Section 6 power supply system 

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Section 6 power supply system




Ex. 1. Word - box:

1.proper - правильный, надлежащий

2.generate - производить, вырабатывать (энергию)

3. thermal -тепловой

4. always - всегда

5. fuel - топливо

6. exhaust - истощать, исчерпывать

7. result (in) приводить (к), result (from) -вытекать (из)

8. discover - открывать, делать открытие; discovery - открытие

9. cause - причина; v вызывать, заставлять

10. compete - конкурировать; competition - конкуренция; соревнование

11. conventional - обычный, традиционный

12. contain - содержать, вмещать

13. equal - равный

14. drawback - недостаток, отрицательная сторона

15. measure - измерять; мера; take measures- принимать меры

16. locate - размещать; определять местонахож­дение, обнаруживать

17. trouble - авария, повреждение; затруднение

18. distribute - распределять

19. nuclear - ядерный

20.current -электрический ток; поток; alternating current (а. с.) переменный ток;

direct current (d. с.) постоянный ток 

21. convert (to) - преобразовывать (в); пере­водись (на); conversion - преобразование; перевод

22. transform (into) - преобразовывать (в); превращать; syn: turn (into); transformer- трансформатор

23. lower - понижать

24. instrument - прибор, аппарат

25. fit - снабжать, оборудовать; устанавливать

26.overhead (contact) wire контактный провод

27. due to - благодаря, 

28. remote - отдаленный; remote control ди­станционное управление     


  Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

 I. Electric energy is … at electric power stations. 2. The electric power stations operating on coal, gas or oil are known as the …power plants. 3. Coal, gas or oil are used as …at the thermal power stations. 4. D. I. Mendeleyev … the Periodic Law of Elements in 1869. 5. Steam locomotives were replaced by diesels and electrics because their possibilities had been …. 6. The speed of the trains is not so high as that of the airplanes. In this respect, railways cannot … with aviation. 7. The fault in the electrical equipment … the accident. 8. A high

initial cost of the electrified railways is their main …. 9. A flow of electrons is called the electric …. If the electric current flows in one direction, it is called the … current. The electric current changing, constantly the direction of its flow is known as the …current. 10. The … an electrical instrument which is used to increase or lower the voltage of the electric current. 11. All railway substations are …with transformers. 12. The turbines are used to … the energy of steam into mechanical energy.


Ex. 17. Pay attention to the translation of the adjectives:

a)contactable — тот, с которым можно вступить в контакт; workable — тот, который способен работать; controllable — тот, которым можно управлять;

b)unworkable — тот, который не может работать (вышел из строя); unsuitable — неподходящий, непригодный; unequal — неравный; unplanned — незапланированный; unexpected — неожиданный.


Ex. 18. Translate the attributive groups:

circuit (электрическая цепь) — AC circuit — 3-phase AC circuit;

substation — substation operation — substation operation management;

motor — motor rotation — DC motor rotation speed;

conductor (проводник) — conductor material — conductor material quality investigation;

noise — noise level — noise level reduction — motor noise level reduction.


Ex. 19.  Pay attention to the translation of the words «It was... who...»:

1.    It was F.J. Sprague who experimented with electricity.

2.    It was also F.J. Sprague who developed the method of controlling several cars simultaneously.

3.    It was M. Faraday who discovered electromagnetic induction.

4.    It is the electromagnetic induction that is the basis of electrical engineering.

4.    It is for more than a hundred years now that railways maintain their dominant position.

5.    It is Switzerland that played the leading part in early electrification of its railways.


Ex. 20.  Pay attention to the translation of the words «both» and «both...and»:

1.    Both new passenger locomotives have the same power.

2.    Both experiments have been extremely successful.

3.    There were locomotives at both ends of a heavy freight train.

4.    Both Russian and foreign engineers work on the design of the new powerful locomotives for

        electrified lines.

