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Administration rules During the Assessment cover all visual materials like, diagram, schemes, posters and maps that can serve as prompts for the learners. At the beginning of the Assessment read out the instructions and inform the learners about the assessment duration. Remind learners that they are not allowed to talk with each other during the Summative Assessment. After the instructions, make sure they have understood given instructions and ask if they have any questions before the start of the assessment. Ensure that the learners are working individually and not helping each other. During the Summative Assessment learners should not have any access to additional resources that can help them, for example, dictionaries (excluding the cases when it is allowed in specification). Recommend learners to cross the wrong answers instead of using an eraser. During the assessment you can answer learners’ questions, regarding the instructions and the assessment duration. You should not spell, paraphrase or provide any information that could give the learner an advantage. In case of finishing Listening section before than 10 minutes, feel free to come to Reading section. Always tell the learners that they have 15 and 5 minutes left before the end of the Summative Assessment. Tell the learners to stop writing and put down their pens/pencils on the desks at the end of the Summative Assessment.
Moderation and marking
All teachers use the same version of the mark scheme. During the moderation process it is necessary to check learner sample papers with the marks awarded to ensure there are no deviations from the standardized mark scheme.
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