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VII. Summarize in own words the main idea of the text.Содержание книги
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VIII. Read and translate the text B: anti- pollution To pollute means to make something dirty/ Anti- pollution is the word that describes something that is against pollution or that doesn't make air, land or water unclean. environment Environment is the name for all the things that are around a person or an object. In this passage environment is the air, land water that surrounds people. device A Device is something invented for a special purpose.
Only the government can ensure that the American people have clean air and pure water. Congress must pass laws to stop manufacturers from polluting the air and water with the wastes from their factories. Unless anti- pollution standards are enforced for all, companies that care about a clean environment will go out of business. For example, if Automobile Company X spends money to put an air- pollution control device on their automobiles, their cars will be more expensive than the cars produced by another company. People who don't have the extra money or who don't care about pollution will not buy the more expensive car. Automobile Company X will go bankrupt; that is, it won't make enough money to pay its workers and to buy materials. It will go out of business. Of course, no automobile company will deliberately make itself go bankrupt, and so the pollution of the land and air and water will go on. But if the government says that all automobile manufactures must make cars with air- pollution control devices, the costs to all car manufacturers will be equal. The government cannot let companies decide whether or not they want to stop pollution. The government must force manufacturers to help clean up the environment by setting anti- pollution standards for everyone.
What is the main idea of this passage? (1) Manufacturers should not pollute the air. (2) Automobile Company X would go bankrupt. (3) The government should set anti- pollution standards. (4) A clean environment is needed.
What is the purpose of this passage? (1) to describe how a company can go bankrupt (2) to describe what it would be like to have a clean environment (3) to tell how the writer feels about Automobile Company X (4) to tell how the writer feels about the government and anti- pollution standards
What does the writer feel is the important problem in this passage? (1) People don't have extra money to buy cars made by Automobile Company X. (2) Automobile companies won't stop pollution the environment by themselves. (3) The governments must enforce anti- pollution standards. (4) Automobile companies must put air- pollution control devices on their cars.
4. What does "deliberately" mean in this passage? (1) on purpose (3) without cause (2) quickly (4) by itself
5. What does "standards" mean in this passage? (1) devices (3) equipment (2) rules (4) businesses
Words to Help You Understand the Passage unemployment compensation Unemployment compensation is money paid by the government to people who have laid off from their jobs. The people collect money for a certain number of weeks or until they find new work.
minimum Minimum is the lowest possible. A minimum income would be the smallest amount of money a person can earn. industrial Industrial describes something that has to do with manufacturing or business. An industrial country is one that has more people who work manufacturing than work on farms. Апта
I Read and translate the following words and word- combinations: Wastes, odorless, hazy, smelly, damage, property, particulates, tiny, liquid, solid, matter, indoor, outdoor, tend, combustion, manufacture, reduce, furnace, trash, irritate, lungs, pneumonia, illness, harm, protect, available, substances, support, crop, soil, nutrients, decay, feed, fertilizers.
II Arrange the following words in pairs of a) synonyms b) antonyms: a) soil, matter, damage, reduce, liquid, land, trash, substance, decrease, solid, wastes, harm b) indoor, reduce, tiny, outdoor, odorless, increase, smelly, large.
