Read the following passage carefully: 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Read the following passage carefully:



Unit 5



2021 – 2020


Unit 5


Balance КжЗТд is when two equal гКУЗжнЙ  things are treated as though they are equally important Ъбн дЭУ ЗбЮПС гд ЗбГегнЙ
Suffer нЪЗдн have an illness or health problem
stressful ЦЗЫШ /гхМецП making you worried and unable to relax
take (days) off нНХб Ъбн ГМЗТЙ гд ЗбЪгб not go to work for a period of time
Limit (v) нхНцП гд keep something less than a particular amount ЮПС гЪнд
Lack ндЮХе  when you do not have enough of something
Accounts НУЗИЗК a record УМцб of the money that a company or person has received and spent
Deadline гжЪП деЗЖн a date or time by which you must finish something
Client Ъгнб  someone who pays a person or organization for services or advice
freelance ЮЗЖг ИЪгб НС Зж гУКЮб working independently нЪгб ИФЯб гУКЮб for several different organizations
organization гхдЩгЙ  a group of people with a particular purpose ЫСЦ гЪнд  such as a business
take on нКжбн гУЖжбнЙ start being responsible for
sociable ЗМКгЗЪн friendly and likes to be with other people
Regular гдКЩг repeated, normal or usual
separate нЭХб / нхЭСцЮ to divide нхЮшУцг into two or more parts
stress ЦЫШ/ЗМеЗП a continuous feeling ФЪжС гУКгС of worry about work or your personal life that stops you from relaxing
task гегЙ /гГгжСнЙ a piece of work that someone has to do

More Vocabulary:

accounts НУЗИЗК freelance НС \ гУКЮб
advantages гТЗнЗ organisation гдЩгЙ
regular гдКЩг disadvantages ЪнжИ
deadline гжЪП деЗЖн guess нОгд\КОгнд
take on нКжбн гУЖжбнЙ /нхЪнцд clients ЪгбЗБ
sociable ЗМКгЗЪн title ЪджЗд \ бЮИ
amazing гПеФ Separate (v./adj.) нЭХб\гдЭХб
stress ЗбЦЫжШ tasks геЗг
balance КжЗТд / нхжЗТд work life НнЗЙ ЗбЪгб
article гЮЗб equal гКУЗж
equality гУЗжЗЙ treat нЪЗгб \ нЪЗбМ
treatment ЪбЗМ\гЪЗгбЙ relax нУКСнН\нСжН Ъд дЭУе \ нУКСОн
relaxation ЗУКСОЗБ\КСжнН Ъд ЗбдЭУ period of time ЭКСЙ гд ЗбжЮК
flexible гСцд athletes СнЗЦнжд
Laugh (v./n.) нЦНЯ\ЦНЯЙ laughter ЗбЦНЯ
improve нНУд \нКНУд improvement КНУд\КНУнд
do a sport нгЗСУ СнЗЦЙ cost nothing бЗКЯбЭ ФнЖЗ\гМЗднЙ
do a job нЮжг ИЪгб feel calm неПГ
feel better нФЪС ИКНУд qualities ХЭЗК
admire нхЪМИ ИЬ admiration ЗЪМЗИ
admirable гЛнС ббЗЪМЗИ mainly ИФЯб ЗУЗУн
nationality МдУнЙ occupation=situation гедЙ\жЩнЭЙ
purpose ЫСЦ service ОПгЙ
repeated гКЯСС normal ЪЗПн
usual гЪКЗП ladder Ухбг
stadium ЗбЗУКЗП powerful Южн
firefighters СМЗб ЗбЗШЭЗБ spectators ЗбгКЭСМжд
recipe жХЭЙ ЗЪПЗП ШЪЗг dependence ЗЪКгЗП
independence ЗУКЮбЗб repetition КЯСЗС
narrator СЗжн narrate нСжн (ЮХЙ/НЯЗнЙ)
separable ЮИб ббЕдЭХЗб realistic жЗЮЪн
suppose нЭКСЦ A full-time job жЩнЭЙ ИПжЗг ЯЗгб
vacancy жЩнЭЙ ФЗЫСЙ (ОЗбнЙ) A part-time job жЩнЭЙ бМТБ гд ЗбжЮК
salary гСКИ wages ЗМжС
occupational гедн relieve нОЭЭ
overgrazing ЗбСЪн ЗбМЗЖС Immune system МеЗТ ЗбгдЗЪЙ
Specialized agencies жЯЗбЗК гКОХХЙ Combat/fight poverty нНЗСИ/нЯЗЭН ЗбЭЮС
empathy гФЗСЯЙ жМПЗднЙ/КЪЗШхЭ mutual гхКИЗПб

The Listening Tex


Narrator: 1

Speaker 1: I’m a freelance writer. I have just had my first child, so I’m toobusytogo to work every day. What I like about freelance work is that you can choose how much work you want to do. Before my son was born, I worked very hard. Sometimes I worked so hard that I had to work until late at night. Now, I’m only doing a few hours of work a day. Later as my son gets older I’ll increase the amount of work that I do. The problem with being a freelance worker is that you don’t always get regular work. There are times when you can’t work hard enough to live comfortably. Also, it can be hard to make money and look after my family.

