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Part 4. Questions 16-20 For each question, choose the correct answer.Содержание книги
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16. you will hear a teacher talking to her class. What does the teacher want her class to do? A work more quickly B make less noise C help each other more
17. you will hear two friends talking about their day. What have they just done? A they’ve been to a concert. B they’ve had a meal. C they’ve played a sport.
18. you will hear a teacher talking to one of his students called Sarah. Why must Sarah do her homework again? A She made too many mistakes. B She did the wrong work. C She forgot to do some of it.
19. You will hear a girl, Lara, talking about shopping. Why did Lara buy the bag? A The size was right. B The price was right. C The colour was right.
20. you will hear a man talking to his daughter before she goes out. What is the weather like today? A It’s cold. B It’s wet. C It’s sunny. Part 5 Questions 21-25 For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear Julia talking to her mother about a school fashion show.
Example: 0 Julia D People Help with 21 Anton A clothes F photographs 22 Emma B food G posters 23 Kart C lights H tickets Sarah D make-up 25 George E music Reading and Writing Part 1. For each question, choose the correct answer.
Part 2 Questions 7-13. Read three texts about School Garden competition and for each question, choose the correct answer.
Amy Our class has just won a prize for our school garden competition – and they’re going to make a TV film about it! The judges liked our garden because the flowers are all different colours – and we painted some on the wall around it. My cousin gave us advice about what to grow – she’s learning about gardening at college. We’re planning to grow some vegetables next year. I just hope the insects don’t eat them all! Flora Our teacher heard about the school garden competition on TV and told us about it. We decided to enter and won second prize! There’s a high wall in our garden where many red and yellow climbing flowers grow and it looks as pretty as a painting! Our prize is a visit to a special garden where there are a lot of butterflies and other insects. My aunt works there and she says it’s amazing.
Louisa The garden our class entered in the competition is very special. The flowers we’ve grown are all yellow! They look lovely on the video we made of the garden. We also grew lots of carrots and potatoes, and everyone says they taste fantastic. It was an interesting project. Our teacher taught us lots of things about the butterflies in our garden. We also watched a TV programme about them, and did some paintings to put on the classroom wall.
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