What are more colleges and universities asking professors to do? 

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What are more colleges and universities asking professors to do?

· Connect students with local volunteer groups

· Ask students to volunteer in their free time

· Include volunteering work in their classes

· Research the effects of student volunteering


V. Fill in the gaps with suitable words given below:

a) to serve b) to improve c) knowledge d) education e) employment f) academic

In some ways, higher 1) ______is a self-serving experience.

People often seek a college education because they want to 2) _______their lives. Or, they want to increase their chances at gaining well-paying, interesting and meaningful 3) ________.

Even if a person wants to find cures for major diseases or solve homelessness, they must spend years gaining 4) ________and training for themselves before they can help others.

A person’s college years are usually very busy. It may not seem like they have the time or the freedom 5) ______anyone but themselves.

But Connie Snyder Mick says they actually do.

Mick is the academic director of the Center for Social Concerns at the University of Notre Dame in the state of Indiana. Centers like hers exist at many colleges and universities in the United States. Mick says the centers help students seeking an experience that may not be directly related to a student’s 6) _________progress, but that is still important: volunteering.

VI. Put the sentences in the correct order following the logic of the text structure:

Campus volunteer centers can help students identify classes that offer these kinds of experiences. Volunteering does not necessarily mean finding extra time in the evenings or weekends, she says.

 “So …you’re getting that academic credit, but you’re also having an … experience that’s thoughtful, that gives you times to... do research and to think deeply about that … in a way that’s connected to your academic interests.” More and more schools are asking professors to design courses that include volunteer work.

“The research shows that when a student goes and has an experience, the learning happens in the reflection, and reflection happens in coursework,” Mick said. The centers also can let students know if their school offers any volunteering-based trips during breaks between study terms. Mick says such trips can be a meaningful way to spend free time and explore other places.

VII.Make the nouns from the following verbs and make your own sentences with these nouns:

1)to imagine, 2) to organize, 3) to relate to, 4) to create, 5) to partner


VIII. Translate from Russian into English:

Повышает шанс; интересная и значимая работа; ответственные за размещение студентов; такие мероприятия; серьезное дополнение; отвечать нуждам; заинтересовать работодателя.


IX. Work out a dialogue with the partner (s) to discuss the necessity of University volunteering centers.

X. Surfing the Internet.


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