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Ex. 6. Write a single paragraph development by both comparison and contrast in which you weigh certain features and reach a decision regarding↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 11 из 11 Содержание книги
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- a choice of a candidate for office; - a vacation spot; - a summer job; - the spending of $100; - means of transportation from one place to another. It will be necessary to limit your topic sentence carefully so that it prepares the reader adequately for the double task of comparison and contrast. ü An analogy is a detailed comparison. This kind of comparison has two uses. The first is reasoning, the second is explaining things. Ex. 7. Evaluate the following selection as a paragraph of analogy by applying to it the questions that appear below it. 1 The bakery shop window is like a stage with its entrances, its settings, and its exits. 2 Each morning Mrs. Jenkings, the plump bakery shopkeeper, dressed in crisp brown and white-checked uniform with matching starched apron, prepares the window for its daily showing. 3 Even as a little girl she had enjoyed dressing up her doll house. 4 Her parents had given her a large one for Christmas when she was five. 5 She straightens the white ruffled organdy curtains framing the window of the shop and tapes against the glass pane in one corner a cardboard sign. 6 It bears the name of the week’s star attraction. 7 This week there are no scones that the customers liked so much, but there is something just as good. 8 This week the spotlight falls on cherry pie, a special at forty-five cents. 9 She recalls with satisfaction that Mrs. Masley liked the cherry pies three weeks ago. 10 One by one Mrs. Jenkings carries the individual silver trays heaped with luscious cakes, flaky pastries, and gooey buns from the back delivery room out to the window and carefully lays each article on fresh white paper doilies. 11 She had bought the doilies at Sears when they had them on sale. 12 Using such props as folded cardboard boxes to elevate some cakes and artificial bunches of cherries to brighten the scene, Mrs. Jenkings arranges the display. 13 By 8 o’clock every item is in place. 14 The stage is set.
settings – декорации starched apron – накрахмаленный передник ruffled organdy curtains – шторы из органзы с оборками pane – оконное стекло silver tray – серебряный поднос doily – салфеточка prop – подставка
1 What is the basis for the analogy? 2 What is the central focus of the paragraph? 3 Is the controlling idea satisfactory? 4 Is the paragraph unified? 5 What type of basic material is used? 6 Which sentences, if any, do not belong in the paragraph?
Ex. 8. Evaluate the following paragraph by applying the same questions asked in Ex. 7, above.
1 The Bay of Monterey has been compared by no less a person than General Sherman to a bent fishing-hook; and the comparison, if less important than the march through Georgia, still shows the eye of a soldier for topography. 2 Santa Cruz sits exposed at the shank; the mouth of the Salinas River is at the middle of the bend; and Monterey itself is cosily ensconced beside the barb. 3 Thus the ancient capital of California faces across the bay, while the Pacific Ocean, though hidden by low hills and forests, bombards her left flank and rear with never-dying surf. 4 In front of the town, the long line of sea beach trends north and north-west, and then westward to enclose the bay. Robert Louis Stevenson “The Old Pacific Capital” bay – бухта, залив fishing-hook – рыболовный крючок bend – изгиб, излучина ensconce – укрывать, прятать flank – фланг rear – тыл, задняя сторона
Ex. 9. From a map or from your own experience, choose a geographical feature – a continent, a cape, a lake, or the like – that resembles some familiar object in shape. Develop the analogy in a paragraph. Ex. 10. Write a paragraph of analogy based on a scientific process with which you are familiar, the hundreds or thousands of people arriving at a stadium for an athletic contest, the logs floating down river ending in a jam, the aimless scattering of a crowd of people at the time of an explosion, or some subject you really know.
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