Narrator: 2

Speaker 2: When I was younger, I worked such long hours that I didn’t have any time to myself. The best thing about freelance work is that you can choose your working hours. When you don’t have to go to an office each day, you can manage your time. Because you’re working for yourself, you can make your own timetable. But of course it is very important that you gettheworkdoneon time. You must meet the deadlines.

Narrator: 3

Speaker 3: When I moved away from the city I was working in, I had to make a difficult decision: either to find a new job, or to carry on working for the same company, but freelance. I’m a book designer, so my job is one which can be done almost anywhere. All I need is a computer and the internet, and I can do my job wherever I want to. I need to travel to meetings, but I can take my work with me. When you’re a freelance worker, you can choose where you want to do your job.

Narrator: 4

Speaker 4: I’m a freelance project manager for a big organisation. I work on lots of different projects. The best thing about working freelance is that I can choose exactly which projects to take on. I find my own clients, so I usually look for the ones that provide the most interesting projects. The disadvantage of this is that you can’t always find new clients to work with when you are freelance. If you are working for an organisation, they find the clients for you.

Narrator: 5

Speaker 5: I’m a freelance accountant. I like my job, but it sometimes gets lonely working on your own. It is more sociable when you are working in an office. Also, freelance workers have to do their own accounts! For an accountant that’s not a problem, but I know other freelance workers who find doing their job and doing their accounts is too difficult for them to do on their own.


Finding a balance

A: separate work from home:

It is important for people to separate their work life from their home life. At the end of the work day, people should focus on the fact that this is also the end of that activity or task. Mothers and fathers both often need to work, but they have to balance their family and work. Parents who work should make sure that they spend enough quality time with their children.

B: Don't carry work around.

Many people find it difficult to get the balance right between their work and their free time. Modern technology means that some people can be atwork wherever they are. People can carry laptops and phones with them at all times, which means that they can read their e-mails even in their free time. This allows many people to have more flexible working hours or to work from home. The problem is that some companies find it so easy to contact people that they expect them to be available for work all the time. Even people who are relaxing at home may get an important call from work that they have to answer.

C: Take a break.

Although most workers enjoy what they do, people need rest as well. Some people work such long hours that they may suffer from stress. This can lead to a lack of sleep and feeling exhausted at work. People should remember that athletes who train foracompetition always takebreaks, so why should they not do the same from work? A break can also help to limit the number of days they need to takeoff because of illness.

D: Ask for help.

Everyone has times when work can be difficult. If you have a problem atwork, ask your manager for advice. He or she should be able to help you. This is often the best way out of stressful situations. It is part of a manager's job to help people with their problems.

Choose the correct answer:

1-Many people find it (easy – boring – difficult – strange) to get the balance right between their work and their free time.

2-Modern technology means that some people can be at work (whenever – wherever – whatever – whichever) they are.

3-Although most workers enjoy what they do, people need (family – money – food – rest) as well.

4-If you have a problem at work, your (manager – relatives – wife – cousin) can help you.

Answer the following questions:

5-What is the best way out of stressful situations?

6-What does the underlined word “ this ” refer to?

7-How does a break from work help people?

8-Find words in the passage which mean:

a) someone who is good at sports and who often does sports

b) to get pleasure from something

Word Study & Language Notes:

۩ КхУКОПг balance ИгЪЗдн гОКбЭЙ

§ balance (n.\v.) КжЗТд\ЗКТЗд\СХнП\нжЗТд

§ Get the balance right between …. and …нХб Збн/нНЮЮ ЗбКжЗТд ЗбУбнг Инд..ж..

·Many people find it difficult to get the balance right between their work and their free time.

·The current balance in your account is 2000 pounds.

§ keep his balance нНЗЭЩ Ъбн КжЗТде          

§ lose his balanceнЭЮП КжЗТде

balance…against … нжЗТд ФнБ гЮЗИб ВОС

§ You must balance the good points against the bad points and then make your decision.

Find \ achieve \ strike a balance between…and…нНЮЮ КжЗТд Инд..ж...

§ It is necessary to achieve a balancebetween the needs of employers and employees.

۩ бЗНЩ ЗУКОПЗг ЯбгЙ balance ЭнгЗ нбн


Account balance СХнП ЗбНУЗИ Balance of power гнТЗд ЗбЮжн
Balance of trade ЗбгнТЗд ЗбКМЗСн Recover (his) balance нУКЪнП КжЗТде
Knock (him) off balance нхЭЮцПе КжЗТде Keep/maintain a balance нНЗЭЩ Ъбн ЗбКжЗТд
Upset the balance нхОцб ИЗбКжЗТд On balance гЪ ГОР Яб ФнБ Эн ЗбЕЪКИЗС
The natural balance ЗбКжЗТд ЗбШИнЪн The ecological balance ЗбКжЗТд ЗбИнЖн
The balance of nature КжЗТд ЗбШИнЪЙ A balanced diet ЫРЗБ гКжЗТд


§ Limit (n) НП

· There was no limit to his ambition. ШхгжН

· We must putalimiton our spending.


