Ex.1. Mind the new words and expressions. 

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Ex.1. Mind the new words and expressions.

Ex.1. Mind the new words and expressions.


1. barcode – штрих код

2. to bring forward – выдвигать (предложение)

3. dissemination, - распространение

4. distribution - распространение

5. distinctive – отличительный, характерный

6. distinguishable – различимый, отличимый

7. to enhance – увеличивать, улучшать, усиливать

8. to evaluate – оценивать

9. to familiarise – ознакомлять

10. forwarder (forwarding agent) –экспедитор, перевозчик

11. freight - груз, фрахт

12. HQ headquarter - штаб

13. institute – (зд.) ассоциация

14. liability insurance – страхование ответственности

15. logo (сокр.от logotype) – логотип, фирменный или товарный знак

16. objective, target – цель

17. to submit – представить на рассмотрение

18. synergy – совместная деятельность (успешная)


Ex. 2. Match the word with the appropriate definition.

Container, logistics, agent, toll, carrier, barcode

1. a person or company that represents another person or company especially in business.

2. a group of thin and thick lines printed on products you buy in a shop and which a computer can read. It contains information such as the price.

3. a company that moves goods or passengers from one place to another.

4. a large cargo-carrying standard-sized box that can be loaded from one mode of transport to another.

5. the management of materials flow through an organization, from raw materials through to finished goods.

6. the money you have to pay to use a particular road, bridge, etc.

Ex. 3. Match the words with the similar meaning.


1. benefit a) appreciate
2. advisor b) expeditor
3. objective c) load, cargo
4. freight d) association
5. freight dispatcher e) trade mark
6. freight forward f) shipper
7. distribution g) distinguishing
8. bring forward h) advantage
9. distinctive i) realization
10. logo j) goal, target
11. implementation k) dissimilation
12. forwarder l) consultant
I13. institute m) come forward
14. evaluate n) freight prepaid


Ex. 4. Choose the right variant. Pay attention to the use of the word "freight".

1. freight advance a) условие об оплате
2. freight agent b) товарная узловая станция
3. freight charge c) грузооборот
4. freight clause d) доход от грузовых перевозок
5. freight dispatcher e) аванс фрахта
6. freight flow f) обратный фрахт
7. freight home g) условие об оплате фрахта
8. freight-handling company h) грузоотправитель
9. freight note i) грузопоток
10. freight rate j) агент по фрахтовке операций
11. freight receiver k) стоимость перевозки грузов
12. freight release l) грузовой парк
13. freight revenue m) фирма грузообработчик
14. freight terminal n) разрешение на выдачу груза
15. freight turnover o) фрахтовая ставка
16. freight yard p) грузополучатель


Ex. 5. Scan the text to give the answers to the following questions.

1. What does the abbreviation FIATA stand for?

2. What does FIATA represent today?

3. What are the main objectives of FIATA?

4. Why has FIATA created several documents and forms?

5. There are five Advisory Bodies of FIATA, aren’t they? Name them.

Ex. 6. Read the text attentively for more information about FIATA.


FIATA, in French "Fédération Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilés", in English "International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations was founded in Vienna/Austria on May 31, 1926.

FIATA, a non-governmental organisation, represents today an industry covering approximately 40,000 forwarding and logistics firms, also known as the "Architects of Transport", employing around 8-10 million people in 150 countries.

FIATA has consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and the UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).

It is recognised as representing the freight forwarding industry by many other governmental organisations, governmental authorities, private international organisations in the field of transport such as the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the International Road Transport Union (IRU), the World Customs Organization (WCO), the World Trade Organization (WTO), etc.

In summary FIATA is the largest non-governmental organisation in the field of transportation. Its influence is worldwide.


FIATA's main objectives are: to unite the freight forwarding industry worldwide; to represent, promote and protect the interests of the industry by participating as advisors or experts in meetings of international bodies dealing with transportation; to familiarise trade and industry and the public at large with the services rendered by freight forwarders through the dissemination of information, distribution of publications, etc.; to improve the quality of services rendered by freight forwarders by developing and promoting uniform forwarding documents, standard trading conditions, etc.; to assist with vocational training for freight forwarders, liability insurance problems, tools for electronic commerce including electronic data interchange (EDI) and barcode.


