Proposed activities for EVS volunteers 

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Proposed activities for EVS volunteers


The role of EVS volunteer will be:

· helping in educational activities,

· using the project as a method,

· organizing their own activities with the students,

· organizing after class activities for students willing to help in preparing different presentations and projects,

· cooperation with the teaching staff in order to help them bring new ideas in their work.

· organizing and taking part in drama, sports or cultural events within school.

Activities and tasks for volunteers:

We are looking for someone with very strong personality and strong leadership skills, who will bring some new ideas or methods into our work. Our staff is very friendly and supportive in everything. You can rely on us in every activity you would like to organize with the students.

Helping or assisting in any school, sports and social events which our school will participate in and where the volunteer’s participation will be helpful or useful.

The volunteer will mainly assist our English teacher and will help organizing different lessons from those ordinary ones to diverse our school life. Promotion of EVS among Poles.

Please check school newsletter made by EVS volunteer:


Integration Kindergaten

Integration Kindergarten

Kindergarten conducts pre-school education for children between 3 – 6 years old.

Kindergarten is functioning as a caring, educational and instructive centre. This is the place where healthy and disabled kids have fun together. It provides every child with the opportunity to have fun and learn in a safe, friendly place where everything is tailor-made for their needs and development. It shapes the emotional resilience in children with different physical and intellectual capabilities. Kindergarten is building children’s knowledge about the social world. More info about this Kindergarten:



Volunteers helping our actions may:

Lead games and activities for children,

Attend and conduct classes in English,

Assist in working with children with disabilities,

Organize contests and competitions,

Lead drama and sports.

The role of the volunteer: extending European awareness among our children, encouraging our children (students) to learn foreign languages, broadening the message about the cultures and traditions of other countries.

What volunteers can learn with us:

The volunteer will get to know our culture and traditions and to gain information about the region. They will have the chance to learn the best methods to work and relate with children with disabilities and healthy ones. Meet new friends, participate in contests for kindergarten and pupils.



Kindergarten in Gardeja Village

Description of the organization

Kindergarten conducts pre-school education for children between 3 – 6 years old.
Kindergarten in Gardeja is a public educational institution for preschool education for children from the village Gardeja and other surrounding villages. Our kindergarten takes care of children adjusting the methods and ways of interactions to the age of the child and its developmental capabilities, taking into account the environmental needs of exciting local conditions. We also offer to students from all over Europe the possibility of working with us as volunteers.


Volunteers helping our actions may: lead games and activities for children, attend and conduct classes in English, assist in working with children with disabilities, organize contests and competitions, lead drama and sports. Of course we are open to volunteers ideas. The role of the volunteer: extending European awareness among our children, encouraging our children (students) to learn foreign languages, broadening the message about the cultures and traditions of other countries. What the volunteer can learn with us: the volunteer can get to know our culture, the traditions of our country and gain information about the region. The volunteer can also learn the best methods to work with children, meet new friends and participate in a contest for kindergarten and pupils.


Private school


Kwidzyński public schools are non-public schools, whose aim is to equip students with the knowledge and skills enabling to undertake further education. We are schools that emphasize both the tradition and modernity of the region, shaping the rules of tradition and the rules of living in a democratic community.

The School of Social Kwidzyn includes: Social Elementary School (99 students, age 6-13 years) created in 2011, Social High School (112 students, age 13-15 years) formed in 2000. Social and High School (33 students, age 16-19 years), which was founded in 1996. According to the statute, the number of students in each class can not be more than 18 people in elementary school, and up to 20 people in middle school and high school. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes; between classes they are provided a 5 – 10 minutes break and a 20 minutes break, during which students can eat lunch. Lessons start at 8.00 and end up at 15.00. The school has a wide range of extra-curricular activities: circles, chess, hiking, dancing, guitar lessons, sports activities such as: classes in the pool, soccer, tennis, volleyball, fitness, horse riding, aerobics. The school offers youth trips, camping integration, national and international tours. More info about this school:


Volunteers will be involved in school life and they can also:


  • carry out extra-curricular activities, like teaching their mother tongue,
  • assist in the implementation of educational projects resulting from:
    implementation of the core curriculum in high school
  • high school subjects as: nature and history and society
  • Implementation of projects under the current events in Poland and abroad in cooperation with the Polish Humanitarian Organization, School of Global Foundation, and philanthropic projects conduct classes and workshops in the field of their interests participate in foreign languages classes
  • help to establish a cooperation with the schools of their country, in order to
  • establish partnership agreements and youth exchanges
  • involved in organizing “Days of Foreign Languages” in our school
    participate as a youth tutor during the trips organized by the school.


SMYK kindergarten Kwidzyn

Smyk Foundation (Kindergarten – playground) in Kwidzyn


In the frame of our activities we support the activity of:

1. Kindergarten Smyk which educates children in the age since 2,5 till 5 years of life and at the same time it offers a wide range of additional jobs such as: horse riding, capoeir learning, cooking club (culinary activities for children), drama activities etc.

The Kindergarten is opened: 06:00 a.m – 05:00 p.m.

2. Smykolandia pleasure ground and creative play ground for children of the age 0 – 15 years. Smykolandia offers motion – play constructions, multimedia consoles, interactive floor and a wide range of additional jobs such as amongst others: English lagguage courses, incidental events as Haloween, Christmas, topical events for children along side with parents. Smykolandia is opened: since 13:00 p.m – 19:00 p.m 7 days a week.

3. Outside actions for the purpose to help or support people in need are those to raise money for sick children/children in need or making it possible to rest for children from orphanages.

Main activities proposed to the volunteers are:

· supporting teachers – working with children, creating own workshops,

· presentation of own culture and country in kindergarten and Smykolandia playground,

· language animation, we will encourage volunteer to teach and animate language workshop with children, staff and parents,

· participation/ preparation annual activities such as Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Volunteers day, summer camps etc.

· volunteer will have big opportunity to organize own ideas/ projects/ activities.

· both in Kindergarten and Smykolandia volunteer will be encourage to develop own ideas for children.



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