What kinds of ships or boats are these? 

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What kinds of ships or boats are these?


Ø A fishing boat with a net ____________________________________________________________

Ø To move this boat you have to use oars ________________________________________________

Ø You can travel along the sea-bed in it __________________________________________________

Ø This vessel does not only take passengers but also their cars _______________________________

Ø Noah built the most famous one ______________________________________________________

Ø If you like sailing, this boat is the best solution for you _____________________________________

4. Complete the text with the given words: ashore, aboard, quayside, voyage, cabin, deck, seasick, cruise, captain, sail, port, sea.

I remember it very well. We were standing on the ___________ at the ________________ of Dover. It was the first stage of our oceanic ______________ - ‘the _______________ of a lifetime’ or so we thought at the time. After standing in a long queue we finally went _______________. We settled into our ____________________, unpacked our suitcases, and went up on ______________. The view was beautiful: calm ____________ and the sunset. When we were just about to set ______________ I began feeling _________________. The rest of our journey I spent on the bridge asking the _______________ if there was any chance to be put ______________ sooner than it was planned in our itinerary. He flatly refused.


Exercise 2. Read the opinions about travelling by sea. Christine, Jerome and Bernard have different ideas about ship travelling. Be ready to say what their ideas are.

Christine is speaking.

Trips by sea offer a great variety of civilized comforts. I like them very much. I’ve travelled a lot by sea and can assure you that it is the best way to travel if you want to have rest and relax. You can stretch your legs on the spacious decks, play games, swim, meet interesting people and enjoy good food. Some people may say that sea journeys take a long time. Relatively few people are prepared to sacrifice up to a third of their holidays for the pleasure of travelling on ship. But what could be better than travelling by ship, when the sea is calm and the sun is shining. The ship lulls you to and you are sitting on the deck and think about nothing but your trip. Isn’t it great?

Jerome is speaking.

I don’t think that travelling by sea is my favourite way of travelling. Even if everything is so beautiful around, but you’re seasick, nothing will make you feel better even the view, the sun and the sea. So you see, I object to sea trips strongly. A sea trip does you good when you are going to have a couple of months of it, but for a week, it is wicked.

You start on Monday with the ideas implanted in your bosom that you are going to enjoy yourself. You wave an airy adieu to the boys on shore, light your biggest pipe and swagger around the deck as if you were Captain Cook, Sir Francis Drake, and Christopher Columbus all rolled into one. On Tuesday, you wish you hadn’t come. On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, you wish you were dead. On Saturday you are able to swallow a little tea, and to sit up on deck, and answer with a sweet smile when kind-hearted people ask you how you feel now. On Sunday, you begin to walk about again, and take solid food. And on Monday morning, as, with your bag and umbrella in your hand, you stand by the gunwale, waiting to step ashore, you begin to thoroughly like it.


Bernard is speaking.

Having lived the 20th century now we can say how many facilities it gave us. So many things were invented, that it's impossible to count them! As to the transport, the innovations concerned it most of all. A lot of new means of communication became very popular at the end of 90s. And now people have a possibility of choosing the way of travelling they wish to use. Travelling by ship was very popular at the end of 19th century, but now with the development of air-transport it doesn't lose its actuality because more and more holiday-makers prefer it. They say that they feel different after a week on board a ship. It is very pleasant to feel the deck of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing into the face and hear the cries of seagulls. Sea air does a lot of good to a person. Of course, one shouldn't stay in the cabin, but go to the deck where one can watch the sun rise and set which is an unforgettable sight. On luxurious ships you can find a wide choice of sport and entertainment facilities where you can spend time with pleasure such as a swimming pool, a casino, a restaurant, a night club, a library, a bowling and several restaurants. But tickets for such voyages are very expensive, that’s why only rich people can afford it. Things are a bit worse when the sea is rough. For poor sailors, that is for people who get sea-sick, a sea voyage is out of the question. The only thing for them is to take a medicine and try to sleep in the cabin. I consider travelling by sea to be very attractive and interesting but only for people who really like to travel.

