Yehia Haqqi’s main job was (a lawyer – a diplomat – a politician – a writer). 

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Yehia Haqqi’s main job was (a lawyer – a diplomat – a politician – a writer).


Unit 1



2021 – 2020






competition منافسة/مسابقة a situation in which people or organisations compete with each other
old-fashioned قديم الطراز/غير حديث/موضة قديمة not modern and not fashionable any more
routine روتين / اعتيادي       the usual way in which you do things
midday منتص ف اليوم أو النهار Twelve o'clock in the middle of the day.
attachment مُرفق something you attach to/send with an e-mail
publisher ناشر person or company that produces books, magazines, etc., and makes them available متاح/متوافر for people to buy
custom عادة أو تقليد something that people do because it is traditional
develop يُطور / يتطور to make a new product or idea successful
district حي سكني an area of a city or country
established ثابت/راسخ/له مكانته أو مركزه to achieve or give someone a respected position مكانة تحظي بالاحترام in society or in an organisation مؤسسة/منظمة
law قانون the system of rules نظام القواعد that people in a country or place must obey يطيع
pioneer رائد one of the first people to do something that other people will continue to develop يستمروا في تطويره
Style أسلوب/طريقة/طراز a way of doing or making something that is typical of منطبق علي a particular معين person, group or period
secretary سكرتير Someone whose job is to type letters, arrange meetings, answer telephone calls, etc in an office
a believer in مؤمن بــ Someone who believes that a particular idea فكرة معينة or thing is very good


collection مجموعة A set مجموعة  of similar things that you keep together
disabled معاق/من متحدي الإعاقة/من ذوي الهمم Unable to use a part of the body in the way that most people do

More Vocabulary:

critical thinking تفكير نقدي gist خلاصة/جوهر/لُب
details تفاصيل plot حبكة الرواية/سير الأحداث في الرواية
literary أدبي crime fiction قصص الجريمة
science fiction قصص الخيال العلمي dominant سائد/مسيطر/مهيمن
genre نوع أدبي fantasy خيال/تصور
interpret يُفسر usage استخدام
national قومي / وطني average متوسط
insist يُصـر literary works أعمال أدبية
midday منتصف اليوم masterpiece عمل فني مميز
challenges تحديات race سباق
exactly بالضبط / تماما sound يبدو
Skills مهارات a particular area منطقة معينة
literary criticism النقد الأدبي diplomat (n) ) شخص (دبلوماسي
diplomacy الدبلوماسية diplomatic (adj.) دبلوماسي
fiction الأدب القصصي/الخيال article مقالة
political سياسي report تقرير
a politician (n) ) شخص (سياسي a lawyer محامي
literature الأدب excellent ممتاز
devastate يُدمر destroy يُدمر
graduate يتخرج / خريج graduation التخرج
the Arab World العالم العربي the Middle East الشرق الأوسط
the Far East الشرق الأقصى disability إعاقة
disaster كارثة author مؤلف
collect يجمع postman ساعي البريد
poverty الفقر suffering المعاناة
period فترة obey يُطيع
readily بسهولة / حالا respected يحظي بالاحترام
Arab society المجتمع العربي a sports teacher مدرس ألعاب
Turkish تركي Italian ايطالي
Russian روسي support يؤيد
regard as = consider يعتبر travel agent وكيل سياحي
tour guide مرشد سياحي a film = a movie فيلم
book fair معرض كتاب secretarial متعلق بأعمال السكرتارية
culture الثقافة civilization الحضارة
traditional تقليدي a respected position مكانة أو وظيفة محترمة
a product مُنتَج organisation منظمة / مؤسسة
rules قواعد values قِيَم
topic موضوع essay مقال
hero بطل cast شخصيات الرواية/طاقم الممثلين
clarify يوضح clarity وضوح
conflict صراع detective stories قصص بوليسية
evoke يستثير/يثير fairy tales حكايات الدن/قصص خُرافية
reference مرجع/إشارة legend أسطورة
moral مغزي/عبرة/درس أخلاقي motive دافِع
narrator راوي oratory البلاغة/فن الخطابة
point of view وجهة نظر purpose غرض
theme موضوع البحث /فكرة رئيسية notion = idea فكرة
verbal لفظي audio سمعي
visual بصري synonym مرادف
antonym مضاد/عكس metaphor استعارة
simile تشبيه symbol رمز
issue عدد (من صحيفة أو مجلة)/مسألة/قضية/مشكلة environmental issues قضايا أومشاكل البيئة
rapidly بسرعة author (v/n) يؤلف / مؤلف
impede يعُــوق restrict يُـقيد
Get confused يختلط عليه الأمر chapter فصل (من كتاب)
Act فصل (من مسرحية) characters شخصيات
indifference لامبالاة sympathy تعاطف