5.    Both steam traction and diesel traction are used in less developed countries of the world.


Ex. 21. Pay attention to the translation of the words «either» and «either... or»:

1.    Today electric trains can be controlled either by a driver or by means of Automatic Train Control


2.    This work is very responsible. It must be headed either by the manager or the chief engineer.

3.    It is possible to control the multiple-unit trains from either end.

4.    Either of the students can do this work.


Ex. 22. Pay attention to the translation of the words «former», «the former» and «the latter»:

1.    Some of our former students occupy important posts in the Ministry of Railways heading

        different departments.

2.    There are two ways of supplying current to trains: the catenary and the third rail. The former is

        used on overground railways, the latter? in the underground systems.


Ex. 23. Pay attention to the translation of the verb «to be»:

1.    Power is always transmitted along the track.

2.    The most extensive electrification in the US was done by the Pennsylvania Railroad at the end

        of the XIX century.

3.    Today, in more than 95 percent of electrified railways of the world, current is collected from

        overhead wires.

4.    While electric railroads are popular throughout the world, they are less so in the US.

5.    At least, one collector is to be attached to the train so that it can always be in contact with the


6.    Contactors are widely used on trains and are a good example to demonstrate how multiple unit

       control works in practice.


Ex. 24. Pay attention to the translation of the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction:

1.    There are three contact designs: top, side and bottom, the latter one being the best.

2.    Both DC and AC are used for electric traction, the former being simpler for railway traction, the latter being better over long distances and cheaper to install.

3.    In 1980 the French TGV (High Speed train) — which is the fastest commercial train — made its debut, its speed being 290 km/h.

4.    This diagram shows an AC electric loco, the red lines indicating the single phase AC circuit, the green lines the DC circuits, and the purple lines the 3-phase AC circuits.


Ex. 25. Read and translate the text without a dictionary:

As a matter of fact, electric traction on pre-revolutionary Russian Railways was never used. Electrification of railways depended upon the industrial development of the country in general. We know Russia to have been a backward country as far as the development of industry is concerned. Probably that was the main reason why Russian railways had not been electrified before the October Revolution. However, the first attempt to electrify Russian railways was made in 1876 and it was in 1891 that the first street railway was put into operation in Kiev.

When the GOELRO plan had been successfully carried out, the basis for the railway electrification in the country was created. It was in 1926 that the first electrified railway Baku — Surukhany was opened. It should be noted that Russian scientists and engineers came to the conclusion that 3,000 V DC as well as one-phase AC would be the best for the railways.

By the end of the first five-year plan Russian plants started producing electric locomotives. Some time later, the Mytishchi plant began building electric motor car sets. By 1975 over 40,000 km of Russian railways had been electrified. The Tbilisi and Novocherkassk locomotive plants designed and constructed VL-10, VL-11 and VL-15 DC electric locomotives; and VL-60, VL-80 and VL-82m AC locomotives for freight traffic. The latter locos used silicon rectifiers which were lighter, less expensive, and more durable. Comfortable modern multiple-units running at a speed of up to 200 km/h were produced by the Riga Plant. Those trains were designed for operation between St-Petersburg and Moscow.


Third rail

Third rail uses a «shoe», perhaps because it was first called a «slipper» by the pioneers of the industry (it slipped along the rail) but later someone thought shoe was a better description.

Third rail current collection comes in variety of designs. The simplest is what is called «top contact» because that is the part of the rail upon which the pick-up shoe slides.

Being the simplest, it has some drawbacks, one of them being the danger that anyone or anything might come into contact with it, which is really very dangerous. It also suffers during bad weather, the smallest amount of ice or snow making top contact third rail systems almost unworkable. Side contact is not much better but, at least, it is less exposed.

Bottom contact is the best — you can cover effectively most of the rail and it is protected from the worst of the cold weather.