Exercise 3. Give the English for: растянуть, укачивать, возражать, злой, грудь/ душа, воздушный поцелуй, важничать, твёрдый, не может быть и речи

I. Pre-reading activity:

Exercise 4. For better comprehension check the pronunciation, the meaning and the translation of the following words.

To overtake, in reverse, rev, to moor, to swap, towpath, heron

II. Listening section.

Exercise 5. Listen to the speaker and fill in the missing words. Get ready to speak about the peculiarities of travelling by a canal boat.

Travelling slowly is best

Posted by Peter 16 June 2009

Boat on a canal near Worcester

It was late afternoon when we arrived at the _____________ to find our canal boat. One of the staff took us round the boat, to show us how things worked. Then he gave me the keys. The boat was ours, for the next week, at least.

The first thing you learn about an English canal boat is that it is slow. It is, in fact, almost the ___________ form of transport you can think of. Small children riding bicycles overtake you. People walking their dogs on the towpath overtake you.

Perhaps you think that sailing a canal boat is easy. It must be easier than a car, you think, because it goes so slowly. Wrong. Sailing a canal boat is _____________.

To start with, there are no brakes. “If you want to stop,” the man in the boatyard told us, “you put the _________ in reverse.” OK – I put the engine in reverse. The boat takes no notice. It keeps going forward. In a panic, I _________ the engine revs [ i.e. I made the engine go faster]. Gradually, the boat slows down, and eventually stops. It takes me about 50 meters to stop a canal boat travelling at walking _________. Amazing.

Then the trouble starts. You can only steer a canal boat if it is going _________. If the canal boat stops or goes backwards, it goes where it wants to go, not where you want to go. Generally, the canal boat wants to __________ in front of a boat coming the other way. If there is no boat coming the other way, the canal boat will probably want to drift to the side of the canal where it will run aground in the mud. You then have to spend several minutes ___________ the boat ________ the mud.

Now, suppose you want to turn the boat round, to go the other way. Turning round is _________ in a car. However, the canal boat is 15 meters long, while the canal is only 10 meters wide. You need a special wide bit of canal, called a “winding hole”, to turn the boat round. You look at the map. No problem, there is a winding hole only 5 kilometers down the canal. Then you remember. The canal boat will take an hour to travel 5 kilometers.

You sometimes hear car drivers say that “parking is a ___________”. They know nothing. They should try mooring a canal boat. (“Mooring” is the proper word for parking a boat). First you have to _________ the boat. Then you have to persuade it to move __________ the bank and _____________ the middle of the canal. Everyone on the canal boat, except you, the driver, has to jump onto the canal bank. You throw them ropes to ________ the boat to the bank. The ropes fall in the canal. You pull them out of the water and throw them again. A group of people watch with interest as your helpers make the boat fast. (The word “fast” has two completely different meanings in English – generally, it is the opposite of “slow”; but sometimes it means “cannot move”. So, if I “make a boat fast”, I mean that I tie it to the bank with ropes so that it cannot move. English is a crazy language!)

The people who built the canals liked to play ________ on canal users. A favourite trick is to put a canal ________ just before a bend in the canal. That makes it impossible to see whether another boat is coming the other way. Another trick is to make some bits of canal so ___________ that two boats cannot pass each other. When you find a narrow section, you have to stop (if the boat is in a good mood), and send someone to walk along the towpath with a mobile phone, to phone you when they can see that there is no boat coming the other way.

But at least there are no _______________ on the canal, you say. Wrong. At busy times, you may have to wait an hour or more to take your boat through a set of __________. But it is not like a traffic jam on a ____________. On a motorway, you sit in your car getting more and more tense and angry. You look out of the window at other drivers who are also getting tense and angry. But on a canal, when you find a traffic jam, you park – sorry, “moor” – your boat and go and talk to the people in the other boats. You swap stories about your adventures on the canal, and then help each other take the boats through the locks.

