What technique would you use in the given example and why? 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


What technique would you use in the given example and why?

They were powerful enough not to need A tsar, especially THE tsar.

Answer: Functional translation

Difference in grammar forms


Нарушение сроков сдачи письменных работ

Если студент отказывается от выполнения задания в предварительно обозначенный преподавателем срок или отсутствует на занятии без уважительной причины, то он/она получает 0 баллов. 

Сюда входят все текущие домашние задания. Преподаватель не принимает работы, сданные с нарушением сроков, установленных заранее. То есть в данном случае не предусмотрена сдача работы с опозданием. Работа, сданная не в срок оценивается в 0 баллов.


Исключения составляют случаи болезни, подтвержденные официальными медицинскими документами, и особые обстоятельства, о которых преподаватель проинформирован заранее. В каждом конкретном случае возможность переноса сроков выполнения задания решается в индивидуальном порядке преподавателем. При необходимости в решении участвует Академический руководитель программы или/и Начальник учебного отдела.

После предоставления справки в учебный офис студент извещает об этом преподавателя и предоставляет выполненное задание (возможно по электронной почте) в течение 2х дней. Если обнаруживается, что справка не является действительной, то преподаватель имеет право не разрешить пересдачу задолженности или аннулировать уже проведенную контрольную.



В случае выявления плагиата или частичного копирования любых уже существующих источников или готовых выполненных заданий, работа не проверяется. Преподаватель имеет право поставить за данную работу 0 баллов. Подобные задания пересдаче не подлежат. Сюда входят контрольные работы по промежуточному и итоговому контролю и домашние письменные и устные задания.

Оценка письменных работ (домашних заданий, а также обсуждений примеров на занятиях и проекта письменного перевода) осуществляется по следующим критериям:

  Strategies and techniques used, their justification Communicative aspect/original message transference Language: grammar, wording Structuring 
3 Strategies and techniques used in translation are chosen correctly, to the point, they facilitate understanding of the original message. A student can explain the propriety of the strategies and methods. The message of the original text is transmitted correctly, style and shades of meaning are saved, cultural and situational peculiarities are depicted in an appropriate degree (if possible). The translation does not exaggerate or underestimates the atmosphere or emotions of the original text. Uses a wide range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, with fluency, precision, sophistication and style. Use of grammar is sophisticated, fully controlled and completely natural. Any inaccuracies occur only as slips.  
2 Strategies and techniques used in translation are chosen randomly, not exactly, the translation sounds tense, original message loses some shades of meaning. A student finds some more appropriate ways of translation. The message of the original text is transmitted generally, style and shades of meaning are saved, BUT cultural and situational peculiarities are NOT depicted in an appropriate degree. The translation has an excess of emotions of the original text. Uses a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, appropriately. Uses a range of simple and complex grammatical forms with control and flexibility. Occasional errors may be present but do not impede communication.  
1 Strategies and techniques used in translation are chosen incorrectly, the translation sounds unnaturally, original message loses fragments of its meaning. The student cannot explain his/her choice and cannot find a better way to transfer the message. The message of the original text is interpreted in the wrong way, style and shades of meaning are misunderstood, cultural and situational peculiarities are NOT depicted. The translation has distorted emotions of the original text. Uses everyday vocabulary generally appropriately, while occasionally overusing certain lexis. Uses simple grammatical forms with a good degree of control. While errors are noticeable, meaning can still be determined. The structure of the text (sentences) provides the reader with understanding of logics and message of the original text
0 Strategies and techniques used in translation are completely chosen incorrectly and completely distort the message. The message of the original text fails to be transmitted. Uses basic vocabulary reasonably appropriately. Uses simple grammatical forms with some degree of control. Errors may impede meaning at times. The structure of the text (sentences) fails to provide the reader with understanding of logics and message of the original text


Оценка устных работ (упражнений и практических заданий по устному переводу) осуществляется по следующим критериям:


  Strategies and techniques used (basics) Communicative aspect/original message transference Tempo, voice and manner Language: grammar, wording
3 A student successfully manages to listen to the message and interpret it simultaneously with a small delay. The student also can logically connect the beginning of one meaningful phrase with its end and clearly interpret its meaning to the audience using appropriate strategies and techniques of oral translation. The logics of the whole speech are not lost while the audience listens. The message of the original text is transmitted correctly, style and shades of meaning are saved, cultural and situational peculiarities are depicted in an appropriate degree. The translation does not exaggerate or underestimates the atmosphere or emotions of the original text.    
2 A student manages to listen to the message and interpret it simultaneously with a delay. The student also can connect the beginning of one meaningful phrase with its end and interpret its meaning to the audience using appropriate strategies and techniques of oral translation. The logics of the whole speech are occasionally lost while the audience listens. The message of the original text is transmitted generally, style and shades of meaning are saved, BUT cultural and situational peculiarities are NOT depicted in an appropriate degree. The translation has an excess of emotions of the original text. The student sounds calm, controls his voice tone and volume, as well as the speed of his/her speech. The manner of speaking is steady, neither speeds up nor slows down, no pauses or hesitations. Uses a wide range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, with fluency, precision, sophistication and style. Possesses topic vocabulary on a certain the topic of interpreted text. Use of grammar is sophisticated, fully controlled and completely natural. Any inaccuracies occur only as slips.
1 A student struggles to listen to the message and interpret it simultaneously with a small delay. The student connects with difficulty the beginning of one meaningful phrase with its end and interprets its meaning to the audience using messy ways. The logics of the whole speech are generally lost while the audience listens. The message of the original text is interpreted in the wrong way, style and shades of meaning are misunderstood, cultural and situational peculiarities are NOT depicted. The translation has distorted emotions of the original text. The student sounds calm, BUT does not control his voice tone and volume, as well as the speed of his/her speech. The manner of speaking is irregular, the student occasionally speeds up or slows down, pauses or hesitations occur only as slips. Uses everyday vocabulary generally appropriately, while occasionally overusing certain lexis. Uses simple grammatical forms with a good degree of control. While errors are noticeable, meaning can still be determined.
0 The interpretation fails The message of the original text fails to be transmitted. The student sounds nervous, does not control his voice tone and volume. The manner of speaking is struggling and incoherent, the student speeds up or slows down, pauses or hesitations, search for words occur regularly. Uses basic vocabulary reasonably appropriately. Uses simple grammatical forms with some degree of control. Errors may impede meaning at times.




5.1. Рекомендуемая основная литература

Список литературы для самостоятельной работы студентов, хранящийся в библиотеках города Москвы и электронных базах данных

№п/п Наименование
1.   Л.Виссон. Практикум по синхронному переводу с русского языка на английский (с аудиоприложением) 3-е издание/. — М.:Р.Валент, 2002. — С. 200. - ISBN 5-93439-077-5


5.2. Рекомендуемая дополнительная литература

№п/п Наименование
  1.   2.     T.А. Казакова. Практические основы перевода. – С.Пб.: 2001.   Р.К. Миньяр-Белоручев. Как стать переводчиком? — М.: ≪Готика≫, 1999. —176 с  


5.3. Программное обеспечение

№п/п Наименование   Условия доступа/скачивания
  Microsoft Windows 7 Professional RUS Microsoft Windows 10 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional RUS Из внутренней сети университета (договор)
  Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010   Из внутренней сети университета (договор)

5.4 Профессиональные базы данных, информационные справочные системы, интернет-ресурсы (электронные образовательные ресурсы)


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