II. Rewrite and translate in writing paragraphs 2, 4. 

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II. Rewrite and translate in writing paragraphs 2, 4.


III. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. Paramecia are commonly found in wet or moist p laces.

2. Dolphins can overtake high-speed ships.

3. John Lilly described his experiments on dolphins in detail.

4. In 1888 a dolphin led a ship through a dangerous place off the coast of New Zealand.

5. A pair of beavers can fell a tree four inches in diameter in 15 minutes.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form and voice. Translate the sentences into Russian in writing.

1. If we (to place) a crystal of table salt at the edge of a drop of hay infusion the Paramecia (to retreat) immediately to that part of the drop where the salt content (to be) less.

2. All sponges (to group) together in the porifera.

3. A single sponge (to have) a sac -like body which (to consist) of two layers of cells.

4. The first serious suggestion for botanical prospecting (to make) by a Russian scientist, S.M. Tkalich, in 1938.

5. There (to be) two classes of nucleic acids, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA), and they (to differ) in structure as well as in function.


V. Translate the following sentences into Russian in writing pay attention to different forms of adjectives.

1. It is probably the oldest plant species.

2. Most of the Ericaceae family are shrubs but a few are trees and there are also some smaller herbaceous plants.

3. Some Asian bamboos are taller than many trees.


VI. Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the meanings of the verbs.

1. This plant can be introduced in our region.

2. The roots of this plant may be used for human food.

3. You must study the characteristics of both plants as there can be a considerable difference between them.

4. They could have chosen another way.

5. One is to remember that this reaction is often followed by an explosion.


VII. Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Russian, pay attention to different meanings of the words.

1. The majority of flowering plants produce flowers that are very small.

2. Plants cannot live without water, which is the most abundant constituent in most plants and also one of the most important.

3. One can find any book on botany in that library.

4. That the percentage of sugar in sugar-beet is affected by a number of factors is now doubtless, as this has been proved experimentally.

5. The primary root is the one which is formed directly from part of the seed, while the secondary ones are branches of it.

VIII. Put in some, any, something, anything, nothing, nobody and translate the sentences into Russian.

1.... bacteria synthesize complex organic materials using chemical energy.

2. Do you know... about mitosis?

3. I don’t like this books in genetics. There is... new about gene-engineering in it.

4. Can you name... vitamins?

5. There is... new about this hereditary disease in this article.


IX. Make plural forms of the following nouns.

1. One mouse-two...

2. One bacterium - two...

3. One web - two...

4. One story- two...

Variant 4

I. Read the text and answer the questions in written form.


1. It is true that there are some lowly animals, like Hydra, that spend much of their life fixed firmly to one spot. Others, like Amoeba, progress very simply by the flowing of the protoplasm of the unicellular body.

2. But the vast majority of animals have a complicated mode of progression: they may crawl, fly, swim, or walk. Many can move different parts of their bodies for more than one purpose: flies use their legs for cleaning as well as for locomotion; because of its flexible neck, a bird can turn its head through a wide angle, and preen its feathers with its beak; the higher animals, more especially Man, can carry out complicated series of movement with the fore-limbs.

3. All such movements depend upon the harmonious co-ordination of three factors: there must be muscles on whose contraction and expansion all movement depends; there must be something firm to which the muscle is attached, so that it gets a "pull"; in connection with every muscle there must be nerves which initiate, regulate, and control all muscular action.

4. The necessary support is provided by a skeleton This is a firm structure to which muscles are attached which determines both the shape and movements of the body; it also protects the more delicate bodily organs from injury.

5. In many of the lower animals - in Wood-lice, Beetles, Lobsters, and so on - the supporting framework is an exoskeleton (Greek, exo, outside). Fishes have an exoskeleton of scales, but also an endoskeleton of cartilage or bone.

6. In all Mammals the skeleton, which is composed of bone, is internal and is highly developed. This bony framework must not be rigid, for that would reduce the power of movement to a minimum. To give flexibility the bones of the body move one upon another forming joints, of which there are more than 200 in the body of Man.


1. How do some lowly animals, like Hydra, spend much of their life?

2. What mode of progression do the vast majority of animals have?

3. Who can carry out complicated series of movements with fore-limbs?

4. What do all movements depend upon?

5. What is a skeleton?

6. What does a skeleton protect?

7. Is the skeleton of all Mammals highly developed?

8. Why must not the skeleton be rigid?



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