In a week on the canal, I think we travelled 60 kilometers. It is good to travel _______. You relax and notice things which otherwise you might not see, like the wild flowers on the towpath and a heron standing completely still in a field. At night, we moored in peaceful quiet places, and in the morning the singing of the birds woke us up. We met several people who live on the canal ___________. They call themselves “live-aboards”, because they live aboard their boats. They have a simple life, because there is no ___________ in a canal boat for many possessions. Some of them make ____________ which they sell to other people on the canal. Some of them stay in one place for most of the time. Others move their boat to somewhere new every day. The “live-aboards” think they are the _____________ people in the world. What do you think?


III. Comprehension check.

Exercise 6. Refute or agree to the following statements.

  1. The first thing you learn about an English canal boat is that it is fast.
  2. Sailing a canal boat is quite easy.
  3. There are no brakes on a canal boat.
  4. One can steer a canal boat if it is going forwards or backwards.
  5. One can see that canal boats have an ability to drift.
  6. A canal user needs a special place to turn the boat.
  7. It’s not a problem to moor a canal boat.
  8. The people who built the canals like to play tricks on canal users.
  9. There are no traffic jams on the canal.
  10. The author enjoyed the slowly travelling by boat.
  11. There is a special group of people who devoted their life living on the canal.


You know many films and stories are connected with travelling by sea. They are romantic as well as tragic, and some are gushy or unbelievable. Do you know any of them?

Despite all the tragic stories about shipwrecks, people still prefer travelling on big and luxurious ships. It differs greatly from travelling on boats or yachts.

Exercise 8.. Render the news into English paying attention to the sea travel vocabulary.

Норвежцы строят новый "Титаник" Норвежская судостроительная компания Aker Kvaerner заключила с компанией Royal Caribbean Cruises контракт на постройку океанского лайнера Ultra Voyager, который станет самым большим в мире. Судно длиной 339 метров и экипажем в 1400 человек будет брать на борт до 3600 пассажиров. Максимальная скорость лайнера составит 22 узла, сообщает агентство Associated Press. Royal Caribbean решила заказать Ultra Voyager в связи с коммерческим успехом круизов на лайнерах класса Voyager, которые на сегодняшний день считаются самыми большими. Их длина составляет 311 метров, водоизмещение - 138 тысяч тонн. Для сравнения, знаменитый лайнер "Титаник", затонувший в Атлантике в 1912 году, имел длину 275 метров и водоизмещение 46 тысяч тонн. Строить Ultra Voyager будут на верфи компании Aker Kvaerner в Финляндии. Планируется, что лайнер спустят на воду в мае 2006 года. Дополнительный пункт в контракте предусматривает строительство еще одного такого же судна к 2007 году. Стоимость Ultra Voyager, включая проектирование и постройку, оценивается в 720 миллионов долларов.

Exercise 9. Express your own attitude towards travelling by ship using the following scheme.

To start with I can say that I... by ship.

I think travelling by ship is/ can be....

It can provide people with....

One can choose a ship according to his/ her preferences as there are a lot of them:...

If I had a chance I would choose a....

It’s note-worthy that speaking about the advantages of travelling by ship, I’d mention the following....

But such disadvantages as... should also be remembered about.

I guess a... person can choose travelling by ship and I’m such a person.







While travelling people choose different means of transport to get to their destination. The majority of people, who believe that travelling by car is safe and quick, choose travelling by car. There are lots of car types as well. What do you think about travelling by car? Do you often travel by car? Was your trip a pleasant or nightmarish one? Was it long or short? Which destinations do you usually choose for your route? Who would you like to see as your companions?

Exercise 1. Look through the table and get ready to speak about the peculiarities of car travel. Read out the words from each column correctly, give their definitions and translate them into Russian.

1. One can choose …

- a buggy - a soft –top car (Br), convertible (Am) - an estate car (Br), station wagon (Am) - a hatchback - a saloon car (Br), sedan (Am) - a caravan (Br), a trailer (Am) - a camper

2. Different vehicles can be used to deliver people or different things. For example …

- a tipper truck (Br), a dump truck (Am) - a breakdown truck (Br), a tow truck (Am) - a milk float - a pickup - a car transporter - a dustbin lorry (Br), a garbage truck (Am) - a juggernaut (Br), a tractor- trailer (Am) - a fork-lift truck - a van - an oil tanker - a hearse - an ambulance - a bus - a horse and cart - a lorry - a taxi - a tractor  

3. If one likes high speed s/he can choose …

- a racing car

- a sports car

- a motorbike/ motorcycle with a sidecar


Answer the questions:

1. What car would you choose if you travel alone?

2. What sort of a car would you prefer if you travel together with a beloved and you want to impress him/her? Explain your choice.

