Transcribe and pronounce correctly the words from the story. Knock, half, through, pansy, dangerous, quiet, fright, upholstress, jing-a-jingling, quarrel, lily-of –the-valley 

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Transcribe and pronounce correctly the words from the story. Knock, half, through, pansy, dangerous, quiet, fright, upholstress, jing-a-jingling, quarrel, lily-of –the-valley


Knock, half, through, pansy, dangerous, quiet, fright, upholstress, jing-a-jingling, quarrel, lily-of –the-valley, gorgeous, brooch.

Comprehension Check

Work out the questions the woman Ellen was talking to asked her.

Match the following definitions in the left column with the words in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the story.

1. to do one’s hair to cheat smb
2.full of extreme anger, raging to feel inclined to do smth
3. to get a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that you or people who are connected with you have done smth well or own smth that other people admire to make a picture of smb
4. to make smb look very beautiful or special to recover
5. to succeed in accomplishing or achieving, especially with difficulty; contrive or arrange to dress one’s hair
6. to be disposed to a certain preference, opinion, or course of action to manage to do smth deal with, to get control over smth, to overcome to be furious
8. to deceive by trickery; swindle to take pride in smth
9. to make smth seem larger, better, wrse or more important than it really is a sight
10. skillful in accomplishing a purpose, especially by the use of cunning or craft to get over smth
11. a person who looks ridiculous, untidy, unpleasant a rtful
12. to regain a normal or usual condition, as of health                           to exaggerate


Choose the right word from the above exercise for each of the sentences below.

a) They …………… customers by overcharging them for purchases.

b) You are ………. at getting what you want!

c) She can’t ……………. her shyness.

d) She looks a ……….. in that hat!

e) Nobody ………………….. to argue with Smith.

f) The garden looks a …………. In the summer.

g) He tends ………………. The difficulties.

h) Mr. Barnstaple had recovered strength of body and mind.

i) A place where you can have your hair cut, washed and shaped is called a …………..

j) He ………….. to get a promotion.

k) She was absolutely …………… at having been deceived.

l) We …………………. in offering the best service in our town.

Find the English equivalents to the following words or phrases and use them in the sentences of your own.

Надеюсь. я вам не помешала; вы не спали?; чтобы согреться; не нужно слишком спешить; вести список; я очень злюсь; все свалилось на меня; никто не различит; как это проявлялось; потом она умерла; парикмахерская; по последней моде; будешь знать! Он видеть меня не хотел; ослики не выходили у меня из ума; притворилась, что сплю; этому не суждено было случиться; мы часто встречались; он ни перед чем не останавливался; хочет ли она, чтобы я отложила все; я не дала ему слова сказать; спи крепко; думать вредно.

Match the words on the left with the words or phrases of similar meaning on the right.

a) to be in a hurry              to fail to recollect

b) to be through                 to go pale

c) afterwards                     to delay

d) to forget                        to make haste

e) put smth off                   to take care of

f) to mind about smb        at a later time

g) to turn white                awful

h) dreadful                       to finish


Match the words on the left with their opposites on the right.

a) wicked                          secure           

b) dangerous                     bold

c) fearful                           rough

d) solemn                           encouraging

e) shy                                ugly

f) gentle                           moral

g) gorgeous                       joyous

Put in the missing prepositions.

a) Howard stood … the middle … the room sipping a cup … coffee.

b) His presence pulled her … short.

c) … last he stopped reading and looked … from his papers.

d) Ridley picked … and pencil and fiddled … it.

e) Women who put … having a baby often make the best mothers.

f) The class bust … laughing.

g) You’ve had chess … the brain since you were little.

h) Stop waiting … things to happen. Make them happen.

i) She took some friends … a ride in the family car.

j) Order me a pot of tea, I’m dying … thirst.

Expand on the following.

a) ‘ She was the sweetest old lady.’

b) ‘I’ve got nobody but my lady.’

c) ‘Do you know what I did, madam?’

d) ‘Beautiful those donkeys were!’

e) ‘The day came he was to call for me to choose the furniture.’

f) ‘ When Harry came I had his letters all ready.’



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