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The Development and Change of the Semantic Structure of the Word


1. The development and change of the semantic structure of the word. Causes of the semantic change.

2. The main semantic processes of the development and change of word meaning:

a) specialization,

b) generalization,

c) elevation,

d) degradation,

e) metaphor,

f) metonymy.

3. Other types of the semantic change.


7. Arnold I.V. The English Word. M., 1986, pp. 71-76, 60-71

8. Antrushina G.B. and others. English Lexicology. M., 2000, pp. 147-160, 279-280.

9. Ginzburg R.S. and others. M, 1979, pp. 28-29, 30-33.

10. Zykova I.V. A Practical Course in English Lexicology. M., 2006, pp. 27-29.

11. Бабич Г.Н. Lexicology: A Current Guide. M., 2012, pp. 65 - 70

12. Арнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка., М. 2012. Стр. 58 - 82

Practical Tasks

1. Antrushina G.B. and others. English Lexicology. M., 2000, pp. 160-165, ex. 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10 (1 word).

  1. Zykova I. V. ex. 4, 5, 6, 7 pp. 36-37


Learn the definitions of the following terms and get ready for the terminology test.

  1. specialization of meaning
  2. generalization of meaning
  3. elevation of meaning
  4. degradation (degeneration) of meaning
  5. metaphor
  6. metonymy



Tutorial 2

General Revision

  1. Revision.
  2. Progress test 2



Final Test

1. Theoretical question

2. Practical task

3. Terms



  1. Lexicology as a branch of Linguistics. Different branches of Lexicology.
  2. The word as the basic unit of language and the subject-matter of Lexicology.
  3. The volume of the English vocabulary and its use, the changes in the vocabulary and their causes.
  4. The systematic character of the English vocabulary. The problem of classifying English words.
  5. The notion of Etymology. The etymological background of the English vocabulary.
  6. The native element. Main groups of native words in English.
  7. The role of borrowings in the English vocabulary. Main groups of loan words in English.
  8. Assimilation of borrowings, types of assimilation, degree of assimilation.
  9. Translation loans and semantic borrowings. Folk etymology.
  10. Etymological doublets and international words in English.

11. The morphological structure of English words. Morphemes. Types of morphemes in English. Main structural types of English words.

  1. The morphological analysis of English words: levels of the morphological analysis: morphemic and derivational; the method of Immediate and Ultimate Constituents,
  2. Affixation in English. Types of derivational affixes and their classification. Polysemy, homonymy and synonymy of affixes.

14. Conversion. Semantic relations within a conversion pair.

15. Composition. Different types of compounds in English. The criteria of distinguishing compounds from word combinations.

  1. Shortening in English. Clipping, abbreviation, ellipsis.
  2. Minor types of word-building in English: back-formation (back-derivation, reversion), blending (telescoping), reduplication, sound imitation, sound interchange, distinctive stress. Mixed types of word-building in Modern English.
  3. Semasiology. The word and its meaning. The main approaches to the problem of word meaning.
  4. Types of word meaning. The semantic structure of the word. Types of lexical meaning.
  5. Motivation. Types of motivation. Degrees of motivation.
  6. Polysemy in English and its causes. Lexico-semantic variants. The semantic structure of a polysemantic word.

Semantic analysis: lexico-semantic, componential, contextual.

  1. The development and change of the semantic structure of the word. Causes of the semantic change.
  2. The main semantic processes of the development and change of word meaning:

а) specialization, b) generalization, c) elevation, d) degradation.

25. Lexical metaphor and metonymy.



Seminar 1

Homonymy in English


  1. The definition of homonyms.
  2. Causes of homonymy. Sources of homonyms.
  3. Classifications of homonyms.
  4. The problem of homonymy and polysemy.


  1. Arnold I.V. The English Word. M., 1986, pp. 182-194.
  2. Ginzburg R.S. and others. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. M., 1979, pp. 39-46.
  3. Antrushina G.B. and others. English Lexicology. M., 2000, pp. 166-175
  4. Zykova I.V. A Practical Course in English Lexicology. M., 2006, pp. 33-35, 39-43.
  5. Lectures.

Practical Tasks

  1. Antrushina G.B. and others. English Lexicology. M., 2000, pp. 176-179, ex. 2-5; pp.181-182, ex. 7, 8.
  2. Laboratory Work #10, pp.12-13.

3. Zykova I.V. A Practical Course in English Lexicology. Ex. 10, 11 pp. 38


Learn the definitions of the following terms and get ready for the terminology test.

1. homonyms

2. perfect homonyms, or homonyms proper

3. homophones

4. homographs

5. full homonyms

6. partial homonyms

7. lexical homonyms

8. lexico-grammatical homonyms

9. grammatical homonyms

10. simple homonyms

11. complex homonyms




Seminar 2


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