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C . This is the money people get for some particular reasons. Write the word next to its definition using the line provided.Содержание книги
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Pension; grant; allowance; maintenance; legacy 1. ……………. money, usually from a relative to live on 2. ……………. money received from someone in his or her will 3. ……………. money paid by divorced or separated people to support the former husband or wife 4. ……………. money paid by a company or the state on your retirement 5. ……………. money paid by the state to students. D. Match the definition with the correct “money word”.
E. Choose the right answer, only one is correct.
1. The ………… of living has risen by 25 % in the last six months. a. cost b. expenditure c. expense d. price 2. The kidnappers demanded a ………… of $ 1, 000,000. a. fine b. penalty c. ransom d. reward 3. The World Bank has criticized the United States for not giving enough financial …………. to the East European countries. a. allowance b. aid c. loan d. premium 4. The minister admitted taking ………. and had to resign. a. bribes b. fees c. fines d. premiums 5. If they are not careful enough with their accounts, they will go ………... a. broken b. penniless c. poor d. bankrupt 6. Before starting a business, you have to raise the necessary …….. a. capital b. currency c. investment d. savings 7. When you buy a house you can claim tax ……… on the mortgage. a. aid b. assistance c. benefit d. relief 8. Mr. D‘s ……….. will be held in trust for him until he is 21. Then he will be free to spend it. a. dowry b. heirloom c. heritage d. inheritance 9. The government has introduced …………… currency controls which will make it more difficult to holiday abroad. a. extreme b. striking c. stringent d. strong 10. The two men ……… a coin to see who should take care of the business on the weekend. a. hurled b. lobbed c. threw d. tossed 11. No-one knows precisely how much she earns a month, but $4,000 can’t be very ……….. of the mark. a. wide b. broad c. distant d. far 12. The firm will go bankrupt if it cannot meet its ……………. a. charges b. duties c. liabilities d. promises F. There are a lot of idioms associated with money and financial status. Match some of them with their definitions. Try to recollect more.
Raise the Issue ➢ What is the role of economy in the modern society? Has it changed recently? ➢ There believed to be a clear shift from cultural and social priorities to economic ones. What makes people acquisitive [1]? Do you support the idea that our society is so pragmatic that “money reasoning” always prevails? A. Words in Context
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