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Абзац - перефразируем тему Эссе , показав два противоположных мнения.↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Содержание книги
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In many large cities around the world, it has become common for people to live alone or in a small family instead of living in large extended family households. Some people are strongly convinced that the best choice for them is living in a nuclear family or individually. Others are in favour of living with joint family. Абзац - Ваше мнение, близкая автору точка зрения (3 аргумента в поддержку). In my opinion, people living in a small family or living alone have some positive aspects. Firstly, lots of young people do not wish to live the traditional lifestyles of their parents and grandparents. Therefore, living alone or in a nuclear family allows them the freedom to do as they please without having to face constant judgement or criticism. Secondly, young generation prefer eating fast food and listening to loud music while the elderly are keen on traditional meals, and soft relaxing music. Living separately gives them opportunities to satisfy their needs and avoid conflicts. Finally, living alone, or in smaller family groups allows each generation to live their preferred lifestyle. Абзац – Точка зрения оппонентов (2 аргумента в поддержку). However, some people prefer to live in a large extended family. They think that staying away from other family members may have some harmful effects. To begin with, as parents and grandparents get older, they may face a number of physical and mental health problems, and by living alone, they may lack the care and attention they need from their children. Additionally, young people have less interaction and influence from grandparents, and important traditions and customs may also be lost from generation to generation. Living alone, or in small family groups can lead to poor family bonds between generations. Абзац – Сформулируйте контраргументы против каждого аргумента из предыдущего абзаца. Despite all my respect to my opponents’ opinion, I do not find their arguments convincing enough. Personally, I believe that many older people do not wish to live the hectic, fast-paced lifestyle of modern city life and prefer to live a slower-paced, healthier life in the countryside during their retirement. Also, in traditional societies, family gatherings are common to celebrate special occasions that bring the family closer and strengthen familial ties and bonds. Абзац – Заключение с обновлённым формулированием. All things considered, though there might be advantages of living in a combine family, I believe that life in miniature family units or individually can be more interesting and exciting because they can make their own decisions and create their own rules for living. СТРУКТУРА НАПИСАНИЯ ЭССЕ
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