3. What car would you take if you go to the country together with your family? Or with a group of your friends?

4. What car would be the most suitable to deliver a large amount of goods?

4. It’s also important to know parts of a car...

- bonnet - windscreen/ windshield - lights - number plate - wheels - tyres - bumper - exhaust pipe

5. Inside the car one can find...

- steering wheel - speedometer - indicator - rearview mirror - panel - accelerator - brake - clutch - gear

6. People who drive cars are called...

- chauffeur - driver - motorist - tram driver/ motorman (AmE)

Exercise 2. Read the opinion of Frank and say what his attitude towards travelling by car is. Suggest the English word combinations for these Russian ones:

o садиться за руль

o завести мотор

o нажать педаль

o припарковать машину

o автопробка

o задержка автомобиля

o объезд

o неровная дорога

o проколоть шину

o поездка на машине

o мелькать

Frank is speaking:

As for me there is nothing better than travelling by car – a good fast car. You sit down at the wheel, switch on the motor, step on the pedal with your feet and off the car goes. You can go as slowly or as fast as you want, stop when and where you choose; you park the car on the side of the road, get out and go where you like.

It’s true that driving a car has some disadvantages. In town it is rather a nuisance with all this traffic “jams” or hold-ups, roundabouts, and so on. It is not pleasant when you ride on a bumpy road or get a flat tire, or, still worse, when you get stuck in the mud.

But what can be better than a spin in a car on a weekend with your friend? As soon as you get out of a town and see the long wide road before you, how pleasant it is to feel the car rush forward at a touch of your foot, to feel the wind in your face, to see houses, trees and people flash past, to feel the real joy of speed. Indeed, your impressions are unforgettable.

I. Pre-reading activity:

Exercise 6. For better comprehension check the pronunciation, the meaning and the translation of the following words.

Meticulous, to avail, mileage, to be prone to, a blowout, tread, unevenness, terrain, a travel log, mishap, lubricant, haphazardly, clutter, a frame of mind, to top off, remiss, flare

II. Listening section:

Exercise 3. Listen to the speaker and insert the missing words.

“Road Trip Planning”

Road trip requires a huge deal of meticulous planning and organization skills. While a successful road trip can become a lifetime experience to cherish, a failure may result into a disaster. Let us see how to deal with road trip planning successfully.

There is a hell difference of opinion on whether a road trip is a good thing or a bad thing. Some people love the idea of ____________ in a car and taking a few days, or even weeks to get to their destination. Road trip planning, a huge deal of planning, packing and organizing goes into _________ that everything is ready for the trip, which you could need and want for the duration of your trip.

Road trip planning guide could be availed; one can approach at any book store. Nevertheless your ___________, do not neglect placing just as much importance on making sure your vehicle is ______________ and in perfect ___________ for the trip. It is not possible to predict everything that can possibly go wrong with a vehicle, but you can surely increase the ____________ of an incident free road trip by taking a few _________ steps and make sure the vehicle you are going to take on trip is ready in all aspects.

Making the Gears Ready

Make sure that your car is up and ready according to all of its manufacturer's maintenance ________. The vehicle instructions _________ will guide each service that should be performed for your particular vehicle model at different mileage stages. Also, have any irregular noises or shakes examined by a certified __________ before you hit the highway.

Driver and vehicle completely depend on tires not only to take from point A to B, but to contribute to safety in ________. Under or over inflated tires can hurt your gas mileage and are more prone to blowouts that can leave you ________. Ensure that the _____________ in each tire meets the exact recommended inflation level, and inspect the tread for wear. Any unevenness or baldness is cause for ___________, and should be inspected by a tire specialist. If your trip involves snowy, mountainous terrain, have snow tires or chains ready in advance and know the procedure for utilizing them.