§ Limit (v) нхНцП гд

· The hospital limits the number of visitors a patient can have.


§ Be limited to нЯжд ЮЗХС Ъбн

· The protests ЗбЗНКМЗМЗК were limited to New York.


§ Limitless бЗ НПжП бе 

· This new technology offers limitless opportunities.


§ Account = description жХЭ

· He was too shocked to give anaccount of what had happened.


§ Account НУЗИ Эн ИдЯ

· I’ve opened anaccount with Barclay’s Bank.


§ Take into account = take into consideration нГОР Эн ЗбЕЪКИЗС

· We must take all the facts into account.


§ On account of = because of ИУИИ

• Games are often canceled on account of rain.


§ Sociable ЗМКгЗЪн/гНИ ббЕОКбЗШ ИЗбВОСнд 

§ Social ЗМКгЗЪн/бе ЪбЗЮЙ ИЗбгМКгЪ

· Some children have more sociable personalities than others.

· In school, the children also learn social skills.


§ Separate... from (V.) нЭХб/ндЭХб/

§ Separate (Adj.) гдЪТб/гКИЗЪП / гдЭХб

§ Separation (n) ЗдЭХЗб

· A large river separates the north of the city from the south.

· My brother and I always had separate rooms.

• The worst part of the divorce was the separation from his three children.




§ at night / at noon / at midday / at midnight / at dawn / at dusk / at seven o'clock / at the end of the week

2-бКНПнП гЯЗд жМжП ФОХ Гж ФнБ Гж гЯЗд НПжЛ ФнБ Гж гЯЗд ЗбЪгб жЗбПСЗУЙ:

§ at the corner of the street/ at home / at Ali's house / at the hospital / at Harvard University / at the bank/ at work

3-бКНПнП ЗбЪгС ЪдП жЮжЪ НПЛ гЪнд:

§ She got married at 25.                     § He left school at the age of 16.


۩ КУКОПг In the end  ИгЪдн Finally жнбнеЗ МгбЙ

۩ КУКОПг At the end of  ИгЪдн Эн деЗнЙ.... жнбнеЗ ЯбгЙ КПб Ъбн жЮК Гж ФнБ

• We worked hard, and in the end, we achieved our goal.

• Put a full stop at the end of every sentence.

• I pay the electricity bill ЭЗКжСЙ ЗбЯеСИЗБ at the end of each month.


۩ бЗНЩ КСЯнИ ЗбМгб ЗбВКнЙ  :

Ё What I like/hate about … is that + МгбЙ

The best (worst) thing about … is that + МгбЙ

The problem with … is that + МгбЙ                             ЗбгФЯбЙ Эн....ен Гд..

§ What I like about my school is that I meet my friends every day.

§ What I hate about my work is that my boss is very arrogant. гЫСжС

§ The best thing about my house is that it has a garden.

§ The problem with being a freelance worker is that you don’t always get regular work.


۩ бЗНЩ ЗУКОПЗг Find  Эн ЗбМгб ЗбВКнЙ:

Ё Find it + Adjective + to + inf …

§I find iteasy tostudy biology.

§I find it hard toreach my goals.


Ё Find someone/something + V +ing …

§I found the book lying on гхбЮн Ъбн/гжМжПЗ Ъбн the table.

§I foundherstudying in her room.


Ask to + inf. or ask for + n.?

Ё Ask … to + inf.

Ё Ask for + noun

§She asked her boss to give her more money, but he refused.

§She asked for more money, but her boss refused.


۩ КхУКОПг Take off ИгЪЗдн гОКбЭЙ:

Ё take off     КхЬЮбЪ (ЗбШЗЖСЙ)           · The plane is takingoff soon.

Ё take off     нЬОбЪ (гбЗИУе\НРЗЖе...) · It was hot, so I took off my jacket.

Ё take off     нНХб Ъбн ЗМЗТЙ гд ЗбЪгб · I can't take off any time this week.

Ё take off     нКгКЪ ИдМЗН гЭЗМнБ    

· Her sports career took off after she won the competition.



§ Take on нхФЫцб/нхжЩцЭ/нКжбн гУЖжбнЙ Ъгб

§ Take to + V. + ING нЪКЗП Ъбн/нхПгд Ъбн

§ Take up нФЫб (гдХИ Гж жЩнЭЙ)/нФЫб жЮК Гж НнТ/нИПГ Эн КЪбг Гж ггЗСУЙ ФнБ

§ Take down нЯКИ / нхУМб

§ Take after нхФИе


· Our school tookon 3 new teachers

· Don't takeon more responsibilities than you can handle.

· Ahmed has takenup to getting up at 6 am.

· I’ll try not to take up too much of your time.

· The police took down our addresses and phone numbers.

· The new minister will take up his position in May.

· She takes after her mother


Ё A number of …..+ ЭЪб МгЪ              Ё The number of …+ ЭЪб гЭСП

· A number of children are playing in the street.

· The number of people we need to hire is thirteen.