The Listening Text


Interviewer: When did you start writing?
Writer     : I first wrote stories and poems when I was at primary school.
Interviewer: What was the first thing you wrote?
Writer     : When I was seven, I wrote a poem which won second prize in a national competition for school children.
Interviewer: When did you start writing stories?
Writer     : When I was at university I wrote short stories for a student magazine. My head was always full of ideas. While I was finishing one story, I was planning the next one.
Interviewer: Didn’t you get confused?
Writer     : Not really. I used to write very quickly. I finished most short stories in two or three days. As soon as I had finished one story, I started the next one.
Interviewer: Do you still write like that?
Writer     : No, I don’t write short stories now. Now I only write novels - they take much longer.
Interviewer: So how do you write now? Do you have a fixed routine?
Writer     : Yes. I write from nine in the morning till three in the afternoon, with a ten-minute break for coffee at midday.
Interviewer: Do you use a computer?
Writer     : No, I’m old-fashioned - I use a pencil and paper. I used a computer for a few weeks, but it gave me a headache. First I write something by hand, then my secretary types it onto the computer. My publisher insists that I send everything as an email attachment.
Interviewer: How many words do you write usually?
Writer     : I write one thousand new words a day for a week, then I spend two or three days checking the week’s work until I’m completely happy. I’d changed my last novel six times before I was happy with it.
Interviewer: Do you show other people?
Writer     : No, not until a novel’s almost finished. Then I give it to two or three good friends and ask them for their opinions.
Interviewer: Do they ever tell you they don’t like what you’ve written?
Writer     : Yes! Last year both of the people who read one of my books said they didn’t like how my story ended. So I changed it.
Interviewer: What did you think of the ending of your last story?
Writer     : When I finished it, I thought it was my best ending yet!
Interviewer: That’s very interesting. Thank you for talking to me.
Writer     : You’re welcome.

  Read the following passage carefully:


Yehia Haqqi (1905 – 1992)

     Yehia Haqqi was one of the pioneers of modern Egyptian literature. Aswellasbeing an important writer, he was an expert on Arabic culture.

     Yehia Haqqi was born in 1905 in the Sayyida Zeinab district of Cairo. He graduated in law and worked for a short time as a lawyer. In 1929, he began his career as a diplomat and he worked abroad for more than 20 years. The time he spent in France, Italy, Turkey and Libya gave him experiences he later used in his writing.

     At the same time as he was working, Haqqi was also writing stories. His first short story, published in 1925, established him as one of the great short story writers of the Arab world.

     Haqqi always wanted to help poor and disabled people. In 1955, he wrote a collection of short stories about the poor and the disabled which won an important prize. One of his novels, The Postman, was madeintoafilm. In 1992, He had to go to hospital after an earthquake in Cairo, but gave his bed to a poor person who he thought needed it more.

      Haqqi wrote in a new way about Arab society and customs in the twentieth century. Haqqi was also interested in the Arabic language and he developed a new style of writing which is respected today.

      As well as writing his own novels and stories, Haqqi also translated Russian, French, Italian and Turkish literature into Arabic. He was a very strong believerin the power of books and he supported many young Egyptian writers.

     Haqqi died in 1992, but is still thought of as the father of the modern short story and the novel in Egypt.

Choose the correct answer:

Yehia Haqqi’s writing is still important today because (it was translated into many languages – he translated European literature into Arabic – he was an excellent diplomat – he created a new style of writing).

3-The underlined word “ he ” refers to (a poor person – Yehia Haqqi – a lawyer – a diplomat).

4- The underlined word “ power ” most likely means (the ability to influence people – political control – economic control – failure to do something).

Answer the following questions:

Grammar: Past Simple Tense

¨ يستخدم الماضي البسيط:

1- للتعبير عن حدث انتهي في وقت معين في الماضي:

· I visited my aunt last week. · The ancient Egyptians invented a way of writing.

2- للتعبير عن موقف أو عادة في الماضي:

· When I was on holiday, I went to the sea every day.

3 - لحكاية قصة في الماضي:

· He went home. It was very dark. He suddenly heard a strange noise.

4 - في حالة IF الثانية

· If he knew the truth, he wouldn't believe it.

5 - أحداث متتالية:

· First he saw the film. Then he had dinner and went to bed.


§ يستخدم الماضي البسيط   غالبا مع كلمات مثل:

last (year, night, week, month / summer) / ago / yesterday / in ancient times / once upon a time / the other day, year (= a few days, years ago)/ in 2000 / in the past/ from (2006) to (2008)/one day / How long ago..?


