Describe a polite person you know 

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Describe a polite person you know


you should say:

§ who this person is

§ who how you know this person

§ thy you think this person is polite


Describe an unforgettable experience you have had

You should say:

§ where it was

§ what you did

§ why you had this experience

and explain why you remember this experience well.

==> Sample Answer


Describe a well-paid job you would like to do/you will be good at in the future

You should say:

§ what the job is

§ how much training would be necessary

§ what is so special about this job

and explain why you are attracted to this job.

Describe an interesting house or apartment you visited

You should say:

§ what it would look like

§ where it would be located

§ what facilities this would have

§ and explain why you want to live there

==> Sample Answers


Describe a decision you disagreed with

you should say:

§ what the decision was

§ who made that decision

§ if you told this person that you disagree

§ why you think it was wrong decision

==> Sample Answers


Describe a historical event in your country

you should say:

§ what the event is

§ how you know about it

§ when it happened

§ why it is interesting


Describe a plan you have for the future (But not related to work or study)

you should say:

§ what it is

§ why you have this plan

§ what you will happen need to do in order to make the plan

§ how you think you will feel after you achieve this


Describe two people who you know from the same family

you should say:

§ who these two people are

§ how much these two people have similar personalities

§ how much they look similar

§ how well the two people get along with each other


Describe a time you had good experience in the countryside

You should say

§ Where it was

§ When it was

§ What you did

§ And explain why you liked/disliked the experience

==> Sample Answers


Describe an experience when you were not allowed to use a mobile phone

you should say:

§ what you did

§ when it was

§ where it was

§ why you were not allowed to use a mobile phone

Describe a place where people go to swim

you should say:

§ where this place is

§ what kinds of people go there

§ thy people choose to go to this place instead of other places

§ what facilities it has

==> Sample Answers


Describe a quiet place that you like

you should say:

§ where it is

§ how often you go there

§ what you do there

§ why you like this place

==> Sample Answers


Describe a famous person in your country

You should say

§ Who he/she is

§ What he/she does

§ And explain why the person is famous.

==> Sample Answers


Describe a time you waited for someone/ something (special to happen)

you should say:

§ what you were waiting for

§ how you felt

§ what you did while waiting

§ why you had waiting

==> Sample Answers


Describe an occasion when you received good service from a company or shop

you should say:

§ what company or business it was and what this company does

§ what the service was

§ who helped you

§ where you received this good service

§ why you think it was good service


Describe a new shop that opened in your city

you should say:

§ what shop it is

§ where it is

§ what it sells

§ why you like or dislike it


Describe an interesting talk or speech that you heard recently

you should say:

§ where you heard it

§ who the speaker was

§ that the talk or speech was about

§ why you think it was interesting


Describe your favourite weather

you should say:

§ what kind of weather it is

§ what you usually do during this weather

§ how this weather affects your mood

§ why you like this type of weather


Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently

you should say

§ what the activity was

§ who was with you

§ why you did it

§ why do think it was unusual

==> Sample Answers


Describe an activity you did that was new or exciting

you should say:

§ what you did

§ when you did it

§ where you were

§ who you did with it

§ whether it was difficult or easy

§ why this activity was new or exciting for you



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