A. Read the dialogue between Ann and Steve who are discussing the British system of education and finish the sentences. 

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A. Read the dialogue between Ann and Steve who are discussing the British system of education and finish the sentences.

1. The programme at a college isn't as....2. The work of a tutor

consists in.... 3. A student who has completed his/her studies at

a university or college and got a degree is called a.... 4. If you get to

a residential college, you will most probably live in.... 5. If you want

to combine work and studies, it is advisable for you to.... 6. If you'd

like to spend more time with other students and have some time, then

it's a good idea to....

Ann: Hello, Steve. Have you got a minute?

Steve: Sure, yes. What can I do for you?

Ann: I've read a number of books on the British system of education but I can't make head or tail of it.

Steve: Mm... no wonder. What's the problem?

Ann: Quite a lot of problems. What I want to discuss is the difference between a university and a college.

Steve: It's like this, you see... The programme is different. At a university it is much wider. Great attention is paid to scientific subjects.

Ann: It sounds as though most people preferred a university.

Steve: Well... that rather depends.

Ann: Speaking about universities I'm not quite clear about tutorials there. What is a tutorial exactly?

Steve: I guess you know that university teaching combines lectures given by professors, readers or lecturers, practical classes and seminars or tutorials. And a tutorial is when students discuss topics with a tutor in very small groups — usually there are not more than three or more students and sometimes only one. A tutor plans his students' work, suggests the books that a student should read and sets work for him.

Ann: I see... And I still can't see the difference between graduates,

undergraduates... Steve: That's simple. Undergraduates are students working for their first degree at university. When they take their degree, they graduate from university and then they are called graduates. If they continue studying at university after they have graduated, they are called post-graduates.

Ann: And coming back to colleges... I'm still not sure what a residential college is.

Steve: Erm... It's a college with a hall of residence on the same grounds as the principle building. In fact, all the students live in a hall.

Ann: Really? And what about the teaching staff?

Steve: Actually the majority of the teaching staff live there, too. But there are also quite a lot of non-residential colleges.

Ann: And you studied at college?

Steve: Yes...

Ann: I'd like to find myself in college. What was it like being a student?

Steve: Well... you can become either a full-time or a part-time student. Full-time college students spend all their time studying and have no other employment. Over a third of all full-time students are living in colleges and hostels. They have three terms of about ten weeks in each year. Examinations are held at the end of each term. Students have the vacations between the terms. Other students who work during the day and study in the evening are part-time students.

Ann: It seems as if being a student wasn't easy.

Steve: Don't get discouraged. It's also great fun. Students spend a lot of time together. We had students' societies and clubs, for example. They are for those interested in drama, music, politics, modern languages, science...

Ann: Ah... that's worth knowing.

Steve: And what I'd like to add is that students themselves organise all those clubs and societies. There is usually a Students' Council or Union.

Ann: Well, Steve. Thanks very much. You've been most helpful.

B. Find in the dialogue English equivalents to the word combi­nations:

консультация, встреча с руководителем (в колледже или универ­ситете); практические занятия; лектор (2 words); студент (2 words); выпускник; аспирант; общежитие (2 words); колледж, предостав­ляющий общежитие; колледж, не имеющий своего общежития; 1) диплом, 2) ученая степень; преподавательский состав; студент

дневного отделения; студент заочного отделения; каникулы; сту­денческое общество; студенческий совет.


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