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Text 3. Treatment of CriminalsСодержание книги
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I. Read and translate the text. In the XIX century society turned its attention to punishment. As a result, several approaches to the treatment of criminals were offered by scientists. According to Bentham's approach, the pain of punishment must be bigger than the pleasure of success in crime. There were fixed punishments for each class of crime. The neoclassical approach rejected fixed punishments. According to this approach, offenders should be punished differently for the same crime. Children should be punished less severely than adults. Insane people should have limited responsibility for their offences. The preventive approach focuses on the prevention of crime. It stresses such measures as birth control, censorship, upbringing and others. The modern approach focuses on individual treatment, especially of juvenile delinquents. In general, people are beginning to realize that the efforts of the police and the courts are not enough to solve the crime problem. The help of the community is needed. II. Questions to be answered. 1. What problems did society turn its attention to in the XIX century? 2. What theories and approaches appeared as a result? 3. What is the essence of Bentham’s approach? 4. What is characteristic of the neoclassical approach? 5. What is the main point of difference between Bentham's approach and the neoclassical approach? 6. What does the preventive approach stress? 7. What does the modern approach focus on? 8. What category of people is paid special attention to in the modern approach? 9. Whose help, apart from the efforts of the police, is needed in solving the crime problem? Lesson 6. Law-Enforcement Bodies. Freedom of Speech Text 1. The British Police I. Read and translate the text. Police is an agency that is responsible for keeping law and order. The first organised police force in Great Britain appeared in 1829. It was called the London Metropolitan Police and was established by Sir Robert Peel. The London Police became a model for other police forces all over the world. The chief of a police force in Great Britain is called Chief Constable. The lowest rank is that of Constable. Women make up about 10% of the police force. The police are helped by Special Constables - members of the public who work for the police voluntarily for a few hours a week, Normally, policemen in Britain do not carry guns, but they can use arms in terrorist attacks, armed robberies and other cases with the permission of a magistrate. Each police force has its own Criminal Investigation Department (CID). One of the main functions of criminal police is to detect and apprehend criminals. II. Questions to be answered. 1. What is police responsible for? 2. Where and when was the first organised police force formed? 3. Who was it established by? 4. What influence did the British police have on the police forces of other 5. What is the highest police rank? 6. What is the lowest rank? 7. What part of the police is constituted by women? 8. Are policemen in Great Britain allowed to carry guns? 9. In what cases can they use guns? 10. What is one of the main functions of criminal police?
Text 2. Police Discipline I. Read and translate the text. If a police officer breaks the Police Discipline Code, he may be dismissed from the force. In England and Wales, a special committee investigates the complaints made by the public against police officers. The police work in close contact with the public. Special attention is paid to young people and ethnic minorities. Women are also involved in the police service. II. Questions to be answered. 1. What may happen to a police officer if he breaks the disciplinary code? 2. Can the public make complaints against police officers? 3. Where are the complaints investigated? 4. What categories of people do the police pay special attention to? Text 3. Police Techniques
I. Read and translate the text. The police is helped in its work by the Forensic Science Service. The Service provides the police with the results of the investigation of material evidence, such as blood, semen, hair roots or tissue. It is called DNA profiling. Besides, it provides advice on firearms used in the crime. It also offers training to overseas scientists. The Forensic Science Service is computerised and well-equipped. II. Questions to be answered. 1. What service is the police assisted by? 2. What technologies does the Forensic Science Service use? 3. What services does it offer to investigators and overseas scientists? 4. Is the Forensic Science Service well-equipped?
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