Word- building - less careless, treeless - ness happiness, kindness - y sunny, heavy - tion pollution, irrigation - able comfortable, usable - ent (ant) different, pollutant
III Read and translate the text A: Kinds of pollution There are several kinds of environmental pollution. They include air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and pollution caused by soil wastes, noise, and radiation. Air pollution turns clear, odorless air into hazy, smelly air that harms health, kills plants, and damages property. People cause air pollution both outdoors and indoors. Outdoor air pollution results from pouring hundreds of millions of tons of gases and particulates. (tiny particles of liquid or solid matter) into the atmosphere each year. One of the most common forms of outdoor air pollution is smog. Indoor air pollution results from many of the same substances found outdoors. But indoor pollutants can present a more serious problem because they tend to build up in a small area from which they cannot easily escape. Cigarette smoke is a familiar indoor air pollutant. Most air pollution results from combustion (burning) processes. The burning of gasoline to power motor vehicles and the burning of coal to heat buildings and help manufacture products are examples of such processes. Weather conditions can help reduce the amount of pollutants in outdoor air. Air pollution Most of the gases and particles that people put into the air come from combustion (burning) processes. The furnaces in factories, homes, and office buildings, the engines in automobiles, airplanes, and other motor vehicles; and the burning of trash are the chief sources of pollution from combustion. The pollutants from these sources have a wide variety of effects, as shown below. One serious result of air pollution is its harmful effect on human health. Both gases and particulates burn people's eyes and irritate their lungs. Particulates can settle in the lungs and worsen such respiratory diseases as asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Air pollution also harms plants. Poisonous gases in the air can restrict the growth of, and eventually kill, nearly all kinds of plants. Air pollutants may also effect climate. Both gases and particulates can cause changes in the average temperatures of an area. Air pollutants may damage the layer of ozone (a form of oxygen) in the earth's upper atmosphere. The ozone layer protects animals and plants from much of the sun's harmful ultraviolet light. Water pollution Most of the pollutants that people put into water come from treated and untreated sewage, from agricultural drainage, and from industrial wastes. The pollutants reduce valuable supplies of pure, fresh water by upsetting the natural cycles that work to keep water clean. By upsetting the cycles, the pollutants harm the animals and plants that live in the water. Water pollution reduces the amount of pure, fresh water that is available for such necessities as drinking and cleaning, and for such activities as swimming and fishing. The pollutants that affect water come mainly from industries, farms, and sewerage systems. Soil pollution damages the thin layer of fertile soil that covers much of the earth's land is essential for growing food. Natural processes took thousands of years to form the soil that supports crops. But, through poor treatment people can destroy soil in a few years.
Plant and animal wastes, including dead organisms, accumulate in the soil. Bacteria and fungi decay these wastes, breaking them down into nitrates, phosphates, and other nutrients. The nutrients feed growing plants, and when the plants die the cycle begins again. People use fertilizers and pesticides to grow more and better crops. Fertilizers add extra nutrients to the soil and increase the amount of a crop that can be grown on an area of land. But the use of large amounts of fertilizer may decrease the ability of bacteria to decay wastes and produce nutrients naturally.
IV Answer the following questions: 1) What kinds of environmental pollution do you know? 2) How do people cause air pollution? 3) What is the most common from of outdoor air pollution? 4) What is the meaning of smog? 5) What can help reduce the amount of pollutants in outdoor air? 6) What causes water pollution? 7) Were do most of the pollutants come from? 8) What does soil pollution damage? 9) What accumulates in the soil?
V Complete the following sentences: 1). People cause air pollution both outdoors and _________. 2). Weather conditions can help reduce the amount of ______ in outdoor air. 3). Particulates can settle in the lungs and worsen such ______ diseases as asthma bronchitis and pneumonia. 4). The pollutants that affect water come mainly from _____, farms and sewerage systems. 5). Pollution damages the thin layer of fertile soil that covers much of the earth's land and is essential for growing food.
VI. Find nouns and verbs which correspond to the following definitions: Smoke, poison, fertilizer, crop, pollute. 1). agricultural plants in the fields 2). make dirty 3). chemical plant food; artificial manure 4). visible vapour particles of carbon, etc. Coming from a burning substance. 5). Substance causing death or harm it absorbed by a living thing (animal or plant).
VII. Make up the sentences with the following words and word combinations: several kinds of environmental pollution; air pollution; pollutants; is one of the most serious problems; wants to reduce pollution, necessary to the several.
VIII. Match left and right 1. People also pollute 1. Is one of the most serious 2. Everyone wants problems facing humanity 3. Pollution of soil 2. Reduces the amount of land 4. Environmental pollution 3. to reduce pollution 5. Too much fertilizer 4. their surroundings 6. All parts of the environment in various other ways 7. Badly polluted air 5. Are closely related to one another 6. can ruin soil 7. can cause illness
IX. Read and translate text B: "Air pollution"
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