Ё remind someone to + inf.     нхРшЯцС ФОХ Гд нЭЪб ФнБ        

Ё remind someone of нхРЯцС ИФнБ Гж ФОХ

Ё remind someone that + МгбЙ   

Ё remember нКРЯС

· Please remind me to post this letter.

Your uncle reminds me of an old friend.

· I rang Mona and reminded her that the meeting had been cancelled.


۩ бЗНЩ ЗУКОПЗг GET ИгЪдн become гЪ ИЪЦ ЗбХЭЗК жКФнС Збн ЗбКЫнС Эн ЗбНЗбЙ Зж ЗбгжЮЭ:

Get older Get angry Get older нКЮПг Эн ЗбУд
Get hotter Get better нКНУд   Get worse нУжБ/нХИН ГУжГ
Get tired Get exhausted нхдеЯ   

۩ бЗНЩ ГнЦЗр ЗУКОПЗг GET ИгЪдн receive = нКбЮн/нНХб Ъбн /нУКбг Ў жнУКОПг ГнЦЗр ИгЪдн buy


Get regular work нНХб Ъбн Ъгб гдКЩг      get a letter               get 1000 dollars

Get permission нНХб Ъбн ЗРд            get a new TV нФКСн..   get a passport

Words Often Confused:

Ё feel нФЪС\нНУ\нбгУ Ё suffer нЪЗдн

· When she heard the news, she felt so happy.

· She has been sufferingfrom amnesia ЭЮПЗд ЗбРЗЯСЙ for two years.


Ё training     ЗбКПСнИ\КЪбг геЗСЗК гЪндЙ дНКЗМеЗ ббЮнЗг ИдФЗШ Зж Ъгб гЪнд      

Ё exercise \КгЗСнд СнЗЦнЙ \ дФЗШ ИПдн ИеПЭ ЗбгНЗЭЩЙЪбн ЗбХНЙ жЗббнЗЮЙ

· New staff receive a week's training in how to use the computers.

· Swimming is my favourite form of exercise.

· You really should take more exercise.


Ё available for work МЗеТ ббЪгб               Ё at work ЮЗЖг ИЗбЪгб

· The manager asked him if he was available for work next weekend.

· Where's Peter? –He's at work at the moment.

Ё remind нхЬРЯС               Ё tell нхОИС

· Remind me to buy a newspaper on the way home, or I'll forget.

· Can you tell me the way to the station, please?


Ё contact нКХб ИЬ    = Ё communicate (with) нКжЗХб гЪ    

· I tried to contact him at his office, but he wasn't in.

· We can now communicate with people all over the world.



۩ бЗНЩ гЗ нбн  :

Ё quality time жЮК Рж ЮнгЙ гОХХ ббГУСЙ (ИЪнПЗ Ъд ЗбЪгб)

Ё a quantity of time ЮПС гд ЗбжЮК

· Parents should spend quality time with their children.

· Parents should spend a quantity of time with their children.

Words and their synonyms:

well-known гФежС Famous/renowned  
merits гТЗнЬЬЗ Advantages/pros  
task гегЙ mission  
awful ЭЩнЪ/гхСжцЪ horrible  
important еЬЬЗг essential  
Able to ЮЬЗПС Ъбн Capable of  
ability ЮПСЙ capability  
special ггнТ/ОЗХ ordinary  
optimistic гКЭЗЖб hopeful  
good for гЭнП бЬ Useful for  
have нгбЯ Possess  
Use нУКОПг Utilize  
destroy нПгС Devastate  
false ТЗЖЭ Fake  
true НЮнЮн Real  
all Яхб Entire  
strange ЫСнИ Bizarre  
Assume нЭКСЦ presume  
For instance Ъбн УИнб ЗбгЛЗб For example  
On (his/their) own ИгЭСПе alone  

Words and their antonyms:

well-known гЪСжЭ\гФежС unknown ЫнС гЪСжЭ
regular гдКЩг irregular ЫнС гдКЩг
merits гТЗнЗ demerits ЪнжИ
advantages гТЗнЗ disadvantages ЪнжИ
like нНИ dislike нЯСе
include нФгб\нхЦгд exclude нУКИЪП
able ЮЗПС unable ЫнС ЮЗПС
healthy ХНн \ Убнг unhealthy ЫнС ХНн
positive ЗнМЗИн negative УбИн
optimistic гКЭЗЖб pessimistic гКФЗЖг
good for гЭнП бЬ bad for ЦЗС бЬ
balance КжЗТд imbalance ЪПг КжЗТд
sociable ЗМКгЗЪн/гНИ ббЗОКбЗШ ИЗбВОСнд Unsociable ЫнС ЗМКгЗЪн
right ХНнН Wrong ОШГ
right нгнд Left нУЗС
special ОЗХ/ггнТ ordinary ЪЗПн
hire нхжЩЭ/нФшЫб Fire/sack нЭХб (гд ЗбЪгб)
employment ЗбЪгб unemployment ЗбИШЗбЙ
limited гНПжП unlimited ЫнС гНПжП



