thus you become a plaintiff and Bert is a defendant. At the trial you testified under oath about the loan. Bert, in his turn, claimed that it was a gift to him, which was not to be returned. The court after the listening to the testimony of both sides and considering the law decided that it was a loan and directed that judgment be entered in favor of you against Bert.

Some transactions in modern society are so complex that few of us would risk making them without first seeking legal advice. For example, buying or selling a house, setting up a business, or deciding whom to give our property to when we die.

On the whole it seems that people all over the world are becoming more and more accustomed to using legal means to regulate their relations with each other. Multinational companies employ lawyers to ensure that their contracts are valid whenever they do business.

2. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Were there any laws when the world was at a very primitive stage of development?

2. Why do we need rules and regulations nowadays?

3. Do we notice laws? Why?

4. When do we start thinking about the legal implications of our everyday activities?

5. In what case may we sue against Berth?

6. Where do we testify under oath?

7. Did Berth win or lose the case?

8. In what cases do people seek legal advice?

9. Why do companies employ lawyers?



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