Discuss these questions in pairs. Then compare your answers with a partner. 

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Discuss these questions in pairs. Then compare your answers with a partner.

Read and translate the text


We often get tired of the same surroundings and daily routine. Some relaxation is essential to restore our mental and physical resources. That is why the best place of relaxation is the one where you have never been before. And it is by means of travelling that you get to the place.

Travelling is one of the most fascinating pastimes. It’s always exciting. Seeing exotic places, faraway countries, meeting new people, getting acquainted with history, culture and traditions of different lands, getting a lot of impressions – what could be more interesting. That’s why travelling makes an essential part of a person’s education.

Modern life is impossible without travelling. Millions of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road. Travelling by air is very popular among people in Ukraine. Travelling by air is more convenient than by train because it saves your time considerably though it does not save your money. Distances more than 2000 km can now be covered by modern passenger planes on non-stop flights without landing to refuel. Every kind of transport is dangerous in its own way. Statistics shows that travelling by air is as safe as travelling by train. Ukraine does a lot of things to provide the high safety for all flights in the airspace over the country.


Majority of aircraft is equipped with TCAS system and it gives pilots more assurance during flight. The introduction of the RVSM gives the ATC unit an excellent opportunity to increase flight capacity thanks to upgrade equipment on board and on the ground.

In Ukraine most flights are international. English is the international language of the air. All pilots have to speak English so that the other pilots and air traffic controllers can understand them. So, when a French plane lands in Denmark, the pilot and the air traffic controllers will talk to each other in English. English is also a very useful language for the air passengers. All check-in clerks must speak English and all announcements of planes must be given in English.

I travelled by air three years ago when I was on holiday in Crimea. I booked a ticket in advance. On the appointed day after packing my luggage I proceeded to the airport by bus.

In the hall of the airport there were a lot of people waiting for boarding the plane. Before boarding the plane the passengers must register at the airport. When registering the passenger is required to have his luggage weighed after which the attendant attaches a special tag to it to prevent it from getting lost. Each passenger is allowed twenty kilograms of luggage free of charge. There is no need to worry about your suitcase, it will be looked after.

The registration stopped half an hour before the time of take-off. Soon the passengers were invited to take their places.

I said good-bye to my friends who came to see me off and with the other passengers went to a special bus which took us to the plane. On board the stewardess helped everyone get comfortable in the reclining seats adjustable to four positions.

In less time than it takes to tell the plane taxied down the field to face the wind. Very soon the plane took- off. During the flight we got information of the altitude, speed, the weather and distance covered.




Some relaxation is essential

A. To restore our mental and physical resources

B. To get rid of stress

C. To overcome difficulties at work

D. To improve our knowledge


According to statistics

A. It’s very risky to travel by plane

B. Traveling by air is the most dangerous

C. Both trains and planes are equally safe kinds of transport

D. People are not interested in traveling




1. They transfer our baggage to the next plane. We _______________ carry it.

2. Passengers_____________ use portable telephones because they interfere with the planes’ electronic equipment.

3. Passengers _____________ smoke on the plane.

4. You _______________ take out travel insurance, but it’s a good idea.

5. This meeting is very important. We _____________be late.

6. We’ve got plenty of time. You ____________ hurry.

7. You_____________ return the car to the place you hired it. You can return it to another Hertz garage.

8. If you haven’t got an international license, you ____________ drive.

9. You __________ pay to drive on motorways in England.

10. We can buy a ticket at the station. We ____________ book in advance.



5 Fill in the blanks with the suitable words:


1. Whenever you want to go somewhere by plane you should ________ on a flight to your destination.

2. You may take a single, open return or _____________ ticket.

3. You may travel by first, business or _______________ class.

4. Before boarding the plane you should ___________ your luggage at a __________ desk.

5. At a check-in desk you are required to have your _____________ weighed.

6. A uniformed clerk attaches a special _________ to your luggage and gives you a ______

7. After checking-in your luggage will be put into the ____________ of the plane.

8. If your luggage weighs more than allowed, you are supposed to pay for the __________.

9. The announcer will announce when and at what ____________ your flight is boarding.

10. If often happens that a … on a flight is due to _____________ weather conditions.


6 Refresh the expressions:

How long does it take smb to get (go) to …? It takes smb … minutes to get there.


a Ask smb and let him (her) answer in accordance with the model. Use the words given below.




How long does it take you to … from … by plane?


the metro?






- It takes me ….


A – to the theatre, cinema, market, department store, museum, central park, nearest suburb, hotel, London, Paris.

B – from the office, University, metro, central avenue, central square, Kyiv, Odesa.

C – 20 minutes, an hour and a half, half an hour, about a quarter of an hour, not more than 15



7 Look at the plan of an airport terminal and complete the gaps in the directions below with a suitable preposition.

Turn left/right go straight on go past take the first turning on the left/right carry on/keep going until you get turn into to catch to give a lift go towards go across go round go through go into go out of

1. (At the entrance) Are there any cash dispensers here?

Yes, you go ______the post office and bank and they’re just on the right.


2. (At the cash dispenser) Is there anywhere I can post this letter?

If you go ________ the entrance there’s a letter box in the wall next to the Post Office.


3. (At the letter box) Excuse me, where can I get a trolley?

Go _______the terminal building and they’re just outside on your right.


4. (At the trolley park) Could you tell me where the Quantas check-in desk is, please?

Yes. Go_______the entrance and you’ll see lots of check-in desks in front of you. Quantas is the third one.


5. (At the Quantas check-in desk) Where are the telephones, please?

Go past passport control and ______ the café: they’re just on your right.


6. (In the café) Is there anywhere to get something to eat in the departure lounge?