forget about ндУн go on a plane нУКЮб ЗбШЗЖСЙ
go to the gym нРеИ Збн ХЗбЙ ЗбГбЪЗИ suffer from нЪЗдн гд
lead to нДПн Збн the problem with ЗбгФЯбЙ Эн
work in an office нЪгб Эн гЯКИ have time to yourself КОХХ жЮК бдЭУЯ
on their own ИгЭСПег ask for help/advice нШбИ гУЗЪПЙ\дХнНЙ
carry work around нКдЮб ИЗбЪгб гд гЯЗд бВОС separate…from нЭХб...Ъд...
focus on нхСЯТ Ъбн at all times Эн Яб ЗбГжЮЗК
balance between…and нжЗТд Инд...ж... at work Эн ЗбЪгб
in their free time Эн жЮК ЭСЗЪег get a call from нКбЮн гЯЗбгЙ гд
available for work МЗеТ жгКЗН ббЪгб train for a competition нКПСИ гд ГМб гУЗИЮЙ
the best way out of ГЭЦб ШСнЮЙ ббОСжМ гд help people with their problems нУЗЪП ЗбдЗУ Эн Нб гФЗЯбег
look after = take care of нЪКдн ИЬ on the way home Эн ЗбШСнЮ ббгдТб
Look after нЪКдн ИЬЬ work for yourself КЪгб Ъгб НС
move away from ндКЮб ИЪнПЗ Ъд carry on working for нУКгС Эн ЗбЪгб бПн
allow someone to нУгН бФОХ Гд expect someone to нКжЮЪ гд ФОХ Гд


Irregular Verbs:


freeze/froze/frozen нКМгП rise/rose/risen нСКЭЪ
misspell/ misspelt /misspelt misspell/misspelled / misspelled нОШЖ Эн ЗбеМЗБ run/ran/run нМСн
misspend/misspent/misspent нИПП ЗбжЮК Гж ЗбгЗб see/saw/seen нСн
mistake/mistook/ mistaken нОШЖ sell/sold/sold нИнЪ
misunderstand/ misunderstood/ misunderstood нУнБ Эег set/set/set нЪП/ нЦИШ/ КЫСИ (ббФгУ)


verb noun adjective
separate нЭХб separation  ЗдЭХЗб separate гдЭХб     
stress нхМеП\нСЯТ Ъбн stress ЗМеЗП \ ЦЫШ  stressful  ЦЗЫШ       
organize ндЩг organization гдЩгЙ organized гдЩг       
balance   нжЗТд balance КжЗТд      balanced гКжЗТд         
suffer   нЪЗдн   suffering гЪЗдЗЙ       sufferer ЗбФОХ ЗбРн нЪЗдн  
limit нНП       limit НП                limited гНПжП           
lack  ндЮХе     lack дЮХ             lacking нЯжд Ие дЮХ    

Collocations and Vocab for Translation, Comprehension & Essay Writing


meet the deadline нбКТг ИЗбгжЪП ЗбдеЗЖн get regular work нНХб Ъбн Ъгб гдКЩг
take on projects нКжбн гУЖжбнЙ гФСжЪЗК the pros and cons of гТЗнЗ жЪнжИ...
free time жЮК ЭСЗЫ get the balance right нНЮЮ ЗбКжЗТд ЗбУбнг
a period of time ЭКСЙ гд ЗбжЮК a particular amount гЮПЗС гЪнд
quality time жЮК н х ЯСУ ббГУСЙ working hours УЗЪЗК ЗбЪгб
answer a call нСП Ъбн гЯЗбгЙ take breaks нНХб Ъбн ЭКСЗК СЗНЙ
stressful situations гжЗЮЭ ЦЗЫШЙ manage stress нКЪЗгб гЪ ЗбЦЫжШ
spread awareness ндФС ЗбжЪн exert efforts нИРб ЗбМежП
solve the crisis нНб ЗбГТгЙ witness a great shift нФеП КНжбЗ ЯИнСЗр
foreign investment ЗбЗУКЛгЗС ЗбГМдИн forest clearance ЗТЗбЙ ЗбЫЗИЗК
as much as you can ИЮПС гЗ КУКШнЪ hindrance=obstacle = impediment ЪЗЖЮ \ ЪЮИЙ\ЪСЮбЙ
make money нЯУИ ГгжЗбЗр make a timetable нЮжг ИЪгб МПжб гжЗЪнП
Make a difficult decision нКОР ЮСЗСЗр ХЪИЗ The stresses of daily life ЦЫжШ ЗбНнЗЙ ЗбнжгнЙ
Lay/put stress on нДЯП Ъбн Exceed the speed limit нКМЗжТ НП ЗбУСЪЙ
Social worker ГОХЗЖн ЗМКгЗЪн Social problems гФЗЯб ЗМКгЗЪнЙ
Lack of evidence дЮХ ЗбГПбЙ Limit expenses нхНцП гд ЗбдЭЮЗК
Limit damage нхНцП гд ЗбГЦСЗС Development projects гФСжЪЗК ЗбКдгнЙ
Do a few hours of work нЪгб бУЗЪЗК ЮбнбЙ    

So / such / too / enough



1- КГКн ИЪП SO ЗбдКнМЙ жбЗ нгЯд Гд дИПГ ИеЗ ЗбМгбЙ Эн еРе ЗбНЗбЙ:

She studied hard, so she passed the exam.

