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A. How did you bring the idea to life? Explain your communications strategy, including your media strategy, and the rationale behind your channel choices.Содержание книги
Поиск на нашем сайте Describe and provide rationale for your communications strategy that brings the idea to life, as borne from the insights and strategic challenge described above. How did your creative and media strategies work together to reach your specific audience? How did you link the insight to the channel choices and how does that play out in the strategy to bring the idea to life? Explain your media strategy and why the channel choices were right for your audience and idea. Did your communications strategy change over time? If so, how?
The cooperation on real sales provides the possibility to turn off the distortion and manipulation with data, reflects the business-efficiency of conducted campaigns. On the other hand it required deep yearly planning, the predefining of the information access zones for transparency of revenue visibility and higher engagement of Foxtrot team into the integration of performance solutions. For campaign’s realization was chosed a flexible Agile-based methodology of projects’ realization – Scrum и HADI [1] циклов. First of all the team was formed inside the agency, which activity was concentrated on the Foxtrot project only. It gives the opportunity to concentrate the project manager, SEO specialists, context managers, analysts and editors on one client and their business processes and thus exclude the prioritization of projects.
Communication of Foxtrot teams and agency was based on 4 main principles:
Openess. Foxtrot gives access to its online store CMS base, where you can see “successful” real orders from a commercial channels’ perspective, which gives the opportunity to build the customer’ purchase funnel on the basis of sales data. The agency shows all its internal processes, providing complete access to its system of JIRA projects’ management, where you can see the targets and the progress of every specialist. Flexibility. The annual strategy was deemed as an annual detailed target. It was set that the strategy correction will be performed monthly due to the dynamics of new input appearance ● Internal (budget change, teams’ working capacity, the products’ range change) ● External (market dynamics, competitors’ activity, the change of search engines’ working algorithms) Focus. All campaigns are optimized on the basis of business rates – the actual revenue and ROMI. The data of Google Analytics, the visibility of the website in search engines are used and complementary quality grades of the quality of performed tasks. Partnership. Foxtrot takes an active part in the project’s management. It takes part in a monthly planning, weekly statuses, it performs the stated obligations on delivering the goal in content amounts’ management and technical statements’ implementation.
The project’s management was divided into 2 parts: planning and realization.
During the planning part the main revenue channels were defined: ● Organic traffic (seo) ● Contextual website advertising (Google \ Yandex) ● Price aggregators, CPA and RTB networks ● SMM ● Email mailing lists ● Direct and referral traffic (media companies) In order to exclude the possibility of data overlapping and duplicating, the agency has designed a yearly prognosis for all the website’s traffic channels. The judgemental forecast has envisaged the turnover of 477 million UAH for the period from April, 1, 2016 to March, 31, 2017. The agency hasn’t influenced the mailing lists, SMM campaigns, direct and referral traffic. These campaigns were set separately. Nevertheless during the designing process the interplay of all channels, used for traffic attraction, and overflow from one channel to another were taken into account. The turnover basis, which equals 345 million UAH, was the organic traffic (SEO), the search content, price aggregators, CPA,RTB networks – everything which was in the agency’s jurisdiction.
With the view of making more accurate prognosis, the data for the last 5 years have been used (traffic, turnover, UPT coefficient, conversions, seasonality, on-call sales, orders’ cancellation) along with the planned optimization coefficients for the following year (conversion, traffic, UPT coefficient). At the end the econometric turnover model was designed, where it is possible to follow all the crucial point for optimization and risks in case of default of performance.
On the basis of the optimization results of the previous month the monthly goals on ROMI and revenue were set during the realization stage. The optimization process itself was based on the HADI methodology.
Iteration cyclic process consisted of 4 stages (the example – May,2016). Taking into account the April’s results the revenue for May was planned on the level 9 777 858 UAH., ROMI - 615%. There were hypothesis designed for the performance indicators’ increase.
By means of the planned actions and implemented hypotheses the revenue in May comprised 11 112 219 UAH, ROMI – 779%
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