        · How much bread did you buy yesterday?      (في حالة السؤال – لاحظ الفعل في المصدر)

· I didn’t know him then. (في حالة النفي)                                   

¨ الماضي البسيط في المبني للمجهول:

Was / were + PP


He wrote the letter a few days ago.   The letter was written a few days ago.


Used to + inf.                    تستخدم هذه الصيغة للتعبير عن الماضي:             ¨   


§I used to play tennis, but now I play football.

¨ وفي حالة النفي:

Didn't use to + inf.           § He didn’t use to smoke, but now he does.


¨ وفي حالة السؤال:

Did + فاعل   + use to + inf...?   


§ Did she use to cry a lot when she was a baby?


¨ يمكن استخدام would + INF. بدلا من used to + INF. في حالة التعبير عن حدث متكرر في الماضي، ولكنها لا تستخدم اذا كان الحدث غير متكرر أو عند وجود أفعال تعبر عن الحالة مثل be/love/hate/like

§ When I was on holiday last year, I used to go to the beach every day.

§ =When I was on holiday last year, I would go to the beach every day.

ولكـــن لا تستخدم would في الجمل الآتية:

§ When I was young, I used to hate fish, but now I like it.

§ He used to be a famous singer, but he isn't any more.

¨ كما لا تستخدم would في السؤال عن عادة في الماضي:

Did she useto get up early? (Not: Would she get….?)

¨ ولاحظ أيضاً أن wouldn't + INF تعبر عن رفض شخص عمل شيء في الماضي وليس لها علاقة بالأحداث المتكررة..

§ That's exactly what I was trying to tell him yesterday, but he wouldn't listen to me.

§= That's exactly what I was trying to tell him yesterday, but he refused to listen to me.

¨ تستخدم الصيغة التالية للتعبير عن المضارع:


am / is / are used to + -ing


§ He is used to having a cup of coffee every morning.

= He usually has a cup of coffee every morning.

¨ وفي حالة السؤال:

Am / Is / Are + فاعل    + used to + V-ing...?


§ Is she used to living on her own?


¨ تستخدم no longer  بدلا من used to ويأتي بعدها الفعل في المضارع البسيط:

¨ تستخدم any more / any longer   بدلا من     used to  مع نفى الفعل في المضارع البسيط و تأتى في نهاية الجملة:

§ He used to stay up late.     = He no longer stays up late.

§ He used to live here.        = He doesn’t live here any more.


§ He is used to the cold weather.

¨ لاحظ في الجملة السابقة أنه يمكن استخدام اسم أو ضمير بعد be used to

¨ لاحظ أنbe used to  تأتى بمعني " يستخدم لكي " ويليها inf.  ويمكن استخدام be usedfor + v +ing بنفس المعني

§ Wateris used to generate electricity.

§ Wateris used for generating electricity.

¨ لاحظ أن:

am / is / are used to + -ing = am / is / are in the habit of + ing


am / is / are used to + -ing = get used to + ing



§ He is in the habit of borrowing money from others.

= He is used to borrowing money from others.


§I can't get used to living in this cold weather.

= I am not used to living in this cold weather.

used to + inf. = was / were in the habit of + ing

§ She used to sleep in class.  = She was in the habit of sleeping in class.


Past Continuous Tense الماضي المستمر

Was / Were + V-ing       يتكون من

¨ يستخدم الماضي المستمر past continuous:

1- للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمر أثناء وقت معين في الماضي:

· Between seven and half past seven this morning, I was reading the newspaper.

· At 6 o'clock yesterday, I was studying my lesson.

2- للتعبير عن حدث مستمر في الماضي قطعه حدث آخر:

· I was having a shower when the phone rang.

§ يستخدم الماضي المستمر غالبا مع كلمات مثل: While / when / As / Just as

· While we were doing the homework, it started to rain.

· We were doing the homework when it started to rain.

§ لاحظ أن when   يمكن أن يأتي بعدها ماضي بسيط:

· We were doing the homework when the storm started.

§ يمكن أن يكون الحدثين مع while   في الماضي المستمر:

· While I was studying, my father was reading.

§ يمكن أن يكون الحدثين مع when   في الماضي البسيط:

· When he arrived, he found the door locked.

§ يمكن استخدام  On  بدلا من  when  و يأتي يعدها  : V+ ing

· When he arrived, he found the door locked. = On arriving, he found the door locked.

