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Ex. 1. Fill in the correct word from the list. Choose any phrase and make up a sentence.↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Содержание книги
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Objective, in your own, opening and closing, original, thesis, one, shed, multi-paragraph, condensed, supporting, preliminary, minor.
Ex. 2. In a summary, what verbs can we use speaking about an author? Group the verbs in the list according to the headings. Be sure you know all the verbs. Claim, state, argue, contend, suggest, report, explain, discuss, criticize, recommend, maintain, argue against, illustrate, posit, write, insist, emphasize, point out, mention, go on with, stress, examine, analyze, inform, conclude, propose, reveal, focus. STRONG ARGUMENT… e.g. claim ………………………………………………………………. NEUTRAL … e.g. state. …………………………………………………………………………... COUNTERARGUMENT …………………………………………………………………………... SUGGESTION ……………………………………………………………………………………. CRITICISM……………………………………………………………………………………….. Ex. 3. What introductory words and phrases can we use in a summary? Group the words in the list around the bubbles according to the headings. At the beginning; first; at the end; in the first part; in the final part/ section; in the next part; in the main part; in the introduction; then; afterwards; at last; moreover; in (the) conclusion; in addition to that; next; finally; summing up his / her thoughts.
Ex. 4. Study the examples. Using the words and phrases from the exercises above, make up sentences according to the frames [3]. e.g. The article “Gold and Silver” by Joe Lawrence, found in the September 3, 2002 issue of Newsweek on pages 29-32, states that gold and silver are still the precious metals to invest in because their value never goes down.
In the article “Gold and Silver” (Newsweek; September 3, 2002; pp. 29-3), Joe Lawrence states that gold and silver are still the precious metals to invest in because their value never goes down.
In conclusion, the author makes several assumptions of silver and gold investment growth in the nearest future. 1. The article ____________by _________________, found in the ______________ issue of (title) (author's last name) (date: M/D/Y) ______________________ on pages __________, states that ____________. (name of the journal) (main idea)
2.___________'s article on ______________ (year) discusses the _____________.
3. __________________, in his/her article, "________________" argues that ____________.
4. According to ___________________ (year), __________________________________.
5. In the article _______________ (_______________________________________________), (title of the article) (title of the journal; date of issue M/D/Y; pgs) ____________________ states that ________________________. (author’s last name) (main idea)
6. _______________, the author/ researcher/ scientist/ reporter _____________________ that… (introductory word) (any appropriate verb)
Ex. 5. Translate into English. 1. Я сократила свой реферат до 30 страниц, и все-таки он еще очень длинный. Придется выпустить детали. 2. Наконец-то он добрался до сути! 3. Я знаю, что мне надо бросить курить. Но я не могу отказать себе в удовольствии выкурить сигарету после еды или после лекции. 4. Не перебивайте своего товарища, когда он отвечает. Это невежливо. 5. Боюсь, я не смогу написать реферат. Я не уловила главное в этой статьe.
Ex. 6. Play out a dialogue with your partner combining the remarks from the table.
SKILLS Find an article in English related to the topic of your thesis and write its one-page summary following the tips below [4] 1. Begin with a good introductory phrase. See ex. 4 for a possible model. 2. Be sure to give a full reference for the article in the first sentence. Follow the examples above (ex. 4) or below: for printed article: Serwer A (1997) Michael Dell Turns the PC World Inside Out. Fortune VI (8): 76-86. for on-line article: Disney, Sears. Walmart Clothes Made at Bangladeshi Factory Where Fire Killed 112. (2012, November 28). Fox News.com. Retrieved from http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/11/28/disney-sears-clothes-made-at-bangladeshi-factory-where-fire-killed-112/ 3. Mention the major aspects/factors/reasons that are discussed in the article. Discuss each supporting point in a separate paragraph. Introduce it in the first (topic) sentence. Example: The first major area in which women have become a powerful force is politics. Other phrases to use:
[1] Based on: Матюшкина-Герке Т.И. и др. Учебник англ. яз. Для II курса ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. – М.: Высш. школа, 1974. – С. 31 – 38. [2] Based on: Writing a Summary. URL: http://homepage.smc.edu/reading_lab/writing_a_summary.htm (дата обращения 22.03.2013); How to Write a Summary. URL: http://depts.washington.edu/owrc/Handouts/How%20to%20Write%20a%20Summary.pdf (дата обращения 22.03.2013); Bauer-Ramazani, Cristine. How to Write a Summary with In-Text Citations. URL: http://academics.smcvt.edu/cbauer-ramazani/AEP/EN104/summary.htm (дата обращения 22.03.2013). [3] Based on: How to Write a Summary// Maria College. URL: mariacollege.edu/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/HOW_TO_WRITE_A_SUMMARY.doc (дата обращения 22.03.2013). [4] Bauer-Ramazani, Cristine. Op. cit.
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