The Separation of Powers in the USA 

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The Separation of Powers in the USA

Ø 1) Read the text and answer the question: “What is the role of the US Constitution in creating the so called “a more perfect union?”

Since the Second Continental Congress declared America’s independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776, the United States government has sought to realize the fundamental principle on which the nation was founded: that all people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

This principle was formalized in 1788 with the ratification of the Constitution. That document - still the supreme law of the United States - became the foundation of a federal government that allowed the several states to act together as one, while protecting the sovereignty of each individual state.

To ensure that no person or group would amass too much power, the founders established a government in which the powers to create, implement, and adjudicate laws were separated. Each branch of government is balanced by powers in the other two coequal branches: the President can veto the laws of the Congress; the Congress confirms or rejects the President’s appointments and can remove the President from office in exceptional circumstances; and the justices of the Supreme Court, who can overturn unconstitutional laws, are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

In creating this balance, the framers of the Constitution hoped to form what they called “a more perfect union” - a government that would not only serve the people but would also be a long-lived exemplar to other nations around the world.


Ø 2) Name the statements which are true:

a) America’s independence from Great Britain on July 14, 1776.

b) The supreme law of the United States is the Constitution.

c) The Constitution of the USA protects the sovereignty of each individual state.

d) The powers of the US government to create, implement, and adjudicate laws were not separated.

e) The President of the USA cannot veto the laws of the Congress.

f) The justices of the US Supreme Court are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

g) “A more perfect union” – this expression means a more perfect country.


Ø 3) Compare the Constitution of the USA and the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Is there anything in common between the two Constitutions?

The President of the USA

Ø 1) Read the text and answer the question: “Can you be the President of the USA?”


Do you want to be the President of the United States of America? Maybe you can apply for a job. Answer these three questions. Are you a U.S. citizen? Are you thirty five years old or older? Have you been a resident of the United States for fourteen years or longer? Did you say “yes” to all three questions? Then you can take the first steps to the White House.

You become President for a term. A term is four years. You can only serve two terms. This means that you can only be President twice. This became law in 1951. Before that, the law was different. In fact, Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933. He was still President when he died in 1945. He was President for twelve years. No one was President longer than he was.

As President of the United States, you earn $200,000 a year. You also get extra $50,000 for expenses, tax free. You have your own limousine, jet, and housekeepers, all free. You also live rent free, in the White house, D.C. And you are Head of the richest country in the world.

Presidents of the United States are very different people. Twenty two were lawyers, four soldiers, four farmers, four teachers, two writers, two businessmen, one tailor, and one actor. Eight of them didn’t have a college education!


Ø 2) Answer the questions concerning the current President of the USA:

a) What is his name?

b) Is he a U.S. citizen?

c) How old was he when he became the President of the USA?

d) When does his term expire?

e) What education does he have?


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