It was raining, so we stayed at home.

2- КхУКОПг SO бКМдИ КЯСЗС МгбЙ гЪ ГЭЪЗб гЛб think/believe/hope/suppose/guess:

Do you think Nora will pass the exam?

I hopeso.

‘You’re not really going to resign?’

‘No, I don’t supposeso. ’



I took my umbrella with me so that I wouldn't get wet.

I took the fast train, so that I'd get home early.



I'm taking the small roads so as to avoid the traffic on the motorway.


5- КхУКОПг SO ббКЪИнС Ъд ЗбгжЗЭЮЙ Эн НЗбЙ ЗбЕЛИЗК (СЗМЪ ЗУКОПЗг neither/either ббКЪИнС Ъд ЗбгжЗЭЮЙ Эн НЗбЙ ЗбдЭн – ЗбжНПЙ ЗбСЗИЪЙ):

She is very clever at English. – So am I.

They play tennis every Friday. – So do I.

6- бЗНЩ ЗУКОПЗг and so on/and so forth ИгЪдн жеЯРЗ / жгЗ ФЗИе/жебг МСЗ/Збн ВОСе:

Employees were always complaining about their wages, their working conditions, and so on.


7- КхУКОПг So-called ИгЪдн гЗ нхУгн – гЗ нхТЪг Где – гЗ нхШбЮ Ъбне:

His so-called friends refused to help him.

They’ve found the flight recorder, the so-called black box.


8- КхУКОПг So long ИгЪдн Goodbye гЪ ФОХ КЪСЭе МнПЗр

• " So long, '' he said. "Don't forget to write.''


9- КхУКОПг So long as ИгЪдн IF:

He can get high grades so long as he studies hard.

10- КхУКОПг So be it ИгЪдн бнЯд РбЯ – жнЪИС Ъд Где ИЗбСЫг гд ЗЪКСЗЦЯ Ъбн ФнБ ЭЕдЯ гЦШС ббгжЗЭЮЙ:

If you really want to quit your job, so be it.

11- жИХЭЙ ЪЗгЙ КУКОПг So   ИгЪдн VERY жнГКн ИЪПеЗ Adj. OR Adv.

Why are you soangry?

Everything happened soquickly.


12- бЗНЩ ГОнСЗр ЗУКОПЗг not so + Adj. + as бИнЗд ЪПг ЗбКУЗжн Эн ЗбХЭЙ:

She is not so tall as her brother.


13- бЗНЩ ЗУКОПЗг ХнЫЙ ЗбгЮЗСдЙ гд ЗбХЭЙ ИЪП so much:


So much + ХнЫЙ ЗбгЮЗСдЙ гд ЗбХЭЙ

-I work so much more quickly when I can concentrate.

-My brother is so much taller than me.


14- нгЯд ЗУКОПЗг so ЮИб often/rarely

She goes to the club so often.

My sister visits us so rarely.


                               so + adj./adv. + that + sentence

۩   Эн НЗбЙ жМжП very  КНРЭ:

Ё The shirt was very nice. I couldn't resist нЮЗжг buying it. (so … that)

 · The shirt was so nice that I couldn't resist buying it.

Ё She ran very quickly. She could catch the train.    (so … that)

· She ran so quickly that she could catch the train.



So + adj.\adv. + ЭЪб гУЗЪП + ЭЗЪб + that…..

Ё He ran so quickly that the others couldn’t catch up with him.

· So quickly did he run that the others couldn’t catch up with him.

Ё The wind was so strong that we couldn’t open the window.

· Sostrongwas the wind that we couldn’t open the window.


۩   бЗНЩ ХнЫЙ еРе ЗбМгбЙ:

So + Adj. + a\an + ЗУг гЭСП нхЪП  + that..

۩   жКУКОПг еРе ЗбНЗбЙ ЭЮШ гЪ ЗУг гЭСП нхЪуП:

Exercise on Grammar

Choose the correct answer:

1. The pilots are all on strike, (so that - so – such as – so as to) there are no flights today

2. It was (such – too – enough – so) cold that the water in the lake froze.

3. He was (such a – such – so – enough) good teacher that we all passed the exam.

4. There's (such – too - so – enough) much noise that I can't think!

5. It was (such – such a – so – too) beautiful painting that she decided to hang it in the living room

6. You shouldn't really stop work before six, but you can do (too - so – such – so that) today.

7. It was (such – such a – so – too) useful information that it helped us do our project.

8. There are (so – such – enough – such a) many things to do before we move house!

9. You planned this essay (enough – so – such – too) much more carefully this time. Well done!

10. It was (so – such – too – enough) kind of him to help me that I bought him some flowers to say thank you.

11. I thought this season was (so much – so many – such – enough) better than the last. I watched all the episodes in one weekend!