1.    way - путь; способ; in this way таким образом

2.    essential - а важный, существенный

3.    attempt - попытка; make an attempt делать попытку

4.    major - а более важный, главный

5.    furnish - v снабжать

6.    third (conductor) rail -контактный (токопроводящий) рельс

7.    bring into use - вводить в действие

8.    take interest (in) - проявлять интерес (к)

9.    realize - v осуществлять, реализовывать

10.  advance - v делать успехи; развиваться; n успех, прогресс

11.  quarter - n четверть; квартал

12.  whole - а целый, весь

13.  in spite of - prep несмотря на (то, что)

14.  relatively - adv относительно

15.  valuable - а ценный; value - n ценность; значение

16.  route - n трасса, маршрут

17.  dense - а плотный, густой; dense traffic напряженные перевозки (движение);

        density of traffic - напряженность перевозок

18.  trunk line - магистральная линия, железнодорожная магистраль

19.  haulage -  тяга, перевозка

20.  chief -а главный

21.  operation cost  - стоимость эксплуатации

22.  obtain -  v получать, добиваться

23.  catenary -  контактная сеть

24.  as regards -  в отношении, что касается

25.  rolling stock -  подвижной состав

26.  (the) latter -  а последний (из двух упомянутых); the former первый (из двух


27.  either... or - cj или... или, либо... либо; neither... nor - cj ни... ни

28.  justify -  v оправдывать

29.  favourable -  а благоприятный


Ex. 1.       Выберите нужное по форме слово.

1. Due to electric (haul, haulage) the traffic (dense, density) on the line can be increased. 2. The generation of electricity from the sun energy is now quite (realizable, realize, realization). 3. The operation cost of electrified railways is (relatively, relative, relativity) low. 4. After the Great October Socialist Revolution it was decided to (electrification, electrify) the heavily-used lines. 5. Electric haulage is particularly (attract, attraction, attractive) in (mountains, mountainous) country.



Ex. 2.       Выберите правильный вариант перевода английских


а) essential существенно, существенный, существо

rapidity        быстрый, быстро, быстрота

valuable     ценный, ценность, оценивать

justify         оправдывать, оправдание, оправданный

unfavourable благоприятствовать, неблагоприятный, благоприятный

density         плотно, плотность, плотный

in this way  по этому пути, на этой дороге, таким образом

in spite of   вместо, согласно, несмотря на

major         большой, более важный, второстепенный

as regards   в отношении, как считают, в соответствии

the latter     позднее, письмо, последний (из двух упомянутых)


Ex. 3. Переведите словосочетания

a necessary element of a substation; to supply railways with technical aids; to transmit electric current through the third rail; to put the railway into service; to make a great progress in railway engineering; to put a programme into practice; heavy traffic; a main line; to convert a railway to electric traction; the principal advantage of electric railways; to get valuable information; to inspect the system of overhead wires.


Ex. 4.       Переведите данные словосочетания, обращая внимание на союзы.

both telephone and radio; either the overhead wire or the conductor rail; neither railway nor road transport; the electric as well as the diesel haulage; the higher the density of traffic the shorter the time intervals between trains.


Ex. 5.       Заполните пропуски предлогами.

1. A freight train may be composed... various types of wagons. 2. Metro trains are furnished... electric current by means of the conductor rail. 3. The countries having limited supplies of natural fuel take great interest... developing A-power industry. 4. The pioneer electric railway in our country was brought... use in Azerbaijan. 5.    In spite... a high initial cost the diesel locos are extensively used for both passenger and freight haulage. 6. Due... rapid acceleration the m-u trains are particularly suitable for the lines with frequent stops. 7. Nowadays many railway substations have been converted... remote control.


Ex. 6.       Прослушайте текст и передайте его содержание по-русски.


(1)  It is a well-known fact that electric trains perform valuable service on trunk lines with dense traffic. But electric haulage is costly because it needs a whole system of electrical substations and either a catenary or a conductor rail. The third rail system is particularly essential for underground railways because of a limited space available in tunnels.

(2)  The conductor rail system proves quite successful under normal conditions, but a great difficulty arises on open sections. The matter is that under unfavourable winter conditions the third rail may be covered with ice and it becomes difficult to transfer electric current from the conductor rail to the train.

(3)  To eliminate this difficulty a special equipment was devised which could remove ice. At first this equipment was manually operated. But the process was relatively slow and inefficient.

