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Business Entertaining and Dining Etiquette ( обеденный и неформальный этикет )Содержание книги
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There is no great tradition for business entertaining in Australia and it certainly shouldn't be viewed as the quick way to firm relationships with a new client. In fact, you are more likely to be asked out for lunch or dinner once a firm relationship has been established. (как только установятся прочные отношения) Business lunches or dinners are usually swift (быстро) and simple and are focused on achieving some negotiation point rather than bribing the customer (не для подкупа клиента). If you are invited to eat in a restaurant, then it's common practice to pay for your portion of the bill. Unlike some Asian cultures, you are not obliged to consume alcohol, a soft drink is perfectly fine. Dress Code In Australia, standard business dress istill very much the norm. Men should wear a dark coloured, conservative business suit and tie. Women should wear a smart dress or a business suit (платье или деловой костюм). More informal attire (неформальная одежда) is often preferred if doing work outside the major cities. Try to avoid excessive jewelry and accessories which may be viewed as too flashy (вычурными –кричащими) and therefore unprofessional.
Initial contacts Луиза 1. In France, any business meeting necessarily begins and ends with a handshake. It’s usually quite fast and easy. Well-known men and women can afford a kiss on the cheek. 2. In France, a business card is very important. Often, it can tell you how to properly address the person - the French attach great importance to ranks and titles. 3. In a conversation with a woman, use the address "madame", with a man - "monsieur". These are common forms of address. 4. In France, it is not customary to call a business partner by name until they ask for it. Do not switch to "you" until you are asked to do so. The French introduce themselves by first giving their last name and then their first name. if you can't tell by ear where the first name is and where the last name is, ask about it. When you enter a room and you are allowed to go ahead, do not hesitate in the doorway. Just go first. In France, punctuality is valued, so it is better to come to any meeting 5-10 minutes earlier than the appointed time. Dress code Appearance, according to the French, reflects social status. They will be able to recognize good materials, high-quality cut, well-known brands. therefore, clothing should be elegant and stylish. It is best to dress conservatively. The French prefer suits for business negotiations and they never forget about fashion.
Саша The features of business etiquette in France Behavior (франц понимание бизнес этикета) 1. Do not change the preliminary agreements French partners tend to express critical comments, counterarguments and even interrupt the interlocutor. They do not accept unexpected changes in the positions of partners, so they attach great importance to reaching preliminary agreements (большое значение достижению предварительных договоренностей) 2. Negotiate in French. The French are very impressed if you use French during business meetings with them. A Frenchman is more likely to be hurt by bad French than English. 3. Don't be afraid to express your opinion Don't worry if your opinion differs from that of your opponents. The French value the ability to defend their positions. Gifts The French are rightly proud of their culture. Therefore, gifts chosen for intellectual needs (for example, books or albums on art, books about your country, or anything else that represents your country or city) will be well received. However, when presenting a gift to your business partner, you must comply with certain conditions: • Do not present gifts or souvenirs at the very beginning of business negotiations - it is better to do this when you come to an agreement in principle. • Do not bring wine as a gift. The only thing that is acceptable is a high - quality dessert wine or liqueur.
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