12. I have never had (so – such a – enough – such) hard-working students before!

13. He paints (so much - so – too – such) well! I am sure he is going to become a famous artist.

14. They both have good jobs, (so – such – too – enough) they have plenty of money.

15. The music is (too – such – enough – so) loud I can't sleep.

16. I never knew you had (such – too - so – enough) many brothers you had to share a bedroom.

17. She has (so few – so much – few enough – such few) friends she rarely gets out of the house.

18. She is (so – so much - such – such a) genius they immediately gave her a position at the university.

19. Frank has never made (so – such a – enough – such) mistakes before.

20. The meal was (so – such – too – enough) good we decided to have dinner at the same restaurant again tonight.

21. He was (enough - so – such – too) weak that he could hardly stand up.

22. It's (enough - so – such – too) a tiny kitchen that I don't have to do much to keep it clean.

23. I'd put on (enough - so – such – too) a lot of weight that I couldn't get into my trousers.

24. He's tall (enough - so – such – too) to change the bulb without getting on a chair.

25. It's (enough - so – such – too) difficult for me to explain.

26. He had changed (enough – so – such – too) much that I scarcely recognized him.

27. Ahmed was (enough – so – such – too) exhausted that he fell asleep at his desk.

28. It was (enough – so – such – too) late to prevent the story from appearing in the national newspapers.

29. The human race has (enough – so – such – too) weapons to annihilate нИнП itself.

30. That cake was (enough – so – such – too) nice that I’ll have another one!

31. They walked (enough – so – such – too) slowly that they missed the train.

32. It was (enough – so – such – too) a useful book that I read it twice.

33. Tarek is (enough – so – such – too) a friendly person that everyone likes him.

34. Hamdi is tall and fast (enough – so – such – too) to be very good at basketball.

35. Hamdi is clever (enough – so – such – too) to answer the difficult questions.

36. The sea is (enough – so – such – too) cold to swim in.

37. The coffee was (enough – so – such – too) hot to drink.

38. I’m (enough – so – such – too) busy to phone my friends.

39. Sometimes I worked (enough – so – such – too) hard that I had to work until late at night.

40. There are times when you can’t work hard (enough – so – such – too) to live comfortably.

41. I worked (enough – so – such – too) long hours that I didn’t have any time to myself.

42. Other freelance workers find doing their accounts is (enough – so – such – too) difficult for them to do on their own.

43. The exercise was (enough – so – such – too) easy that I did it in two minutes.

44. Rami is careful (enough – so – such – too) to make very few mistakes.

45. This soup is (enough – so – such – too) hot to eat.

46. The question is (enough – so – such – too) difficult for the little boy to answer.

47. It’s (enough – so – such – too) an amazing play that you can’t miss it.

48. They are (enough – so – such – too) long questions that we don’t have time to answer them all.

49. The test was (enough – so – such – too) difficult to finish.

50. It was not dark (enough – so – such – too) to see any stars in the sky.

51. The food in that restaurant is (enough – so – such – too) good that we go every week.

52. It was (enough – so – such – too) a long game that we didn’t finish it until ten o’clock!

53. It is (enough – so – such – too) hot outside that we decided to stay home.

54. It is (enough – so – such – too) an interesting book that can't put it down.

55. The sea was warm (enough – so – such – too) for me to enjoy swimming.                

56. The wall was (enough – so – such – too) high to climb over.

57. There were (enough – so – such – too) many people in the room that we couldn't get in.

58. That salad was (enough – so – such – too) nice that I'll ask the restaurant for the recipe

59. It was (enough – so – such – too) a long film that some people fell asleep before the end.

60. The stadium is big (enough – so – such – too) to hold 50,000 spectators

61. That ladder is (enough – so – such – too) long to be put on the back of your car.

62. Today is much (enough – so – such – too) hot to play tennis outside.

63. Elephants are (enough – so – such – too) powerful that they can push over.

64. This is (enough – so – such – too) an old tree that it is amazing it is still alive.

65. Nobody has been to the top of this mountain because it is (enough – so – such – too) dangerous to climb.

66. This book is (enough – so – such – too) famous that nearly everyone has read it.

67. I wanted to buy a new phone but it was (enough – so – such – too) expensive for me to buy.

68. The hat was not big (enough – so – such – too) for me to wear                       

69. The boys ran (enough – so – such – too) slowly to win the race.                     

70. Ola is (enough – so – such – too) intelligent that she passed the exam easily.         

71. Hamdi is (enough – so – such – too) a strong man that he is very good at weight-lifting.                       

72. Hana didn't feel well (enough – so – such – too) to come to school.                         

73. It is sometimes (enough – so – such – too) hot to play games in the park.

74. Once I read a book that was (enough – so – such – too) interesting that I wanted to read it again.

75. I saw a film that was (enough – so – such – too) funny that I couldn't stop laughing.

76. Last week, I read a story that was (enough – so – such – too) difficult to believe.

77. It is never cold (enough – so – such – too) to snow in Egypt.

78. It was (enough – so – such – too) a terrible explosion that hundreds of people died.

79. I haven't got (enough – so – such – too) money to buy that coat.

80. It was (enough – so – such – too) a nice day that we decided to go to the park.

Test 1 on unit 5

A- Vocabulary and Structure

Choose the correct answer:

1- They have agreed to extend the (line – online – offline – deadline) for another 24 hours.

2- (Lack – Lock – Block – Back) of money necessitated нУКбТг a change of plan.