Lots of things should be taken in consideration that should be done ahead of time to save you from a lot of trouble later on while you are on the way.


Plan Your Journey

A valuable travel safety tip is the preparation of a travel log or _________ of road trips or long distance travel. By knowing the destination and the travel path for the journey, it is easy to notify a friend or family member of the __________ route of travel. By taking the time to share the details of the journey, the opportunity for mishap is considerably ___________.


Give a visible inspection

Make sure that you walk around your car and check for anything that might cause _________ down the road. Are the tires fully inflated and in good condition? If not you could end up like me and have to change the tire 100 miles from home when you are on a 2000 mile road trip. Also make sure that all lights are working and get new ___________ to help keep your windshield clear.


Check the fluids

Make sure that your oil and other vital ________ are at premium levels and are not in need of changing. Your car will be working overtime and you do not want to give it any more stress than is necessary by not giving it the proper lubricant to handle the additional __________.


Clean the car

A clean car, inside and out, is a __________ car. If you just throw your luggage into the car haphazardly you will end up a little more __________ than if you make sure everything is in its place. Also less ________ tends to put you in a better frame of mind so that you can relax and enjoy the drive.


Top off the tank

Make sure that you top off the tank early so that you don't have to stop too soon on your trip. It is always good to put as many miles as possible between you and your house before you have to make your first stop, which gives you a feeling of ______________ and helps the time go more quickly.


The Emergency Kit

Road trip planning tip would be remiss to omit the necessary items of emergency flares, emergency blankets, whistle, water, food, scissors, rag and small hammer. While some of these items are __________, it is the odd items on the list that might prove most useful in an emergency. It is obvious that the road flares would be used to warn others of an accident or other mishap on the side of the road and to be cautious.


Travel Only With Friends

The days of __________ and ___________ friendly faces along the highway are long gone. It is a dangerous risk to take a ride with a stranger. When thinking travel safety tips, it is imperative to remember that a Ted Bundy was considered an attractive man, which made it very easy for him to attack his many female ___________. While it is thoughtful to help others, allowing a stranger into your vehicle or climbing into a vehicle driven by a stranger is not the ________ way to travel.


By Jayashree Pakhare

III. Comprehension check: Published: 5/17/2007

Exercise 4. Finish up the sentences using the article.

  1. There is a hell difference of opinion on whether a road trip is ….
  2. Do not neglect placing just as much importance on making sure ….
  3. Make sure that your car is up and ready according to ….
  4. Have any irregular noises or shakes examined by … before you hit the highway.
  5. Ensure that the air pressure in each tire …, and inspect the tread ….
  6. Lots of things should be taken in consideration that … to save you from a lot of trouble later on ….
  7. Make sure that you walk around your car and check for anything that might ….
  8. Also make sure that all lights … and get new wipers ….
  9. Make sure that your oil and other vital fluids are … and are not in need of ….
  10. A clean car, inside and out, is ….
  11. Make sure that you top off the tank early so that ….
  12. It is obvious that the road flares would be used to … or … and ….
  13. The days of hitchhiking and picking up friendly faces along the highway ….
  14. Allowing a stranger into your vehicle or climbing into a vehicle driven by a stranger ….

Exercise 5. Read out the sentences which resemble the following. Sometimes several sentences are needed to prove the idea.

  1. A successful road trip can be remembered for a lifetime, but a failure can turn into a nightmare.
  2. Some travellers enjoy the idea of leaving the home in a car and taking some time to reach their final point.
  3. It’s impossible to foresee what can go wrong during the trip, but you can handle all problems by getting well-organized trip to the maximum extent.
  4. It’s necessary to consult the car instruction to avoid problems with your car model at different mileage stages..
  5. Both passengers and a car depend on perfect tires which are essential to bring them to the destination and make them sure they are safe.
  6. If the driver is going to cover some special type of the ground, appropriate tires must be bought beforehand, and a driver must know how to utilize them.
  7. It’s important to think of the route in advance, especially if you are going to have a long distance trip, and get every passenger acquainted with it to avoid troubles.
  8. Putting the baggage into a clean car saves you from the nerves to find what is needed in no time and lets you enjoying the trip to the full.
  9. Having enough petrol allows one to put off the first unwanted stop and save the time during the journey.
  10. Many important things are necessary in case of emergency.
  11. Travelling with strangers can turn out to be a nightmare.


