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$$$ 62 Juvenile court is a court with special jurisdiction over ___ and dependent young people: A) Delinquent. B) Offending. $$$ 63 A dock is an open box in the centre of the court-room for the ___: B) Accused person. C) Defendant. $$$ 64 Appellate courts ….. cases that have been decided in lower courts: D) Review. F) Revise. $$$ 65 The highest court of appeal in England and Wales is: D) The House of Lords. F) The upper House of British Parliament. $$$ 66 Civil procedure legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan ___ public relations arising in the process of administration of justice: A) Adjusts. B) Regulates. $$$ 67 The criminal procedure on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be ___ by the Constitution and constitutional laws: A) Determined. D) Defined. $$$ 68 Criminal procedure code of the Republic of Kazakhstan is __ the Constitution of the Republic. A) Based on. B) Established by. $$$ 69 Provisions of other laws regulating criminal procedure can also be ____ in Criminal Code: B) Comprised C) Included. $$$ 70 The ___ took an oath and then gave his evidence: D) Testifier F) Jury. $$$ 71 Choose the sentence with Complex Object: D) I would like you to sing this song. F) We expected him to have told the truth. $$$ 72 Choose the sentence with Complex Subject: C) He is considered to be a good diplomat. F) She is unlikely to be telling the truth. $$$ 73 Public law __ constitutional law, administrative law, tax law and criminal law, as well as all procedural law. A) Comprises. B) Consists of. $$$ 74 Choose the sentence with Complex Subject: B) It’s unlikely to rain today. C) She is sure to come tomorrow. $$$ 75 I insisted on our ____ the court: C) Going to. F) Loading. $$$ 76 Choose the sentence with Gerund: A) The thief denied having taken the money. F) On entering the court room I saw the witnesses. $$$ 77 To find a defendant ___ in a criminal trial means to acquit him: B) Not guilty. F) Innocent. $$$ 78 The Government is accountable to the ___: B) Parliament. F) Legislative power of the state. $$$ 79 Choose the sentence with Complex Subject: C) Burglary is considered to be one of the most violent crimes. F) The division of property of the spouses is considered to be a civil case. $$$ 80 Choose the sentence with Complex Object: D) I wouldn’t like you to commit this offence. E) The landlord would like a tenant to be sued for failure to pay rent. $$$ 81 Choose the definition: Defendant is: A) A person against whom a criminal or civil claim is made. F) A person who is accused for a crime or illegal offence. $$$ 82 Resolutions of the Constitutional Council are ___: E) Not subject to appeal. F) Final. $$$ 83 English Parliament meets in ____: D) Westminster Palace. F) The House of Parliament. $$$ 84 Claim presented by a defendant ___ the claim of the plaintiff is a counterclaim: C) Against. F) In opposition to. $$$ 85 Bail is the money paid by the ___ to be released from custody until the trial: D) Accused. E) Convicted person. $$$ 86 Paper, document or other physical object received by the court as evidence during a trial or hearing: B) Exhibit. F) Material evidence. $$$ 87 Choose the definition of the word: Transcript: D) The official record of proceedings in a trial of hearing.
F) A Record of trial proceedings made by the clerk in a court room. $$$ 88 Choose the correct form of the infinitive: The defendant proved ….. this crime: E) T o have committed. F) To have done. $$$ 89 Brings goods into the country illegally without paying tax: D) A smuggler. F) A contrabandist. $$$ 90 Smuggling means to bring into a country a prohibited item __, in violation of the law: A ) Intentionally. B) Deliberately. $$$ 91 Kidnapper takes away people by force and ___ money for their return: C) Demands. D) Asks. $$$ 92 He is unlikely ….. this crime: E) To commit. F) To have committed. $$$ 93 The Supreme court of the USA has direct jurisdiction in only two cases: E) Involving foreign diplomats; those in which a state is a party. F) Cases concerning foreign country representatives and states. $$$ 94 Appellate courts ….. cases that have been decided in lower courts: D) Review. F) Consider again. $$$ 95 Choose the correct form of the Gerund: We are not sure of his __ true evidence: A) Having given. C) Giving. $$$ 96 Criminal procedure code of Kazakhstan based on generally recognized ____ and norms of the international law. A) Rules. B) Principles. $$$ 97 In Great Britain more serious criminal cases are heard in ……: A) County courts. F) A higher courts. $$$ 98 The job of the … is to accuse the criminal: C) Prosecutor. F) Accuser. $$$ 99 Аn officer acting as a judge in the lower courts: D) Magistrate. F) Justice of the Peace. $$$ 100 А formal proposal for a new law: B) Bill. F) Draft of law: $$$ 101 The judge.... him to seven years of.... for armed robbery. D) Sentenced; imprisonment F) Convicted; confinement.
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