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Rewrite the sentences in the passive↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 Содержание книги
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1. Sales were rising fast when our sales manager left the company. Sales were rising fast when the company... by our sales manager. a) was left b) left
2. Our boss will sign the contract. The contract... by our boss. a) will sign b) will be signed
3. Kerrie has paid the bill. The bill... by Kerrie. a) was paid b) has been paid
4. They sell the gold on international markets. The gold... on international markets. a) is sold b) sells
5. When I came, they were signing the contract. When I came, the contract.... a) was being signed b) was signed Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Республики Крым «Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения специальности 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учёт
Прочитайте, письменно переведите текст. THE PURPOSE OF A BUSINESS PLAN Defining a business plan can be difficult, as the definition might be different for every organization. A business plan, in its simplest form, will usually define what you want your business to be within a certain period of time (usually five years) and what profit you plan to get. A business plan is important for starting a business as, for example, blueprints are for building your house. A business plan will lay out the direction for your company and will establish standards for success. A complete business plan should include five-year financial projections. These projections will help investors to form certain decisions about your business and help you to know how much funding you will need to get some profit. A business plan should define how you would like to operate your business. This includes describing the management team, the marketing strategy, and the methods in which you will interact with customers. A business plan might project a strategy that reflects the management style of the business founders. Business plans are developed for many purposes. One company might be looking for funding from investors. Another company might be looking for a loan from a bank. Your company might just need to plan out the company’s strategy of its development to make sure it is successful. Whatever the case, every business needs a business plan.
Answer the Questions 1. Why is it difficult to define a business plan? 2. What can a business plan lay out? 3. Why do we need financial projections? 4. What should a business plan define? 5. So, what are the purposes of a business plan?
Translate the sentences using appropriate tense form of Conditional Sentences. 1. Что бы они делали, если бы я не одолжил им денег? 2. Если это платье будет стоить слишком дорого, я куплю другое. 3. Что ты будешь делать, если такси не приедет?
Поставьте глагол-сказуемое в следующих предложениях в страдательном залоге, стараясь сохранить время. 1. You can’t go into the sitting room.? is painting the walls. 2. When the doctor called to see the baby,? was feeding him. 3.? killed thirty people and? injured 65 in that terrible accident.
5. Трансформируйте предложения в активный залог, используя слова they, we, somebody в качестве подлежащего, где это необходимо. 1. Electric cars will be widely used in future. 2. The radar has been used for automatic control of ground transport. 3. Today plastics are being applied for car bodies (корпуса автомобилей). 4. The construction of the dam (дамба) has been completed this month. Fill in the blanks 1. I... hard, so I felt very tired. a) had worked b) have worked c) had been working
2. I... my money into real estate. a) invested b) have invested c) invest
3. We already... the goods when your telegram arrived. a) have shipped b) had shipped c) shipped
4. The invoice... by the end of the week so we sent them a strong reminder. a) had arrived b) hasn't arrived c) hadn't arrived
5. I... nothing in the Internet this month. a) have bought b) didn't buy c) haven't bought
6. This strategy seems to be good. Sales of our products... for some time. a) have increased b) have been increasing c) had been increas-ing
7. The price of petrol... down by about 1%. a) had gone b) has gone c) has been gone
8. Mark... at a company for seven years before he started his own business. a) was working b) has been working c) had been working
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