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A Meeting people S t a r t e r A c t i v i t i e s 1. Read the dialogues and guess who is speaking and where they are. - Good afternoon, Miss Bright! - Good afternoon, Mr. Johnson! - How's life? - No complaints. Thank you. How are things with you? - Nothing to boast of. I have loads of work again. - Sorry to hear that!
- Hi, Mike! - Hey, Jack! Nice tracksuit! - Oh, thank you. I jog in it every morning. How are you? - I am fine, thanks. And you? - Very much the same. Thank you.
- Good morning, Mrs. Tompson! Excuse my being late. - Good morning, Peter. What was the problem? - I was delayed by the traffic. May I come in? - Yes, of course.
- Let me introduce myself to you. I am George Wiler. - How do you do, Mr. Wiler. My name’s Ken Johnson. - How do you do, Mr. Johnson. I’m a teacher of chemistry. What’s your trade? - I am an agronomist from California. - Pleased to know you, Mr. Johnson. - Glad to get acquainted with you, Mr. Wiler. Listen to these dialogues and repeat them. Pay special attention to the intonation and sentence stress. Act out the dialogues. Make up your own dialogues using patterns from the dialogues. * * * G r a m m a r s t u d y МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ (PRONOUNS) Личные и притяжательные местоимения (Personal & Possessive Pronouns)
*Примечание: после местоимения you глагол-сказуемое всегда стоит во множественном числе: You are a student. Ты студент. Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений употребляется в тех случаях, когда за местоимением не стоит существительное. This pen is hers. It is not mine. Эта ручка – её. Она не моя. Указательные местоимения (Demonstrative pronouns)
МНОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ЧИСЛО СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫХ Множественное число существительных, кроме тех, основа которых оканчивается на -ch, -s, -sh, -х, -о, образуется путем прибавления к основе окончания -s: а bоу — boy s; а book — book s; а girl — girl s Множественное число существительных, основа которых оканчивается на -ch, -s, -sh, -х, -о образуется путем прибавления окончания -еs:
Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -у (после согласной) во множественном числе имеют окончание -ies: а bаbу — bab ies а lady — lad ies Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -у (после гласной) во множественном числе имеют окончание -s: а bоу — boy s а toy — toy s
Если слово оканчивается на -f/-fе, то во множественном числе f меняется на v и добавляется -еs а life — li ves а shelf — shel ves а knife — kni ves (исключения: roof – roofs, chief – chiefs, proof – proofs, handkerchief – handkerchiefs). Ряд существительных образует множественное число не по общим правилам: а) изменяется корневая гласная:
б) добавляется окончание -en: a child — children an ox — oxen в) заимствуются формы единственного и множественного числа из латинского и греческого языков:
В английском языке есть существительные, которые имеют одну (общую) форму для единственного и множественного числа:
Некоторые существительные могут употребляться в форме только единственного либо множественного числа. Только в единственном числе употребляются слова: money деньги, sugar сахар, hair волосы, business дело, information информация, сведения, progress прогресс, успехи news новость, новости, peace мир, love любовь, knowledge знание, знания, advice советы, furniture мебель, luggage багаж, fruit(s) фрукты Только во множественном числе употребляются слова: clothes одежда, goods товары, riches богатства, thanks благодарность,manners манеры Существительные в форме множественного числа используются для обозначения предметов, состоящих из двух частей. Например: trousers брюки, pajamas пижама, glasses очки, binoculars бинокль, scissors ножницы, jeans джинсы, tights колготки, shorts шорты ПРИТЯЖАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПАДЕЖ СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫХ (Possessive Case) Examples: The child’s toys – the children’s toys The boy’s books – the boys’ books
G r a m m a r p r a c t i c e Translate into English. 1. Та книга не моя. 2. Эта книга – моя. 3. Это моя книга, а то – её. 4. Эти ее карандаши, а те – наши. 5. Возьмите те карандаши. Они новые. 6. Ваша ручка плохая, возьмите мою. 7. Эти книги мои, а те – их. 8. Мои книги интересные. 9. Это его сестра. 10. Они мои братья. 11. Это её стол. 12. Эта книга не моя, она твоя. L i s t e n i n g L a n g u a g e F o c u s 18. Study the following speech patterns. Read the translations and guess the meaning of the rest.
S p e a k i n g 19. Read the following dialogues and spot speech patterns from ex. 13 in them. Act out the dialogues. - Good morning, Mr. Flake. Let me introduce Benjamin Lark to you. - How do you do, Mr. Flake! I am glad to meet you. - How do you do, Mr. Lark! Pleased to know you. What is your occupation? - I am a biochemist. What are you? - Me too. I am pleased to know you. - The pleasure is mine! · · ·
- Alice, Are you acquainted with William Porter? - I don’t think so. - I want to introduce him to you. He’s very clever, well-educated and has good manners. … William, this is my sister Alice. Alice, meet William Porter. - Hi, Alice! - Hi, William! How are you? - There is nothing to complain of. Thanks. How are you? - Fine, thank you. - What is your trade, Alice? - I am a student. I study at London University. What about you? - I am an economist. This is your first year at university and there are a lot of new people around you. Would you like to get acquainted with them? Make up a conversation to meet a new person. Use the following words while speaking.