(4)  In recent years, the manually-operated equipment has been converted to semi-automatic working.


Ex. 7.       Переведите предложения с инфинитивом в функции определения.

1. The electric energy to drive trains may be taken from the overhead wire. 2. The major problem to be solved in passenger service is the construction of the vehicles able to run at speeds up to 200-250 kph. 3. The research to be carried out in the laboratory will be aimed at improving the reliability of the existing rolling stock. 4. The conductors to be used for transmitting the electric power to the trains are either the third rail or the overhead wire. 5. The speed to be attained by modern trains is often limited by the conditions of the track. 6. The chief engineer was the first to locate the faulty equipment. 7. The Mos-cow—Mytishchi suburban railway was the second to be electrified in our country.


Ex. 8.       Переведите словосочетания и предложения, обращая внимание на неличные формы глагола в функции определения.

а)    the measures taken — the measures being taken — the measures to be taken;

the voltage lowered — the voltage being lowered — the voltage to be lowered;

the attempts made—the attempts being made—the attempts to be made;

the project realized — the project to be realized;

the railway brought into use—the railway being brought into use — the railway to be brought into use.

б)    1. The line electrified was fed with a high voltage a.c. 2. The railway being electrified will be serviced by mutrains. 3. The suburban route to be electrified is relatively short. 4. The experiments being made are aimed at choosing a more suitable material for the conductor rail. 5. The chief advantages to be obtained from electric haulage are high speeds and cleanliness. 6. A high average speed to be attained by mu trains makes it possible for suburban railways to carry more passengers.


Ex. 9.   Переведите предложения с инфинитивом в функции обстоятельства.

1. Some railway terminals in big cities must be reconstructed to cope with the constantly increasing flow of passengers. 2. The transformers are used to lower the voltage of the alternating current. 3. To meet the needs of the country in power the A-power plants are being increasingly built. 4. To produce as much electricity as the thermal power stations do the atomic power plants need much less fuel.


Ex. 10. Укажите предложения, в которых инфинитив выполняет функцию обстоятельства. Переведите предложения.

1. То convert a railway to electric haulage a costly reconstruction work is necessary.— To convert a railway to electric haulage will require costly reconstruction work. 2. To realize the project took a long time and needed much research.— To realize the project the scientists spent much time, making numerous experiments. 3. To inform the driver of the location of the train ahead the light signals are fitted in the driving cab.— To inform the driver of the train running ahead is possible due to the light signals fitted on the control panel.


Ex. 1 1.  Переведите предложения, содержащие инфинитивные обороты с предлогом for.

1. Great efforts were made by the Soviet people for the GOELRO Plan to be realized. 2. For hydro-power stations to be built large rivers are necessary. 3. Highly efficient machines make it possible for the construction cost of railway electrification to be lowered. 4. The distance is too long for the train to cover in two hours. 5. For the electric current to flow an electrical conductor is needed. 6. In spite of a high initial cost of electrification it is essential for the major trunk lines to be electrified. 7. Dense traffic is a necessary condition for electric haulage to be economically justified. 8. Due to numerous machines less time is required for the workers to repair the catenary.


Ex. 1 2. Найдите в тексте и переведите предложения с инфинитивом в функции определения (абз. 3, 5, 8, 9, 12).


Ex. 1 3.     Переведите текст письменно со словарем (15 мин.).


There are AC and DC motors, and either of them can work with an AC and DC supply. You just need to use the right sort of a control system between the supply and the motor and it will work. However, the choice of AC or DC power transmission system is important. Generally, it's a question of what sort of railway you have. It can be summarised simply as AC for long distance and DC for short distance. But, of course, there are exceptions.

It is easier to boost the voltage of AC than that of DC, so it is easier to send more power over transmission lines with AC. This is why national electrical supplies are distributed at up to 765,000 volts AC. As AC is easier to transmit over long distances, it is an ideal medium for electric railways. Only the problems of converting it on the train to run DC motors restricted its widespread adoption until the 1960s.