Yes, there’s quite a big restaurant. When you’ve gone _______ passport control and security, go _______the lounge and you’ll see it.


7. (In the restaurant) Could you tell me where the toilets are?

Yes, go _______the back of the duty free area over there, and you’ll see them.


You have been living in Paris for 10 years. Suddenly you get to know that your former group mate had won a trip to Paris. You feel surprised and excited. But unfortunately you can’t visit her at the airport because of a very important business meeting. Advise your friend the best way of getting from the airport to your house. Use the phrases from the box above.




Work in pairs.

a Complete a short conversation as it showed in the models. Ask one another:


Model 1: A.: Did you have to travel much?

B.: Yes, I did. I travelled a lot. (No, I didn’t. I didn’t travel much.)

A.: So did I. (Neither did I.)


Model 2: A.: Did you have to travel much?

B.: Yes, I did. (No, I didn’t.)

B.: But I didn’t. (But I did.)


This what you want to know:


1) if your friend likes travelling by plane;

2) if he (she) travelled by air much;

3) where he (she) prefers to have a seat, in the rear or in the front part of the saloon;

4) if he (she) had to travel light;

5) if he (she) usually book a single or return ticket;

6) if he (she) feels airsick.



b Complete the sentences with the word phrases as it showed in the model. Say what is not allowed to do (to have) on board.


Model: Passengers are not allowed to make a noise on board.



- to have heavy luggage

- to smoke

- to unfasten belts when the plane is taking off or landing

- to speak with the pilot

- to have a weapon

- to take strong drinks

- to enter the cockpit

Peaceful overlooking



  Asking for advice Giving advice
  Can I ask your advice about something? What do you think I should do? Do you think I should do? What do you suggest I should do? Where do you suggest I should go on holiday? Could you help me arrange a flight to…? Could you give me some advice about travelling by air? What would you do in my position? What would you do if you were me? Do/Would you mind travelling? Can you recommend a good travel information? You should… You ought to leave for Italy. You shouldn’t… If I were you I’d travel to Paris. What you need is a nice travelling. Make sure (that) you take enough money for the tickets. The best thing is to… I would advise you to travel abroad. I suggest/I think you should refuse your friend’s invitation. You may not agree with me, but it might be a good idea if you put off the trip. I would book a ticket in advance if I were you. Perhaps it would be a good idea to fly to London. Don’t forget to pack your luggage. I think you’d better not go to Paris. I advise you to call for a travel agency. I don’t think you should… I advise you not to… Let me know… Let somebody do it. It’s good for you. Leave a message for him/her
Accepting advice Rejecting advice  
That seems like a good idea/advice, thank you. That’s a good idea, thanks. Yes, I think I’ll try that. Yes, of course/All right/I’m afraid/I cannot. Well, that’s certainly a possibility. Yes/Right, I’ll do/try that. Thanks. That’s not a good idea, I’m afraid. I’ve already tried that.  

Work in groups. Role-play.

Read and translate the text


We often get tired of the same surroundings and daily routine. Some relaxation is essential to restore our mental and physical resources. That is why the best place of relaxation is the one where you have never been before. And it is by means of travelling that you get to the place.

Travelling is one of the most fascinating pastimes. It’s always exciting. Seeing exotic places, faraway countries, meeting new people, getting acquainted with history, culture and traditions of different lands, getting a lot of impressions – what could be more interesting. That’s why travelling makes an essential part of a person’s education.

Modern life is impossible without travelling. Millions of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road. Travelling by air is very popular among people in Ukraine. Travelling by air is more convenient than by train because it saves your time considerably though it does not save your money. Distances more than 2000 km can now be covered by modern passenger planes on non-stop flights without landing to refuel. Every kind of transport is dangerous in its own way. Statistics shows that travelling by air is as safe as travelling by train. Ukraine does a lot of things to provide the high safety for all flights in the airspace over the country.


Majority of aircraft is equipped with TCAS system and it gives pilots more assurance during flight. The introduction of the RVSM gives the ATC unit an excellent opportunity to increase flight capacity thanks to upgrade equipment on board and on the ground.

In Ukraine most flights are international. English is the international language of the air. All pilots have to speak English so that the other pilots and air traffic controllers can understand them. So, when a French plane lands in Denmark, the pilot and the air traffic controllers will talk to each other in English. English is also a very useful language for the air passengers. All check-in clerks must speak English and all announcements of planes must be given in English.

I travelled by air three years ago when I was on holiday in Crimea. I booked a ticket in advance. On the appointed day after packing my luggage I proceeded to the airport by bus.

In the hall of the airport there were a lot of people waiting for boarding the plane. Before boarding the plane the passengers must register at the airport. When registering the passenger is required to have his luggage weighed after which the attendant attaches a special tag to it to prevent it from getting lost. Each passenger is allowed twenty kilograms of luggage free of charge. There is no need to worry about your suitcase, it will be looked after.

The registration stopped half an hour before the time of take-off. Soon the passengers were invited to take their places.

I said good-bye to my friends who came to see me off and with the other passengers went to a special bus which took us to the plane. On board the stewardess helped everyone get comfortable in the reclining seats adjustable to four positions.

In less time than it takes to tell the plane taxied down the field to face the wind. Very soon the plane took- off. During the flight we got information of the altitude, speed, the weather and distance covered.




Discuss these questions in pairs. Then compare your answers with a partner.

  1. How often do you travel by air, rail, road or sea?
  2. Put the following in order of importance to you when you travel:

comfort safety price reliability speed

  1. Have you ever travelled by air? When was it?
  2. What problems sometimes happen at the airports?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by air?
  4. How did you feel yourself when you first travelled by plane?




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