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Describe the natural transformation processes in the nitrogen cycle↑ Стр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ Содержание книги
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Describe the natural transformation processes in the nitrogen cycle Nitrogen is present in the environment in a wide variety of chemical forms including organic nitrogen ammonium (NH4+) nitrite (No2-) nitrate(NO3-) nitrous oxide (N2O)or inorganic nitrogen gas (N2) Organic nitrogen may be in the form a living organism humus or in the intermediate products of organic matter decomposition the processes of the nitrogen cycle transform nitrogen from one form to another Many of those procceses are carried out by microbes either in their effort to harwest energy or to accumulate nitrogen in a form needed for their growth for ex are broken down by nitroging bacteria in the soil to be used a new. Describe the carbon cycle All living things are made of carbon carbon is also a part of the ocean are ant even rocks.Because the Earth is a dynamic place carbon does not stay stile. It is on the move in the atmosphere carbon is attacted to some oxygen in gas called carbon dioxide.Plants use carbon dioxide and sunlight to make their own food and growth.The carbon becomes part of the plant.Plant that die and are burries may turn into fossil fulls made of years.When humans burn fossil fuels most of the carbon quicly enters the atmosphere as a carbon. Describe the water hardness Hard water is watr that has a high mineral cantent.the main components of these minerals ussualy are calcium ca2+ and magnesium mg2+ions. But there are also dissolves metals,bi carnbonates and sulfates calcium carbonate caco3 in the form of limestone and chalk or calcium sulfate in the of several other minerals teposits.the main soura of magnesium is dolomit. Hard water is general not harmful and some hardness water is a useful source of calcium for health bore development. Describe the chem.prop. of carbon and its Carbon and carbon compound gives carbon dioxide vapor heat and light on burning in air C+O2+Co2+heat light.CH4+2O2+CO2+H2O Heat+Light CH3H2OH+O2+CO2+H2O Heat+Light Carbon exists in two allotropic form (1) cristalive (2)amorphous the cristall the form are diamond and graphit hereas the amorphus forms are coal,charcoal camp black. Explain two occurences of nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere. NOx is a generic term for the mono nitrogen oxides NOand NO2.they are produced from the reaction among nitroge,oxygen and even hydrocarbons especially at high temperature.in areas of high motor vehicle traffic such as in large cities the amount of nitrogen oxides emmited into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant NOx gases are formed whenever combustion occurs into presence of nitrogen as in an air breath engine they also are prodused naturaling by lightning In atmospheric chemistry the term means the total concentration of smog NOand NO2 NOx gaces react to form smog and acid rain as nell as being central to the formation oof troposphere stone. Describe the sulfur cycle Sulfur in an element important to ecosystem and the climate.The majority of sulfur is stored underground for example under the ocean or in rocks. It also occurs naturally in places like swaps and volcanoes.humans add ed cess sulfur into this cycle ussualy through atmospheric pollution caused by fosgil full combustion steps of the sulfur cycle. Describe the sulfur dioxide problem Sulfur dioxide affects human health when its breathed in. it irritates the rose throw and airway to cause coughing wreeting shortness of breath or a tight felling around the ehest.the effects of sulfur dioxide are felt very quickly and most people waud fell the worst symptoms in 10 or 15 minutes after breathing it in. those most at risk of developing problems if they are exposed to sulfur dioxide are with asthme or similar conditions. Write the symbols Metal-Na,K,Zn,Ca,Li. Na-sodium K-potassium Zn-zink. Ca-calcium Li-lithium Nonmetal-O2,C,P,F N-nitrogen O-oxigen C-carbon P-phosporus F-fluorine Metalloid -B,Si,:Boron,Silicon,As-Arsenic,Te- Tellurium,At-Astatine
2)…Alkali metals … Oxides, Hydroxide, Salts Oxides- Li2O-lithium oxide,K2O-potassium oxide,Rb2o-Rubidium oxide,Cs2O-Caesium oxide, Na2O-Sodium oxide Hydroxide -LiOH- lithium hydroxid,NaOH- Sodium hydroxid,KOH- potassium hydroxid, RbOH—Rubidium hydroxid,CsOH- Caesium hydroxid. Salts- NaCl- Sodium chloride,KCl- potassium chloride,Cu(PO4)-Coppex diphasphat, KMnO4-Potassium permanganate,CuSO4-Copper sulfate Describe the sulfur cycle Sulfur(S) in an element important to ecosystems and the climate. The majority of sulfur is stored underground,for example under the ocean or in rocks.It also occurs naturally in places like swaps volcanoes.Humans add edcesc sulfur into this cycle ussualy through atmospheric pollution caused by fosgil full combustion steps of the sulfur cycle.As rocks are worn down by erosion they release sulfur that was once stored,becoming SO4once it touches the air. Chromium its CO3 Chromium is a chemical element with a symbol Cr. It always has 24 proporti is atomic number is 24. It is mass number is about by Chromium is a metal. It is reactive but it reacts with air to produce and very thin of chromium (III) oxide which prevening it from rusting any more. Chromium occurs in several oxidation states: +2/+3 and +6 are most common.It forms chemical compounds that are colorless. Compounds (II)oxide, chromium (II)chloride, chromium (III) sulfate,chromium (IV)oxide. Describe the natural transformation processes in the nitrogen cycle Nitrogen is present in the environment in a wide variety of chemical forms including organic nitrogen ammonium (NH4+) nitrite (No2-) nitrate(NO3-) nitrous oxide (N2O)or inorganic nitrogen gas (N2) Organic nitrogen may be in the form a living organism humus or in the intermediate products of organic matter decomposition the processes of the nitrogen cycle transform nitrogen from one form to another Many of those procceses are carried out by microbes either in their effort to harwest energy or to accumulate nitrogen in a form needed for their growth for ex are broken down by nitroging bacteria in the soil to be used a new. Describe the carbon cycle All living things are made of carbon carbon is also a part of the ocean are ant even rocks.Because the Earth is a dynamic place carbon does not stay stile. It is on the move in the atmosphere carbon is attacted to some oxygen in gas called carbon dioxide.Plants use carbon dioxide and sunlight to make their own food and growth.The carbon becomes part of the plant.Plant that die and are burries may turn into fossil fulls made of years.When humans burn fossil fuels most of the carbon quicly enters the atmosphere as a carbon. Describe the water hardness Hard water is watr that has a high mineral cantent.the main components of these minerals ussualy are calcium ca2+ and magnesium mg2+ions. But there are also dissolves metals,bi carnbonates and sulfates calcium carbonate caco3 in the form of limestone and chalk or calcium sulfate in the of several other minerals teposits.the main soura of magnesium is dolomit. Hard water is general not harmful and some hardness water is a useful source of calcium for health bore development.
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