DC, on the other hand, was the preferred option for shorter lines, systems and tramways. However, it was also used on a number of main line railway systems, and still is in some parts of continental Europe. Apart from requiring a simple control system for motors, the smaller size of urban operations meant that trains were usually lighter and needed less power. Of course, it needed a heavier transmission medium, a third rail or a thick wire, to carry the power and it lost a certain amount of voltage as the distance between the supply connections increased. This was overcome by placing substations at close intervals — every three or four kilometres at first, nowadays every two or three kilometres on a 750 volt system — compared with every 20 kilometres or so for a 25 kV AC line.





1) propel - приводить в движение, продвигать; propulsion – движущая сила

2) power supply - энергоснабжение;

3) traction (diesel, electric) - тяга (дизельная, электрическая);

4) steam locomotives (engines) - паровые локомотивы;

5) efficient - эффективный;

6) power station (plant) - электростанция;

7) produce electric current - производить электрический ток;

8) tractive effort (power) - тяговая сила;

9) air pollutant - загрязнение атмосферы; air pollutant - загрязняющий агент;

10) prime mover - источник энергии;

11) turbotrain - турбопоезд;

12) gas-turbine engine - газотурбинный двигатель;

13) power car - вагон энергоснабжения;

14) horse power (hp, HP) - лошадиная сила; мощность.


Ex. 1.. Answer the following questions:

1) What types of engines may trains be propelled by? 2) How do you think, what types of locomotives - steam, diesel or electric - may be used for heavy mainline service? 3) What type of tractive power did the first locomotives run on? 4) What type of locomotive is more expensive to build - diesel or electric? 5) Have you heard of trains propelled by gas-turbine engines? Give your examples, if any.


Ex. 2.. Read and translate the text using the words from exercise 1.


Trains may be propelled by various types of engines: diesel, electric or aircraft ones. Hence, railway power supply is based on diesel or electric traction.

First locomotives were steam ones, they played an enormous part in acceptance railways as the dominant means of inland transport in the last century. Without it we might not have our present national networks of railways. However, nowadays steam locomotives are on their way out in many counties. The reason is that, first of all, diesel and electric locomotives which taking place of the former steam engines, are available for work over much longer periods, can maintain a higher average speed and are less costly. In fact, steam engines were never efficient in turning coal into energy - only about 7 per cent of the available heat was used (the same coal could be better used in a power station to produce electric current to drive an electric locomotive.


Diesels or Electrics?


The diesel and electric locomotives have some common features. As well as the electrics (electric locomotives), the diesels(diesel locomotives) are always ready for service because the diesel engine can be started within a minute or two in any weather and can be in operation for perhaps a week without visiting a depot. As well as the electrics, the diesels are capable of developing a high tractive effort at low speeds and, therefore,can start and accelerate heavy trains. These features allow the diesel locos to be used for heavy mainline service.

  On the other hand, the diesel locomotive is more expensive to build and maintain than the electric of equal power since the diesel locomotive carries a power plant on itself. In addition, the diesel engine is an air pollutant prime mover, so the diesel traction should not be recommended for use on suburban lines round large cities. Noise and vibration are also considered the drawbacks of the diesel locomotive. Another disadvantage of the diesel locomotive is that the diesel engine runs on organic fuel the supplies of which are not inexhaustible. Diesel traction is normally employed today on non-electrified trunk lines and on lines where traffic is not dense enough to justify electrification.

The history of railway traction is abundant in types of energy used for starting trains. In the second half of the 20th century aerospace engineers designed turbotrains the operation of which was based on the technology of flight. The new American turbotrain had an aircraft-type gas-turbine engine and developed a speed of 157 miles/h on standard jointed rail tracks. In France turbotrains began running between Paris and Cherbourg in 1971. Each power car of the train carrying a pair of gas turbines contained a driver’s cab which had been specially designed to give the maximum driving efficiency and control. On Paris-Lyon route gas-turbine locomotives developed a maximum speed of 300 km/h. British Advanced Passenger Train (APT) consisted of two aerodynamically-styled power cars each fitted with four 300-h.p.