§ يمكن استخدام during  بدلا من  while  و يأتي يعدها noun    :

· While he was playing the game, he got hurt. (during)

· During the game, he got hurt. · He got hurt during the game.

§ الفعل بعد  and  يأخذ نفس شكل الفعل الذي يسبقها:

· He was writing a letter and listening to some music.

§ لاحظ عدم استخدام to Be  في الماضي المستمر:

· While I was at school, I worked to a plan.

¨ الماضي المستمر في المبني للمجهول:

Was / were being + PP


·He was writing the letter.               ·The letter was being written.


The Past Perfect Tense


:had + PP يتكون من: ¨

1- يستخدم الماضي التام ليصف حدث وقع قبل حدث آخر في الماضي:

¨ When I got home, my mother had finished cooking.

= First my mother finished cooking. Then I arrived home.

Notice the difference between this pair of sentence:

¨ When I arrived at the station, the train left..

= I arrived, then the train left.

¨ When I arrived at the station, the train had left.

= The train left before I arrived.

2- يستخدم الماضي التام غالبا مع كلمات مثل:

As soon as


As soon as I had seen her, I knew there was something wrong.

After he had read the report, he went to bed.

¨ لاحظ أنه يمكن أيضا استخدام الماضي البسيط بدلا من الماضي التام بعد after/as soon as:

¨ As soon as I saw the robber, I tried to catch him.

¨ لاحظ أن   after / before / when / as soon as يمكن أن تأتي في وسط الجملة أو بدايتها:

¨ Before he saw the film, he tidied / had tidied the room.

¨ He tidied / had tidied the room before he saw the film.

¨ لاحظ استخدام comma  بين الجملتين إذا بدأت الجملة بالروابط السابقة

After/As soon as + فاعل  + ماضي تام = Having + PP

After/As soon as he had done/ = Having done

● He worked in a restaurant after he had left school.     

Havingleft school, he worked in a restaurant.

As soon as we had arrived, we phoned our parents.    

Having arrived, we phoned our parents.

¨ في حالة عدم وجود فاعل بعد  after / before / when نستخدم v.+ing:


Before  + v.+ing


¨ يمكن استخدام اسم بعد after / before:

After his father's death, he left the country.

= After his father had died, he left the country.

¨ لاحظ استخدام by the time   في الماضي:

By the time + ماضي بسيط                     ماضي تام

           ● The phone was ringing but by the time she got indoors, it had stopped.


¨ بصفة عامة عندما يكون الفعلان مع  when  في الماضي البسيط فان الفعل الذي يليها هو الذي حدث أولا:

When the play ended, the audience went home.

When he opened the window, the bird flew out.


¨ أحيانا تستخدم on  بدلا من  when   ويأتي بعدها الفعل مضافا له: ing

When she saw the snake, she screamed.

On seeing the snake, she screamed.


Before + ماضي بسيط                 ماضي تام


● First he passed the test. Then he got the license.

Before he got the license, he hadpassed the test.



¨ ماضي بسيط منفى + till / until             ماضي تام

¨ تأتي till/ until  في وسط الجملة و قبلها الماضي البسيط (غالبا منفي) و بعدها الماضي التام:


¨ Before he left, I had given him permission.

He didn’t leaveuntil I had given him permission.

¨ After she had typed the letter, she posted it. 

She didn’t post the letter until she had typed it.


¨ لا يكون الماضي البسيط قبل till/until  دائما منفي بل قد تكون الجملة أحيانا مثبتة:

¨ He stayed in bed until half past nine.

¨ أحيانا يستخدم الماضي التام  بعد  because بشرط أن تكون الجملة في الماضي والحدث بعد  because  هو الذي حدث أولا:

¨ Because he had been in prison, employers were unwilling to offer him a job.

¨ He looked tired yesterday because he had slept badly the night before.

¨ Leila was late for school because the bus had broken down.

¨He was angry because she had insulted him.

  ¨ يستخدم الماضي التام  مع الكلمات الدالة علي المضارع التام إذا كان في الجملة ماضي بسيط:

     for / ever / never / already / yet / just

§ The film has already started. (present perfect)

¨ في الجملة السابقة استخدمنا المضارع التام لوجود فعل واحد مع already:


§ The film had already startedwhen I arrived. (past perfect)

¨ ولاحظ الفرق أيضا بين الجملتين الآتيتين:

The man sitting next to me on the plane is nervous. He hasnever flown before.

The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous. He had never flown before.

More Examples:

§ When I met him, he hadn't finished his homework yet.

§ When I arrived home, my father had just left.

§ It was the best novel I had ever read.

§ The house was dirty. They hadn't cleaned it yet.

