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Необходимо. Olga Orlova is a woman... 32. She graduated... the Institute... Foreign Languages eight years ago. She is a lecturer now. She usually goes... the University... eight o'clock... the morning. She teaches English... the University. Her daughter Ann is a girl... ten. She goes... school every day. She spends four hours... school every day. Mary's son is a boy... four. Her husband takes the boy... a nursery school every morning. Mary's parents do not live... her. They live... the country, a long way... Moscow....summer Mary takes her children... the country and they stay... their grandfather and grandmother.
3. Поставьте предложения в Past и Future Indefinite (Simple), употребляя соответствующие наречия времени: last year, a year ago, next year, in...year. Образец: I am – I was – I shall be I study – I studied – I shall study Do you study?–Did you study? – Will you study? 1. I am a student. 2. My wife (husband) studies at the Polytechnic University. 3. My father works as an engineer. 4. We are very busy today. 5. There are four rooms in our flat. 6. He comes to the university at 8 o’clock. 7. Do you work? Where do you work? 8. Does your mother keep house?
4. Переведите вопросы на английский язык. 1. Ваша семья большая или маленькая? 2. Вы живете с родителями или отдельно? 3. Вы женаты (замужем)? 4. Есть ли у вас дети? 5. У вас есть близкие родственники? 6. У вас есть двоюродные сестры или братья? 7. Как зовут вашу двоюродную сестру? Сколько ей лет? Она замужем? Чем она занимается? Где она работает или учится? 8. Ваша семья дружная? 9. Вы счастливы? 10. Кто ваш лучший друг? 11. Какой самый популярный спорт в нашей стране? 12. Вы любите читать?
5. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. 1. Last year I entered the radio-electronic college (extra-mural department). 2. My elder brother studies at State University. 3. My little daughter was born two years ago. 4. My father is 52 years old.
Контрольная работа вариант № 2 Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст на русский язык. ТEXT My Working Day My working day begins early. I always get up at 7 o’clock. Before I leave for the university I have a lot of things to do. First of all I do my morning exercises to music. Then I go to the bathroom where I wash, clean my teeth and dress. At a quarter to eight I have breakfast. It doesn’t take me(1) long to have breakfast. At a quarter past eight I leave home for the college. As I live far from the college, I go there by bus. It usually takes me twenty minutes to get there. I am never late. Between classes we have short breaks. I usually have dinner in the canteen of our college, which is always full of people at this time. As a rule, we have three classes a day. Classes are over at four o’clock. Sometimes I stay at the college if I have some social work to do. Sometimes I stay at the college because I need a book or an article which I only can get in the reading room. Before and after classes in the reading room there are always many students who read different books and articles, work at their reports or do their lessons. After classes I usually walk home. I like to walk after a busy day at the college. It usually takes me about two hours to prepare my lessons. In the evening I have supper, work on computer. Sometimes if I have time, I meet with my friends. I usually go to bed at 12 o’clock.
Every day I work at my English. I spend an hour a day on it. I like English very much and I do my best to master it. I can already read easy English books and even speak English a little. Those who want to master English, i.e. (that is) to understand it without difficulty, to speak it well, to read books in the original without dictionary and to write correctly must study hard.
Примечания к тексту: 1) it takes him (me, her, us, them) – ему (мне, ей, нам, им) требуется; Лексико-грамматические упражнения 1. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Do you work or study? 2. Is it easy for you to get up early? 3. Do you do your morning exercises? 4. What do you usually have for breakfast? 5. How long does it take you to have breakfast? 6. How long does it take you to get to your work? 7. How do you usually get to your work? 8. Where do you usually have dinner? 9. What time do you come home? 10. What do you do if you have spare time? 11. How often do you use a computer in your work? 12. How do you usually spend your evenings? 13. What are your hobbies? 14. What kind of music do you prefer? 15. Do you collect anything?
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