 Ex. 3. a) Make a list of advantages of diesel locomotives. Use the text to help you:

1 can start heavy trains

2 _________________

3 _________________

4 _________________

b) Make a list of disadvantages of diesel locomotives. Use the text to help you:

1 expensive

2 ___________

3 ___________

4 ___________

c) Now name all the common features of diesels and electrics. What are the advantages of electrics?

  Scan the text and say what type of traction it deals with.


Natural Gas Railcar Debut

German Rail (DB) is claiming a world first, by operating passenger trains powered by natural gas which is said to produce very few harmful emissions compared with a diesel-powered train. The project has aroused such interest that DB and French National Railways (SNCF) now plan to develop a new natural gas lightweight railcar.

Two 30 to 40 year old two-axle lightweight diesel railcars belonging to DB's subsidiary and operating on the Baltic island of Usedom were converted to natural gas propulsion. The conversion involved the replacement of the diesel engine on each railcar with an Otto engine with spark plugs which can be powered by compressed natural gas.

An advantage of natural gas is that the railcars can travel about 750 km more on a full tank than they could when they were diesel powered.

The environmentally-friendly propulsion concept fulfilled all the expectations during trials in the foothills of the Alps. Measurements showed that emissions of nitric oxide were cut by about 97 %. Carbon monoxide by 84 % and hydrocarbons by about 70%. Another advantage of natural gas over diesel is that there is no soot emission from the exhaust pipe. The natural gas engines are also quieter than their diesel counter - parts.

The German and foreign rail vehicle industry has taken notice of this propulsion technology, and is considering whether to develop and offer new generation lightweight railcars with natural gas propulsion", said Mr Roland Heinisch, DB's board member for research, technology and traction.





Ex. 4.  Translate the attributive groups:

high speed electric train — high speed electric train power — high speed electric train power equipment — high speed electric train power equipment development; good contact maintenance problem — good contact maintenance problem discussion; control system minituarisation conference.


Ex. 5.  Translate the sentences paying attention to the word «since»:

1.    Since the advent (появление) of power electronics a lot of mechanical movements required during high speed train operation have been eliminated (устранять).

2.    Since relays (реле) now are replaced by electronic control, the train control systems have become very small in size.

3.    Since the new line has been electrified with AC power at industrial frequency the new trains can start running on it.

4.    Since we often use the word «tramway» we should know its origin (происхождение). In 1800 Benjamin Ostram decided to support the street rails on stone instead of timber. Since then, this type of road became known, first, as «ostram roads», later as «tram roads» from which was derived modern «tramway».


Ex. 6. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Infinitives:

1.    It is planned to make a new extension (участок) from the Isle of Dogs, under the River Thames, to Greenwich.

2.    The whole metro system will have a new signalling system to be operated at 2 minute headways (интервалы).

3.    Today powerful computers are used to monitor the driverless trains in Great Britain.

4.          To lose power supply to the train, it is necessary to lower the pan.

5.          A lightweight transverse frame is used to support the contact strips.



Ex. 7. Read and translate the international words:

pantograph, isolation, contact, cylinder, pressure, maintain, maintenance, support, cause, original, compress, acceleration, detection, formation.


Ex. 8.  Pay attention to the translation of the words «the more..., the better...»:

a) the less..., the higher...; the longer..., the heavier...; the sooner..., the better...; the smaller..., the less expensive...; the bigger..., the more powerful...;

b) the higher the speed, the more difficult...; the longer the line, the more substations....


Ex. 9.         Translate the sentences paying attention to modal verbs:

1. This old line is to be connected from diesel to electric traction next year.

2. A new line will have to be electrified by the end of the year.

3. As electric locos can accelerate more rapidly, more trains can runon the same track.

4. As there were some defects in the train power supply system, the train had to be removed from service.

5.This train was to be back in service after examination and repair.



Current is collected from overhead lines by pantographs. Pantographs are easy in operation. You must lower the pan to lose the power supply to the train. However, they provide some complications.