* * * C o u n t r y S t u d y FORMS OF ADDRESS Mr., Mrs., Ms, Miss.... What am I? "Mr." is for a man. It used to be for an adult male and "Master" was used for children, but it isn't used much any more. "Mrs." is an abbreviation for Misses and is used to denote a married woman. “Miss” is not an abbreviation and, therefore, should never have a period after it. It is used to denote an unmarried woman. "Ms" is also not an abbreviation and is used to denote a woman, married or unmarried. During the Women's Liberation movement of the early 1970s, it was thought that it was biased to give a title representing a woman's marital status whereas men have a title that does not reveal this information. All these titles are used with the last name or with the full name (usually in formal written speech), but never with the first name of a person. Other forms of address include:
Sometimes instead of addressing a person by name, the British prefer to say “Excuse me (please)?” (Извините). This phrase is also used to attract attention of a stranger. Also to attract someone’s attention it is possible to say:
To reply to any address you can simply say “Yes?” (Да? Я слушаю) * * *
V o c a b u l a r y Describing appearance General Positive: beautiful is generally used to describe women; handsome is used to describe men; good-looking is used for both; pretty is another positive word to describe a woman or a girl.
Negative: ugly is the most negative word to describe someone; plain is more polite.
Height and build
Speaking about the colour, we can say that the hair is blonde, light or dark brown, red, auburn, black and grey/white. Adding some special features we can say if a person wears a beard or a moustache, has got a scar, a tattoo or a birthmark. Now answer these questions. 1. How would you describe your build? 2. How tall are you? 3. What kind of hair have you got? 4. What colour is your hair? 5. Can you think of a famous woman you would describe as beautiful? 6. Can you think of a famous man you would describe as handsome? Discuss English proverb says “Appearances can be deceiving” and Gaelic proverb adds “Do not judge by appearances; a rich heart may be under a poor coat”. Do you agree? Why/Why not? Describe a person everyone knows in great detail. Speak about his/her general appearance (height, weight, hair) and special features, such as a beard or a moustache. Let other students in your group guess who the person is. * * * Describing character
1. Describe yourself using positive and negative qualities from the table. Is there a quality you do not have but would like to have? What, in your opinion, is the worst quality? 2. How would you describe persons in the situation represented in the picture below? R e a d i n g Pre-text exercises 31. Check if you remember the following verbs from the text: to introduce, to finish, to try, to think, to say, to know, to find, to give, to swim, to walk, to take, to enjoy, to meet, to watch, to play, to agree, to change.
32. State to what part of speech the following words belong: weigh, student, seventeen, am, always, should, passionate, skin, myself, boring, at, you, music, have, completely, years, take after, TV, a, dark-haired, my, watching. 33. Form the derivatives from the following words: technology, interest, optimism, plays, overweight, person, conserve, outgoing, every, rely. 34. Read the following ideas of teenagers about their features of character and choose a person you would like to make friends with. Alex
I think I take after my father. I'm tall and medium build, in fact I am 1 metre 80 and I weigh about 75 kilos. I have got short red hair, brown eyes and freckles. People say I am warm and friendly. I hope I am. I also think I am polite, cheerful and optimistic. I always try to be in a good mood.
Jane I’m about one metre seventy, or something like that. So I am medium height. I’m overweight I think though my friends say I am not. I don’t know how much I weigh, ‘cause I always find it too depressing to weigh myself. I don’t think I take as much exercise as I should. I used to go to a gym, but I found it really boring. My main exercise is walking – I walk everywhere – and swimming, which is fine for giving you good stamina and it’s good for your heart, spine and lungs.
I have a passionate interest in sports, especially football. I play football with my friends every weekend, and I watch all matches of my favourite football team Barcelona on TV. I am a dark-haired guy with black eyes. I am honest and reliable and I value these qualities highly. I am a second-year student at Medical University. Kate
V o c a b u l a r y S t u d y
A Meeting people
S t a r t e r A c t i v i t i e s 1. Read the dialogues and guess who is speaking and where they are. - Good afternoon, Miss Bright! - Good afternoon, Mr. Johnson! - How's life? - No complaints. Thank you. How are things with you? - Nothing to boast of. I have loads of work again. - Sorry to hear that!
- Hi, Mike! - Hey, Jack! Nice tracksuit! - Oh, thank you. I jog in it every morning. How are you? - I am fine, thanks. And you? - Very much the same. Thank you.
- Good morning, Mrs. Tompson! Excuse my being late. - Good morning, Peter. What was the problem? - I was delayed by the traffic. May I come in? - Yes, of course.
- Let me introduce myself to you. I am George Wiler. - How do you do, Mr. Wiler. My name’s Ken Johnson. - How do you do, Mr. Johnson. I’m a teacher of chemistry. What’s your trade? - I am an agronomist from California. - Pleased to know you, Mr. Johnson. - Glad to get acquainted with you, Mr. Wiler.
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