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Socio- and Phonostylistic Features of Public Addresses



4.1.Vocal Behavior. The term vocal behavior refers to the way we use pitch, rate, and volume when we speak.A dynamic speaker varies his or her vocal behavior throughout a speech to underscorethe message and to keep the audience interested.

4.2.Pitch. Everybody uses a mixture of low and high pitches—a pitch range—when

speaking. Variation in pitch is a tool for stressing words and adding emotion to sentences. When utterances are flat and monotone (i.e., when the pitch range is too

narrow), listeners become bored and tune out. Make sure, therefore, to vary your pitchlevels sufficiently.

4.3.Rate and fluency. The rate of speech includes speed and pausing. As with pitch,

try to vary your rate throughout your speech. You may want to speak more slowly at the beginning of your speech, for instance, to give your listeners an opportunity to get used to your voice. You may also want to slow down when discussing important points.

Presentation tools

Audiovisual Support

Audiovisual (AV) aids (e.g., posters, overhead transparencies, computer presentation

graphics, audiorecordings, etc.) have many advantages.

• They help listeners understand the material better.

• They can make a speech more interesting.

• If attractively designed, they enhance the speaker’s credibility.

• They provide something for the audience to see besides the speaker and can

thus reduce speaker nervousness.

• They can serve as a memory aid for the speaker.

When preparing AV support for your speech, you need to decide first which parts of your speech would best be reinforced through AV aids. Don’t use too many AV aids. Select wisely. Rather than simply projecting a copy of your outline on a screen, choose segments that are abstract or complex and would gain from audiovisual representation.

5.2.Using AV Aids Effectively. In the design of your AV support, strive for the most

professional look possible. Use quality materials and color when possible. It may take

some time to create your aids, but the effort is well worth it.

Audiovisual Aids


Black- or Whiteboards

Computerized Presentation Graphics


• Drawings




Overhead Projectors (OHP)





! Warning

When using technology, make sure you arrive early to set up and check the

equipment. Prepare an alternative way of presenting your material in case of

power or equipment failure.

Communication Anxiety

If you are nervous about speaking in public, you are not alone. Many people list publicspeaking as their greatest fear—greater than the fear of death!Having stage fright is normal, even for experienced speakers. In fact, a little nervousnessmay actually help you get focused, be alert to the audience, and deliver a more effectiveand captivating speech.The first step in managing communication anxiety is to become aware of and understandits symptoms: the queasy stomach, dry mouth, rapid breathing and heart rate,perspiration, trembling hands, and knees. These symptoms are a speaker’s response to thestressfulness of the situation. Interestingly, the symptoms are identical to the onesassociated with “fight or flight” reactions during real, physical danger.

Confidence builds with time and exposure. You will find that the more you speak in public, the less nervous you will be. It is therefore a good idea to use any opportunity to practice and gain experience. Even short “speeches” (such as questions asked in a class setting, participating in a discussion, offering a toast, or making an announcement) add up. Remember: Practice makes perfect!


There are different ways to evaluate the effectiveness of a speech. Ultimately, the

audience’s reaction is the best measurement of success. In most cases, however, this

reaction is closely tied to the thoroughness of preparation and the use of the public

speaking techniques. To briefly summarize the guidelines of this chapter, here is a checklist of the most important features.


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