Since the pantograph is usually the single point power contact for the locomotive or power car, it must maintain good contact under all running conditions. The higher the speed, the more difficult is the maintenance of good contact, because a pantograph moving at a high speed may cause the formation of a wave in the wire.

Pantograph contact is maintained either by spring or air pressure. Com-pressed air pressure is preferred for high speed operation. The pantograph is connected to a piston in a cylinder and air pressure in the cylinder maintains the pantograph in the raised condition.

Originally, pantographs were «diamond-shaped pantographs» with the contact head at the top. There are two contact faces normally. More modern systems use a single arm pantograph —just half of the original shape which is a neater looking design.

The contact strips of the pantograph are supported by a lightweight transverse frame which has «horns» at each end. These are turned downwards to reduce the risk of the pantograph being hooked over the top of the contact wire as the train moves along. This is one of the most common causes of wires «being down». A train moving at speed with its pantograph hooked over the wire can bring down several kilometres of line before it is detected and the train stopped.


Ex. 11.      Read the text without a dictionary:



November 6, 1924 is considered to be the birthday of the first main line diesel-electric locomotive in the world. On that day, a powerful die-sel-electric locomotive built to the design of professor Gakkel was put into operation on the Russian railways.

The designer of this locomotive, J.M.Gakkel (1871-1945), was born in Irkutsk, to the family of a military engineer. After graduating from the Petersburg Institute of Electrical Engineering, he worked as an engineer in a number of Russian cities such as Perm, Kiev and St. Petersburg. A man of profound engineering knowledge and creative power he made a considerable contribution to the development of Russian science and en­gineering. He designed some original types of aeroplanes, which won him recognition and popularity with aircraft designers; he made a lot of inven­tions in the field of locomotive and tram-car construction. In 1920 he be­gan the most important work of his life, that of designing a diesel-electric locomotive.



Ex. 1. Word - box:

1.proper - правильный, надлежащий

2.generate - производить, вырабатывать (энергию)

3. thermal -тепловой

4. always - всегда

5. fuel - топливо

6. exhaust - истощать, исчерпывать

7. result (in) приводить (к), result (from) -вытекать (из)

8. discover - открывать, делать открытие; discovery - открытие

9. cause - причина; v вызывать, заставлять

10. compete - конкурировать; competition - конкуренция; соревнование

11. conventional - обычный, традиционный

12. contain - содержать, вмещать

13. equal - равный

14. drawback - недостаток, отрицательная сторона

15. measure - измерять; мера; take measures- принимать меры

16. locate - размещать; определять местонахож­дение, обнаруживать

17. trouble - авария, повреждение; затруднение

18. distribute - распределять

19. nuclear - ядерный

20.current -электрический ток; поток; alternating current (а. с.) переменный ток;

direct current (d. с.) постоянный ток 

21. convert (to) - преобразовывать (в); пере­водись (на); conversion - преобразование; перевод

22. transform (into) - преобразовывать (в); превращать; syn: turn (into); transformer- трансформатор

23. lower - понижать

24. instrument - прибор, аппарат

25. fit - снабжать, оборудовать; устанавливать

26.overhead (contact) wire контактный провод

27. due to - благодаря, 

28. remote - отдаленный; remote control ди­станционное управление     


  Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

 I. Electric energy is … at electric power stations. 2. The electric power stations operating on coal, gas or oil are known as the …power plants. 3. Coal, gas or oil are used as …at the thermal power stations. 4. D. I. Mendeleyev … the Periodic Law of Elements in 1869. 5. Steam locomotives were replaced by diesels and electrics because their possibilities had been …. 6. The speed of the trains is not so high as that of the airplanes. In this respect, railways cannot … with aviation. 7. The fault in the electrical equipment … the accident. 8. A high

initial cost of the electrified railways is their main …. 9. A flow of electrons is called the electric …. If the electric current flows in one direction, it is called the … current. The electric current changing, constantly the direction of its flow is known as the …current. 10. The … an electrical instrument which is used to increase or lower the voltage of the electric current. 11. All railway substations are …with transformers. 12. The turbines are used to … the energy of steam into mechanical energy.


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