Each year, FIATA holds a World Congress. This international event brings together the freight forwarding industry and transport world. It serves to conduct the business of the Federation, is a social occasion and last but not least acts as a meeting place to conduct business. Participation is between 800 - 1500 persons.

Organisation FIATA is structured into Institutes, Advisory Bodies, and Working Groups each in their turn dealing with every aspect that affects the international movement of freight.

The Institutes, which usually meet twice a year, carry out the technical work of the Federation. Currently FIATA has three, namely the Airfreight Institute (AFI); Customs Affairs Institute (CAI); Multimodal Transport Institute (MTI).

Some of the Institutes have some permanent Working Groups; e.g. the MTI has three for Sea, Rail and Road Transport, and the AFI one for IATA matters. Working Groups report to their respective Institutes and meet according to necessity.

For matters that affect the whole of the freight forwarding industry there are five Advisory Bodies:

· Advisory Body Dangerous Goods (ABDG)

· Advisory Body Information Technology (ABIT)

· Advisory Body Legal Matters (ABLM)

· Advisory Body Public Relations (ABPR)

· Advisory Body Vocational Training (ABVT)

They co-operate with the Institutes and Working Groups, if required, and meet according to necessity.

Regional Meetings

FIATA National Association members are divided into 4 regions worldwide. These are: Africa/Middle East, Americas, Asia/Pacific, Europe.

Each Region meets twice every year; during the HQ Session in Zurich and at the FIATA World Congress. The prime target of these regional meetings is to bring forward the specific issues of regional concern and interest, and if necessary submit them to the Institutes and Advisory Bodies of FIATA, the intention being to identify and assist regional members in solving the local difficulties. Another important topic is to gain synergies between the member countries of the regions and to import and export these benefits to other national associations.


FIATA has created several documents and forms to establish a uniform standard for use by freight forwarders worldwide. The documents are easily distinguishable as each has a distinctive colour and carries the FIATA logo.

· FIATA FCR (Forwarders Certificate of Receipt) - сертификат экспедитора о получении груза

· FIATA FCT (Forwarders Certificate of Transport) - сертификат экспедитора о транспортировке груза

· FWR (FIATA Warehouse Receipt) – складское свидетельство

· FBL (negotiable FIATA Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading) - мультимодальный транспортный коносамент

· FWB (non-negotiable FIATA Multimodal Transport Waybill)- необоротная мультимодальная транспортная накладная

· FIATA SDT (Shippers Declaration for the Transport of Dangerous Goods) - декларация грузоотправителя о транспортировке опасных грузов

· FIATA SIC (Shippers Intermodal Weight Certificate) - интермодальный весовой сертификат грузоотправителя

· FFI (FIATA Forwarding Instructions) – форма экспедиторских инструкций

FIATA documents have an excellent reputation and are recognised as documents of tradition and trust. They have greatly contributed in the past to the facilitation of international exchanges and will continue in the future to be valuable instruments in the service of world trade.


Ex.1. Mind the new words and expressions.


1. barcode – штрих код

2. to bring forward – выдвигать (предложение)

3. dissemination, - распространение

4. distribution - распространение

5. distinctive – отличительный, характерный

6. distinguishable – различимый, отличимый

7. to enhance – увеличивать, улучшать, усиливать

8. to evaluate – оценивать

9. to familiarise – ознакомлять

10. forwarder (forwarding agent) –экспедитор, перевозчик

11. freight - груз, фрахт

12. HQ headquarter - штаб

13. institute – (зд.) ассоциация

14. liability insurance – страхование ответственности

15. logo (сокр.от logotype) – логотип, фирменный или товарный знак

16. objective, target – цель

17. to submit – представить на рассмотрение

18. synergy – совместная деятельность (успешная)



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