The network layer concerns with 

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The network layer concerns with


A. bits

B. frames

C. packets*

D. none of the mentioned

E. segments


The network layer protocol of internet is

A. Ethernet

B. internet protocol*

C. hypertext transfer protocol

D. none of the mentioned

E. application


Transport layer aggregates data from different applications into a single stream before passing it to

A. network layer*

B. data link layer

C. application layer

D. physical layer

E. data link layer


Which one of the following is a transport layer protocol used in internet?



C. TCP and UDP*

D. none of the mentioned



An endpoint of an inter-process communication flow across a computer network is called

A. socket*

B. pipe

C. port

D. none of the mentioned

E. frame


Which one of the following is a version of UDP with congestion control?

A. datagram congestion control protocol*

B. stream control transmission protocol

C. structured stream transport

D. none of the mentioned

E. application to application communication


188. A _____ is a TCP name for a transport service access point.

A. port*

B. pipe

C. node

D. none of the mentioned

E. post


Transport layer protocols deals with

A. application to application communication

B. process to process communication*

C. node to node communication

D. none of the mentioned

E. neighbor discovery protocol


Which one of the following is a transport layer protocol?

A. stream control transmission protocol*

B. internet control message protocol

C. neighbor discovery protocol

D. dynamic host configuration protocol

E. process to process communication


191. The ____ translates internet domain and host names to IP address.

A. domain name system*

B. routing information protocol

C. network time protocol

D. internet relay chat

E. types of messages exchanged


Which one of the following allows a user at one site to establish a connection to another site and then pass keystrokes from local host to remote host?



C. telnet*

D. none of the mentioned

E. types of messages exchanged


Which one of the following protocol delivers/stores mail to reciever server?

A. simple mail transfer protocol*

B. post office protocol

C. internet mail access protocol

D. hypertext transfer protocol

E. simple newtwork management protocol


The ASCII encoding of binary data is called

A. base 64 encoding*

B. base 32 encoding

C. base 16 encoding

D. base 8 encoding

E. base 4 encoding


Which one of the following is not an application layer protocol?

A. media gateway protocol

B. dynamic host configuration protocol

C. resource reservation protocol*

D. session initiation protocol

E. session maintenance protocol


When displaying a web page, the application layer uses the

A. HTTP protocol*

B. FTP protocol

C. SMTP protocol

D. none of the mentioned

E. TCP protocol


This is not a application layer protocol



c) FTP

d) TCP*



The packet of information at the application layer is called

A. Packet

B. Message*

C. Segment

D. Frame

E. Data


E-mail is

A. Loss-tolerant application

B. Bandwidth-sensitive application

C. Elastic application*

D. None of the mentioned

E. Application layer


Pick the odd one out

A. File transfer

B. File download

C. E-mail

D. Interactive games*

E. Message



201. ICT is…

A. information on objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties and state.

B. organized sets of instructions for controlling the computer.

C. information and communication technologies, which include a variety of digital technologies, with which you can create, save, distribute, transmit certain information or provide services. *

D. responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software.

E. the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation.


202. Information is …

A. information and communication technologies, which include a variety of digital technologies, with which you can create, save, distribute, transmit certain information or provide services.

B. information on objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties and state. *

C. organized sets of instructions for controlling the computer.

D. responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software.

E. the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services.


203. Technology is…

A. information and communication technologies, which include a variety of digital technologies, with which you can create, save, distribute, transmit certain information or provide services.

B. information on objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties and state.

C. organized sets of instructions for controlling the computer.

D. responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software.

E. the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services *




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