Hitch-hiking has become more attractive for young adventurous people nowadays. It allows you to travel for free. Some can be out of money to take up such type of travelling. It has both pros and cons as you can see.

Exercise 6. Read the article and be ready to speak on the problems touched upon in it.


Certainly one of the neatest ways of getting where you want to go for nothing is to hitch. In the city it’s a real snap. Just position yourself at a busy intersection and ask the drivers for a lift when they stop for the red light. If you’re hitching on a road where the traffic zooms by pretty fast, be sure to stand where the car will have room to safely pull off the road. Travelling long distances, even cross-country, can be easy if you have some sense of what you are doing.

Alone hitch-hiker will do much better than two or more. A man and woman will do very well together. Single women are certain to get positioned and possibly worse. American males have endless sexual fantasies about picking up a poor lonesome damsel in distress. Unless your karate and head are in top form, women should avoid hitching alone. Telling men you have V.D. might help in difficult situations.

New England and entire West Coast are the best sections for easy hitches. The South and Midwest can sometimes be a real hassle. The best season to hitch is in summer. Daytime is much better than night. If you have to hitch at night, get under some type of illumination where you’ll be seen.

Hitch-hiking is legal in most states, but remember you always can get a “say-so” bust or other problems with local police authorities. If you stand on the shoulder of the road, the police won’t treat you unfairly. If you’ve got long hair, cops will stop to play games. You can wear a cap with your hair tucked under to avoid hassles. However this might hurt your ability to get rides, since many straights will pick up hippies out of curiosity who would not pick up a straight scruffy looking kid. Freak drivers only pick up other freaks.

Once in a while you hear stories of fines levied or even a few arrests for hitching (Flagstaff, Arizona is notorious), but even in the states where it is illegal, the law is rarely enforced. If you’re stopped by the cops, play dumb and they’ll just tell you to move along. You can wait until they leave and let your thumb hang out again.

Hitching on super highways is really far out. It’s illegal but you won’t get hassled if you hitch at the entrances. On an exit, take your chances hitching right on the road, but keep a sharp eye out for porkers. When you get a ride be discriminating. Find out where a driver is headed. When the driver is headed to an out-of-the-way place, ask him to let you off where you can get the best rides. If he goes to a particularly small town, ask him to drive you to the other side of the town line. It’s usually a mile or two. Small towns often enforce all sorts of “say-so” ordinances. If you get stuck on the wrong side of town, it would be wise to even hoof it through the place. Getting to a point on the road where the cars are inter-city rather than local traffic is always preferable.

When you hit the road, you should have a good idea of how to get where you are going. You can pick up a free map at any gas station. Long distance routes, road conditions, weather, and all sorts of information can be got free by calling the American Automobile Association in any city. Always carry a sign indicating where you are going. If you get stranded on the road without one, ask in a diner or gas station for a piece of cardboard and a marker. Make the letters bold and fill them in so that they can be seen by drivers from a distance. If your destination is a small town, the sign should indicate the state. For really long distances, EAST or WEST is best. Unless, of course, you’re going north or south. A phony foreign flag sewed on your pack also helps.

Carrying dope is not advisable, and although searching you is illegal, few cops can read the Constitution.

Don’t be shy when you hitch. Go into diners and gas stations and ask people about their destinations. Sometimes gas station attendants will help. When in the car be friendly as hell. Offer to share the driving if you’ve got a license. Never be intimidated by giving money for a ride.

As for what to carry when hitching, the advice is to travel light. The rule is to make up a pack of the absolute minimum, then cut that in half. Hitching is an art form as is all survival. Master it and you’ll travel on a free trip forever.




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