¨ لاحظ ما يلي:

¨ Before that + ماضي تام          ¨ After that + ماضي بسيط

§He went back home. Before that, he had finished his job.

§ She had seen the film. After that, she went to bed.

¨ ويستخدم الماضي التام أيضا في غير المباشر:

¨ She said she had seen the film the night before.

¨ وهذه الجملة كانت أصلا ماضي بسيط في المباشر وحولناه إلي الماضي التام في غير المباشر:

¨ She said, "I saw the film last night."

¨ لاحظ استخدام الماضي التام بعد By then/By+time   ومعناها قبل ذلك الوقت:

¨ He arrived home at 11 o'clock yesterday. By then, the rain had stopped.

¨ By 2010, the project had been completed.

¨ ويستخدم الماضي التام بعد  wish  للتعبير عن التمني في الماضي:

¨ I wish I had worked harder last year.

¨ ويستخدم الماضي التام أيضا بعد  if  في الحالة الثالثة:

¨ If she hadn't called, I wouldn't have known.

¨ لاحظ استخدام الماضي التام مع التعبيرات الآتية:


It was only when   + ماضي تام       that + ماضي بسيط

¨ As soon as he had paid his debts, he left the town.

It was only when he had paid his debts that he left the town.

It wasn't until + ماضي تام         that + ماضي بسيط

¨She didn't leaveuntil she had got permission

It wasn't until she had got permission that she left.

¨ لاحظ استخدام الماضي التام مع:

no sooner                          than

فاعل  + had +    hardly + PP        when + ماضي بسيط         

Scarcely                            when


§ She left the house. She was run over by a car.    

She had no soonerleft the house than she was run over by a car.

§ He entered the office. His boss shouted at him.

He had hardly entered the office when his boss shouted at him.

§ إذا بدأت الجملة بإحدى الكلمات السابقة ، تكون الجملة علي شكل سؤال:

§She left the house. She was run over by a car.

No sooner had she left the house than she was run over by a car.

¨ وفي حالة المبني للمجهول نستخدم:

     Had been + PP

¨ He said that he had cleaned the room.

He said that the room had been cleaned.

Exercises on Grammar

Choose the correct answer:

1-   At the age of seven, my parents (are taking – were taking – took – take) me to Jordan.

2- At the age of seven, he (gave – was given – has given – had given) a prize for a drawing of an animal.

3- Someone phoned me while I (cook – was cooked – am cooking – was cooking) the dinner.

4- While my car (was mending – was being mended – has mended – had mended), I went shopping.

5- While my mother was doing the washing up, my baby sister (was looking – has been looked – was being looked – had looked) after.

6- As soon as he (takes – has taken – will take – had taken) the photograph, he showed it to his friend.

7- As soon as the robbers (had arrested – had been arrested – were arresting – are arrested), they were taken to jail.

8- I (have seen – saw – would see – was seen) him a few days ago.

9- He (didn't use to - isn't used to – used – uses) need much sleep, but he does now.

10- (Are – Is – Did – Does) you use to play with dolls?

11- While he was finishing one story, he (thinks – is thinking – was thinking – has thought) of another one.

12- My last e-mail (send – was sending – has sent – was sent) to six people.

13- When she (is – was – was being – has been) seven, she wrote a poem which won a prize.

14- She (writes – has written – wrote – will write) poetry for 7 years, but now she writes novels.

15- This film (directed – had directed – was directed – was directing) by Thomas Wilson.

16- Yesterday, my sister (gives – has given – gave – would give) me a book she had finished reading the day before.

17- The washing machine (delivered - delivers – was delivered – had delivered) while I was reading the newspaper.

18- While I (have come – were coming – was coming – had come) to school today, I saw an old friend.

19- At six o'clock yesterday evening, I (was watching - am watching – have been watching – watch) TV.

20- As soon as we arrived at school, the first lesson (began – has begun – had begun – begins).

21- What (did you do – have you done – were you doing – do you do) when I called you? You sounded very busy.

22- I (had had – have had – was having – have) my own computer for 3 years before anything wrong went with it.

23- While my sister (does – has done – was doing – had been doing) her homework, she was listening to music.

24- A few years ago, my parents (are lived - were lived – have lived – lived)  in a small flat in the city centre.

25- Yesterday evening, we (were revising - revised – have revised – was revising) for our English test when all the lights went out.

26- Our school (was opening – has opened – was opened – opening) exactly 25 years ago today.

27- Our block of flats (was built - build – has been built – was building) five years ago.

28- Yesterday evening, the programme (was watching - to watch – was watched – has been watched) by a million people.

29- The room (was cleaning – was being


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