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Define the part of speech of the following words. Use the letters N – noun; Adj. – adjective; V – verb; Adv. - adverb.Содержание книги
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2. Fill in blanks transforming the words in brackets: 1. The street was so _______ that Janet slipped and hurt her leg. (ice) 2. To his great _______, Jim was not selected for his country's swimming team. (disappoint) 3. Many people think that television is the cause of increasing _______ in modern society. (violent) 4. Mrs. Jones was not _______ with the hotel so she decided to complain to the manager. (satisfy) 5. Andrew improved his _______ of the world during the year he spent travelling. (know) 6. The _______ of the fire was welcome after our long journey through the snow. (warm) 7. Peter blamed his failure on his own _______. (stupid) 8. The explorers walked slowly into the forest, advancing very _______. (caution) 9. It always seems _______ to throw good food away. (waste) 10. I think William would make a good sports teacher, because he is so _______. (energy)
Form new words with the help of suitable suffixes or prefixes.
Choose the correct word for each sentence. 1. His daughter's success gave him great.... a) satisfied b) satisfaction c) satisfactory d) dissatisfaction
2. It's... to speak to him; he's very stubborn. a) useful b) use c) useless d) user
3. Telescopes are very... instruments. a) sensible b) sensitive c) senseless d) sensational
4. That law is not... in this case. a) applicable b) application c) applied d) applicant
5. She's a very... secretary. a) effective b) effectiveness c) efficient d) effectively
Test 2 For each of the questions choose the one correct answer. 1. Long is an adjective. What is the related verb? a. longing b. lengthen c. longthen d. longering 2.What is the opposite of 'resistible'? a. unresistible b. irresistible c. disresistible d. inresistible
3.What is the opposite of ‘patient’? a. impatient b. inpatient c. unpatient d. dispatient 4. ‘Safe’ is an adjective, what is its related noun? a. safely b. safer c. safety d. safeness
5.What is the opposite of ‘tolerant’? a. imtolerant b. untolerant c. distolerant d. intolerant
6.What's the opposite of 'perfect'? a. unperfect b. inperfect c. imperfect d. deperfect 7. Which form of ‘walk’ starts this sentence? "________ is good for you." a. To walk b. Walk c. Walking d. Walked
8. Make a new word from ‘economy’ to fill the space. "My new car is more ________ than my last one." a. economical b. economic c. economise d. economics
9. The Internet is an amazing ________. a. invent b. inventor c. invention d. inventive
10. What is a synonym of rude? a. inpolite b. dispolite c. unpolite d. impolite
11. Which word doesn’t make a word with -able? e.g. countable a. help b. understand
c. rely d. respect 12. Which of the following adjectives ending in - ful doesn’t exist? a. painful b. beautiful c. funful d. fruitful
13. The following are all negative adjectives with un-. Which should be dis-? a. untidy b. unhonest c. unsociable d. unreliable
Bibliography 1. Долинская Л.Д., Киткова Н.Г. Английский язык без словаря. М.: Издательство МГУ, 1997. – 192 с. 2. Зыкова И.В. Практический курс лексикологии. М.: Издательский центр “Академия”, 2006. – 288 с. 3. Царёв П.В. Производные слова в английском языке. М.: Издательство МГУ, 1977. – С 4. Хоменко С.А., Скалабан В.Ф., Ковшик Н.Е., Гресь А.И. Тесты по английскому языку для студентов технических вузов. Мн.: Амалфея, 2003. – 240 с. 5. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Upstream. Express Publishing, 2006 – 166 p. 6. Flower John. Start Building your vocabulary. Elementary / Флауэр Д. Начинаем изучать английские слова. – Обнинск: Титул, 2001. – 96 с. 7. Flower J., Berman M., Powell M. Build Your Vocabulary 2. Intermediate / Флауэр Д., Берман М., Пауэл М., Изучаем английские слова. Кн. 2: Учебное пособие. – Обнинск: Титул, 2001. – 96 с. 8. Michael Vince, Paul Emmerson. First Certificate Language Practice. Macmillan, 2003. 9. Stuart Redman. English Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge University Press, 1997. – 270 p. 10. www.teachingenglish.org.uk
Contents Пояснительная записка 3 Introduction 4
Unit 1. Noun suffixes 5
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