3- There is a (circular – singular – regular – muscular) bus service to the airport.

4- She was offered a job as an (accounts – counting – economics -  amounts) clerk.

5- She earns her living as a (hindrance – maintenance – reliance - freelance) journalist.

6- The United Nations (have - is – are – were) sending a special envoy to the area.

7- The police stopped him for exceeding the speed (limit – level – line – time).

8- We'll have to buy a bigger car. This one is not big (enough – so – such – too) for all of us

9- There are just (enough – so – such – such a) many cars on the roads these days.

10- She felt (enough – so – such – too) upset that she started to cry.

11- It was (enough – so – such – too) a bad film he left before the end.

12- There were (enough – so – such – too) many restaurants they didn't know which one to choose.

13- There aren't (enough – so – such – too) knives and forks for all the guests.

14- The policeman didn't run fast (enough – so – such – too) to catch the thief.

15- She is (enough – so – such – too) a good tennis player that she wins all her matches.

16- Algebra is (enough – so – such – too) complicated for me to understand.


B- Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

In April 9, 2017, three security officers from the Chicago Department of Aviation forcibly removed David Dao from an overbooked United Airlines flight. Dao, a 69-year-old doctor, was dragged down the plane’s aisle after he refused to give up his seat. In the process, his head hit an armrest and he was knocked unconscious.

The passengers clearly recognized what was occurring: Many took out their phones and filmed the scene and later expressed their outrage loudly on social media. Yet at the time, only one woman said anything, yelling out, “What are you doing?” No one confronted the officers or intervened to prevent what was clearly
inappropriate behavior. At some level, this is hardly surprising. Numerous studies have shown that we are less likely to intervene when other people are present. We assume that others will do something, and we don’t have to. Psychologists call this phenomenon the bystander effect. However, this is not a hard-and-fast rule; sometimes people in groups are able to break out of the bystander role. But who are these people, and what makes them different from the rest of us? Psychologists call those who display moral courage and choose to do something rather than watch in silence moral rebels. These people stand up against the status quo when they feel inaction will compromise their values, even in the face of potentially negative social consequences. The traits that these people have in common range from their individual skill sets to their personalities. Some of them have specialized skills like doctors, nurses, soldiers and firefighters, who feel more responsible to act in certain situations. Other moral rebels have high self-esteem and feel confident about their own judgment and they believe that their actions will make a difference.

(Adapted from: Science for the curious, June, 2020)

Choose the correct answer:

C- Writing

Write an essay of about 180 words about:


"Why it is important for people to balance their family and work"


A) Translate into Arabic:

1-Depression is a common and serious medical condition that negatively affects how people feel and the way they think.


2-Some research has shown that exercise can be as effective as medication in treating depression.

B) Translate into English:

Test 2 on unit 5


A- Vocabulary and Structure

Choose the correct answer:

1- Without more (training – delaying – exercising - failing) or advanced technical skills, they will lose their jobs.

2- The teacher wants the children to (suffer – feel – have - believe) confident about asking questions.

3- A lot of children (lead – have – suffer – feel) from health problems because of malnutrition.

4- (Exercise – Training – Analyzing – Exposing) will not only lower blood pressure but possibly protect against heart attacks.

5- His medical career has just begun to take (to – on – off – about).

6- He made a few notes to (tell - remind – remember – call) himself of what he wanted to say.

7- Ahmed lost his (absence – acceptance – balance - alliance) and fell to the ground.

8- She finds her new teaching job very (stressful – successful – useful – plentiful). She is often unable to relax.

9- It was (enough – so – such – such a) cold weather that there was ice on our car windscreen.

10- The view from the top was (enough – so – such – too) magnificent СЗЖЪ that we couldn't move.

11- This bag isn't light (enough – so – such – too) for me to carry.

12- My grandfather is (enough – so – such – too) wise that people often ask him for advice.

13- It was (enough – so – such – too) a difficult climb that we stopped to rest several times.

14- The teacher spoke (enough – so – such – too) fast for everyone to understand.

15- I can't do this job. I know my (skills – limits – stresses – accounts).

16- Tamer speaks English (such – enough - so – too) fluently that I thought he was American.

B- Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

Research suggests that our level of happiness depends partly on factors we cannot control – our genes and our life circumstances. But our level of happiness is also shaped by the choices we make. If you’ve been chasing wealth, fame, good looks, material things, and power, you may be looking for happiness in all the wrong places. Psychologists suggest that the following habits make people happier.


People who form close relationships tend to be happier than those who do not. The number of friends we have is not important. What matters is the quality of our relationships. Relationships that bring happiness usually involve the sharing of feelings, mutual respect, acceptance, trust, fun and empathy.


People who make a habit of caring for the wellbeing of others tend to be happier. This might involve volunteering for an organization or reaching out to support friends and family on a regular basis.


People who exercise regularly improve both their physical and mental well-being. Some research has shown that exercise can be as effective as medication in treating depression.


When we are so interested in an activity we enjoy that we lose track of time, we are in a state of happiness. The activity could be making art, playing piano, or playing a game.


People who include spirituality in their


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