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1. The Plaza is a famous … in New York. 2. A … is a holiday which includes travel, hotels, meals, etc. It usually planned and people travel together in large groups. 3. Some people like … on the beach more than swimming. 4. Before you go abroad, don’t forget to get some foreign … or traveler’s cheques. 5. We usually spend the winter at a small ski … in Austria. 6. From our balcony, we had a wonderful … of the mountains. 7. Venice and Florence have too many … especially in summer. 8. you still need to apply for a … to visit certain foreign countries, for example Australia. 9. When they visited Florida, they stayed in Orlando and went on an … excursion to the Kennedy Space Center. 10. An … is a plan of a journey which includes the route, places to visit, and so on.
Ex. 3 Read and translate the following text. Answer the questions: 1. What types of holidays are mentioned in the text? 2. What advantages and disadvantages of each kind of holiday could you name? Holidays People like spending their holidays in different ways. Those who live in big noisy cities try to escape to the countryside. They like a quiet holiday near a river or lake. They love staying close to nature, camping, going fishing and swimming, picking berries and mushrooms, or just walking in the forest or on the hills. After living in a megalopolis, they enjoy the beauty and the tranquility of the nature. Other people prefer visiting big cities with its palaces, monuments, museums, theaters and cafes. Nowadays, more people tend to go abroad on holiday, preferably somewhere warm and dry. They like staying in a hotel with modern facilities and all meals included. They usually spend their time on the seashore bathing in the sea and getting suntanned. Some of them prefer exploring the surrounding places on their own, to try local food, to get acquainted with local sights, costumes and traditions. Some people like active holidays. They prefer skiing in the mountains or skating to lying on the beach. Cycling is another popular activity. More extreme sports like rock climbing also attract people on holiday. Anyway, during their holidays many people like to change the scenery, go somewhere different from their usual place and do interesting things.
Ex. 4 Complete each sentence with a word, the first letter is given for you. 1. Tom never carries cash on holiday. He always takes credit c…. 2. If you are a student, you can save money by staying in a youth h…. 3. The family rented a cottage in the c… for the summer. 4. We spent a month in a popular seaside r… last year. 5. Jack stayded the night in a small bed and b…. 6. David was exhausted after his fifteen-mile w…. 7. As it was cheaper, I bought a return t…. 8. We managed to find some petrol at a remote filling s…. 9. The bus made an overnight s… in a town near the border. 10. Martin and Sue had a great time on their camping h….
Ex. 5 Translate the sentences from Russian to English. 1. Многие люди любят ездить заграницу во время отпуска. 2. У них была возможность остановиться на популярном морском курорте. 3. Экскурсионный тур – это хороший способ сменить обстановку и получить новые впечатления. 4. Каждый день мы ездили на интересные экскурсии и узнали много нового и интересного. 5. Мы посмотрели почти все достопримечательности этого древнего города. 6. Многие люди считают, что тур «все включено» является лучшим видом отпуска. 7. Им нравится ходить в походы и жить в палатках на природе.
8. Чтобы познакомиться с местной культурой, нам нужен хороший гид. 9. Многие люди предпочитают активный отдых: катание на лыжах, коньках, велосипеде и даже такой экстремальный вид спорта, как скалолазание. 10. Этот город стоит посетить, там много красивых улиц, старинных зданий, интересных музеев, замечательных памятников, больших парков и уютных кафе.
Ex. 6 Look at the title of the article. Think of two reasons for and two reasons against package holidays, then read the text and answer the following questions: 1. What is the main idea of the text? 2. What advantages and disadvantages of package holidays are mentioned in the article? 3. What is the writer’s opinion?
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